What the fuck is wrong with people that think rape should be legal? Why is this even a thing?

What the fuck is wrong with people that think rape should be legal? Why is this even a thing?

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bait, saged

Read the FAQ sagebomb fag

Should everybody live by a Bible that u don't live by?

This is literally one half of Islam. The other half deals with testing the laws of gravity on faggots like you.

Would-be rapists think rape should be legal because it would benefit them. Dumbass.

Most of the people who support that are probably trolling, the ones who actually believe it are idiots; ignore them.

Of course it should be legal, women enjoy it.

yup, just like potheads think weed should be legal.

He's right you know?

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Rape is what beta males do.
Alphas can get a woman to not only spread their pussy willingly, they will buy him dinner just on the promise he will pound her snatch later.

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What's your point?

if it weren't for this, we wouldn't exist as a species

>implying the existence of rungs on the evolutionary ladder were meant for descending.


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>Earned the right

Genetics: What am I to you?


Trolling has went from small packs of retards to entire swaths of the internet.
They take fringe ideal like far left and right ideals and ironically promote them on an almost global level.
The world is full of retards who are ready to believe anything.

Jasper is based and redpilled as FUCK

Jasper is a furry. His mind is already corrupted and denatured. Discard any opinion he has.

Please disregard anything I said about jasper being based and redpilled. I was ignorant

Might make right people aren't know for intelligence tbh.

Wow same thing happened with land grabbing so rape is okay for white INBREEDS and kikes


you're on the wrong website. Fuck off back to facebook. This is the shithole of the internet.