
indoor edition
part II

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Cool another dog shit ylyl thread.

this is the dumbest image i have ever seen

i hope you pull a muscle in your lower back or slip a disk

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Pls stop fucking posting you goddamn a shithead

struck a nerve faggot?

Go suck a black dick Jew.

Yea my unfunny never you stupid nigger

Gargle semen

>my unfunny never you
writing is hard isn't it? :(

Oh no I made a grammatical error because my phone that costs more than your apartment autocorrected a word

Stop posting: this isn't a cringe thread.

Attached: 1577936653812.jpg (600x400, 65K)

Join this porn filled discord for the ultimate shitposting experience

Discord link: .gg/ironic


then steal a better phone nigger.

Keep having a shit sense of humor with your unfunny memes, children.

real question:
are you one of those rare black jews?

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Lmao haha kek rofl

trips of truth:
i'll take that as confirmation.


samefag af

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I laughed too hard at this.
I must be drunker than I thought.

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I hope everyone that posted a pic to this thread thinking it was funny dies in a violent car accident tomorrow. Sup Forums is shit now that you newfag coom swallowers invaded it.

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It's from Star Wars V and has nothing to do with jew jew boi, are you retarded?

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Anyone got the oh god bill orc invasion?

did i say they had anything to do with each other?
are you black? is that why you can't think?

Who the fuck is posting this gay shit?
Are we being raided by twitter?

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Or because you’re used to typing in hebrew

>complains about other peoples pics
>Precedes to post a shit tier meme

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was that old ass pic supposed to be funny?
I honestly though you were just a faggot posting pics you knew were not funny... just to fuck with this site.
It is almost funny that you think it's funny.

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What's funny is how salty you are over a Vietnamese image board, get a life bro
>Inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded

Put some good shit in

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>pretending to be retarded
There's a retard who lives in town
He always says that.
Ok, that really did make my day. Your stupid excuse for a funny thread has my blessing
As I always say to Jimbo: you do you. God speed, you fucking retard.

I showed this to my wife and she divorced me ;(


listen here Sebastian Sommer, you're not allowed on Sup Forums unless you're 18.
go shill your stupid videotech project somewhere else.

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Nice digits

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Underrated Post KEK

Shut up you samefagging faggot

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