Tech gore thread

Tech gore thread

>Pic related, a Roomba I picked up fix.

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wow, they couldn't seal it up and prevent that? shameful.

Great idea for a thread. Sadly got nothing to contribute.

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I can dump some pc gore, some good some shitty but still a bump

This is some premium chinesium stuff right there

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I'm not going to sleep tonight.

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what in tarnation

TF, were you trying to Mill vibranium

stop user you are a monster

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now how in the fuck did you manage to do that

what's wrong here? the little lamps? a nigga gotta see though

I've got some. Also some automotive stuff

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those were just hand bend.
>No damage to tips
>The ones that have damage on tips are twisted

comone had fun with a pair of channelocks

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Nice cable management

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poor horsey

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What the fuck? Also horrible res

Fucking revolting

oh nice of you to drop by.

plz find the malfunction and get the factory running again within the hour

what do you mean diagrams?
aren't you the expert?

Can someone explain to a non-horsefag what’s happening here?

lost. lost hard.

just drop a can of expanding foam in it....

That's some feral stuff

I'm no expert but it looks like the hoof continued to grow around an old horseshoe and then someone put like 30 nails in to hold on another shoe under that.

some nigger used way too long nails to put the horseshoes on the horse, and it also seems he used way too many nails


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It's called "stacking" or "big lick". They do it for Tennessee Walkers and gaited breeds. Basically they nail platform shoes made of actual lead to the horse's feet to make them walk like a cat wearing shoes because "IT LOOKS SO PRETTY".

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holy shit.

was this... soldered?

Wtf Al?

>> 817600000
all Hail

a lightning is about to strike

I know this because my wife is an autistic FFA horse girl and has owned and been around horses her entire life.

Welded. They tried to lock their diff by welding it but had no idea how cogs works.

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you nigger

Looks like my pc. No dust though, but wide open. I have to use compressed air to start the cpu fan, keeps it clean.

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Welded the ring and pinion instead of the spider gears, funny people can be this dumb.

I raise you

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Google images has a plethora of examples, an this guy ended up somehow fucking it up lol

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Where are you niggers

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best comment ever!

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Maybe its a dwarf
Or a baby

A trijicon on a sks WTF why!?!?

For Hot water? I seen something similar in Thailand


Are you in Brisbane?

I want them to try to drive this.

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This has to be a troll

Ahh the redditer classic

Wtf am I looking at here

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Somebody must of dropped a bolt down the intake and it found it's way into the combustion chamber

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looks like something an ex wife would do

found in my cum bin 2 year later to clean it cause it smelled way too strong

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i lost, this is so brutal, imagine having to do an install with this

I don't see the problem. A couple of bent fins?

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>found in my cum bin
Ah yes, as we all normally do

working it ive sooo many computers that actually look like this it doesnt phase me that much anymore