I'm so tired of the pain. I can't let go of the fact my wife cheated on my for the first 7 years of our relationship...

I'm so tired of the pain. I can't let go of the fact my wife cheated on my for the first 7 years of our relationship, from dating to marriage, with an ex. I can't let go of the fact the last time I caught her she was sending hundreds of dollars to him. I can't let go of the fact that I gave up then and hooked up with a co-worker, and all that was on her mind was the fact she got hurt for once, fuck all she did to me, from cheating to mental and physical abuse. I hate that she's spent the last year and a half trying to "make things right" and prove she wants us to work. I hate that I can't believe her on it, because I can't even bring myself to touch her phone any more, for fear of finding she's been lying again. I hate that her solution to prove herself was to delete all her social media. What fucking person has to lock themselves away from the world to be good to their partner? I hate that I started talking to another chick and was fucking dumb enough to trust her and open up to her and fall for her. I hate that I let my walls down for her. I hate that her family found out, nearly disowned her, and now she just wants to be friends and nothing more. I hate that I'm borderline leaving my wife, and was fully ready to commit to this other chick. Most of all I hate that I'm such a shitty fucking person that I let my guard down for anyone. I just want the pain to end.

Attached: fuck.png (735x521, 600K)

Kill her then kill urself.
Problem solved.

Sounds like a dope idea

First of all u need to figure out why cheating is bad. Is it bad Cuz your religion told u so???

Don't follow any religion tbh. Have a shit mentality of expecting the same loyalty and respect I give. Guess I need to lower my fuckin standards. But I'm no cuck either. Fuck that shit.

Honestly u sound like a retard. U couldn't even answer a simple question.

This idea only benefits everyone. You rid yourself of the pain. That bitch gets what she deserves, less cheating whores in the world, and we benefit by you guys fucking off. Do it!

Cool story bruh

That was my thought process, thx for confirming twas accurate

Murder suicide, and do the kids first in front of her, she needs to see what shes done

She got away with it for seven years before you caught on? You might be a bit simple.

ok can you quit rambling and explain this without being a fag?

Wtf dude. Don't be a cuckold. Divorce your bitch wife right now and move on.

>u sound like a retard
You're the retard. Neck yourself zoomer.

fuck man, that really sucks. sounds like your wife has a major personality issue. you should 100% GTFO.

going through something a little similar. found out my wife had been cheating on me with her boss.i found out the first week of december, and we tried to put shit back together. i found out 2 days before christmas it was still going on, and about fucking left there and then.
we agree to just be friends etc
2 days ago she comes to me all sad, asking if i still care about her, tells me she loves me, storms off when i don't engage and say it back
went and looked at her phone, first thing i saw was her having some sort of spat with that same fucking guy.

told her to fuck off again, that i'm not her backup and she cries and tells me that it's not what it looks like, that that was how she was breaking it off with him, she'll do anything, i can check her shit anytime but it's like i don't trust her at all, and really don't want to be with someone that i have to monitor to have trust in.

fuck that.

Sadly no kids to add to that fun
Nah, I knew from the get go. I was too much of a pussy to do shit about it.
Without being a fag, tl;dr:
>Wife has cheated on me for most of our relationship
>I'm a pussy and kept accepting her apology, believing she'd change
>I gave up and cheated on her
>She got butthurt, made my pussy ass feel bad for it
>She's spent this last year and a half or so trying to make things right
>I'm fucking numb to it
>Started talking to another chick
>My dumbass trusted new chick, fell for her
>6 months down the line, she breaks it off because her parents found out I'm married, they aren't happy about it, disowned her, shit I'm not worth losing family over so whatever

Big TL;DR -
I'm a fucking emotional wreck with a shitty past and can't find my nuts to leave my wife and give up on relationships.

Solid advice, probably the actual plan
.I admire your ability to shut it down. I need to. It eats at me that I've invested so much in to this relationship for so long. Emotionally, monetarily, etc. And to just throw it all away. I fucking hate it man. Has she legit tried to make shit right? Far as I know yeah, but I also don't touch any of her shit, because like you said, fuck that monitoring bullshit. We're fucking adults, should just be able to trust each other. I dunno.

You're codependent. Get to know who you are and learn to love yourself and be happy, then you will find your dream girl. Good luck, user!

Bail on the dysfunctional one and talk to the new girl as friends for a few months or so, until you’re not so paranoid and cynical that you’ll drive her crazy too. She sounds nice

Jesus dude, get the fuck over it. You should be asking yourself why you define your life through the validation of women. You should be living your life. All women cheat to some degree whether flirting or fucking - women don’t know better, they are fuck animals. You on the other hand know better, so stop being some estrogen filled numale fuck bio. Why don’t you go lift some weights or something.

here. 11 years together. 5 married.
she doesn't respect you, she is just comfortable with her life with you, same as my bitch. mine doesn't want me to leave because then she'll have no money to blow on shoes and shit. i think she wants me around to help financially and for when this relationship with her married boss implodes in her face.
when that happens she's gonna get canned, and god help her if i'm not there to pay the bills.

it's insulting.

seriously, get out.

Is it sad to say deep down I know this to be true? And yet still struggle to flip shit around proper
She's been nice so far. And you're right of course. Just a matter of pulling my own dysfunctional self together enough to pull this off.
Basically yeah. Need to get my ass back in a gym and quit giving a fuck again. Almost made it, before the last time I caught the wife cheating again and went crash course in to cheating myself. Shit turned me back in to being a pussy. Talking to the new chick made it a shit load worse.