What up conservacucks?

What up conservacucks?
How does it feel knowing that after our hero Pelosi and the house put Trump on a path to the motherfucking electric chair. He’ll have to play his game carefully as even a minor stumble will certainly end in his brain being fried. Playing perfectly will allow him to avoid his death, but let’s be honest. He’s not capable or intellectually deft enough to make it.
It was a good run fascists but we have won again.

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Definitely real thread and not cringeposting by some retard conservative.

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Fucking this. Are you faggots this insecure?

>the right can't meme

If you give the president the death penalty for an offense that doesn’t warrant it normally but because you want to punish all conservatives, you WILL kick off the second civil war and you are insane if you think the military is more pro-democrat

OP needs to quit eating his own cum and check back into reality.

Don't you retards realize this movie was made to criticize the very institutions you wish to support?

As a Democrat, I hate to use this word, but here, the situation demands it. OP IS A TREMENDOUS FAGGOT, and would do us all a favor if he stopped his cockamamie political shitposting and whet back to sucking his micropenis

Sorry faggot, low quality bait. Kys

Pelosi is no hero. She's a cheap whore who works for the same people the Republicans do.

what film

Lazy bait

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Is there any chance at all that the death penalty could be commuted to life in Supermax or Guantanamo Bay?

What the fuck are you even talking about? Is this what you masturbate to?

Everyone knows he is going to win 2020. Then we can finally purge you degenerates and actually have a species again.

Can I buy some pot from you OP? Cause you are smoking the kind of shit that makes you stupid.


He can’t be elected if he’s been electrocuted.
Electrocute Trump in 2020.

Between electrocuted Trump and dementia ridden Joe Biden - Trump would still most likely win.

Even though his posthumous vote would most likely go for Joe.

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He's not going to send it to the senate because she knows it will go down in flames. Getting a 2/3 majority is impossible. Its just a tactic to try and smear trump.

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The sheer idea that Putin would even be intimidated by a skinny 1/2 nigger hawaiian.

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posting haha so others will see this dumb shit and get a haha out of it as well. haha

Last time i checked jews are bi-partisan

IT WAS HER TURN!!!!!!!!!!

Shill harder whiny leftists, it will make your tsunami of tears this November all that funnier.

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well she did get 3 million more votes

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wow greentexting
can't believe faggots still do this

Hahahahaha, democrats, the pedophile party, you think Trump is in trouble, I don't know why but the word stupid just appeared in 13 different languages in my head... just to describe you lot.

ok boomer

U kiss alot of penis don't ya? Could it be that you ate a great deal of lead paint when the snoz berries tasted like snoz berries? Get a life man.