New federal law requires everyone to be over 21 to buy tobacco and vaping products. Ways around this?

New federal law requires everyone to be over 21 to buy tobacco and vaping products. Ways around this?

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Be over 21 or suck a dick for free.

vaping is kinda gay fam government is doing you a favor

1. Be 21
2. Get a friend or dealer if you are under 21.
3. Vote those who pass nanny-state faggotry-laws out of office.

While we all know option 3 is the ideal, it is unrealistic. So either choose deal with 1 or 2.

Lie about your age?
What was previous age?

stop being underage

previous age was 18.
>19 addicted to nicotine
>im fucked

>guns don't kill people, but apparently tobacco and e-cigs do
But I thought you wanted this level of gov't control.

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Most places scan ID's. I don't get carded at the local drive in but a lot of places do it regardless of appearance. Absurdly enough, I watched as an 82 year old woman get carded.

Indian reservations don't listen to tobacco laws in Canada, try one of those if you live near one.

Smoke weed instead, either way it's illegal for you but weed at least makes you hungry and sleepy for a few hours.


Bullets moving at very high speed kills people

I don't think the law applies to you, then. You can be grandfathered in. Its for anybody just turning 18, who are edgy faggots anyway for thinking smoking as a kid made them cool

Get into an argument with the cashier.

Do what 14 years olds do. The law never stopped them, demonstrating the stupidity of the change.

Stop being a weak minded chemically dependent faggot and quit using nicotine

be older than 21

New law also bans all flavors but tobacco and menthol.

Here we go

>"The law will go into effect on September 1st of this year. There is a 'grandfather clause' in the bill, allowing anyone born before August 31, 2001 to smoke; but if you were born after that date, you will have to wait until you turn 21."

Thats texas, but check if your state has similar exemptions

>republican taking away freedoms
Wow, never saw it coming. /s

Go to any gas station that sells to underage kids. Pakis will sell to 12 year Olds, they don't give a fuck.