My dad watches TV then subliminally acts it out irl. Like after cops he'll be more aggressive and generally an asshole...

My dad watches TV then subliminally acts it out irl. Like after cops he'll be more aggressive and generally an asshole. After a 3 hour binge of intervention he saw little like seeds or someshit on his dash and pulled me and my sister out at 6am on a Saturday and made us stand there until one of us fessed to making the "weed bits". Anyway what do I do about this bbros? I've plainly told him about it but he denies it so that doesn't work.

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Sure thing kiddo.

your dad is an actual laper, I can't stop laughing

He has Aspergs

The tv makes ur dad amped

You're not supposed to say when you sage someone, asshole.

STFU asshole

show him a movie with incest so he rapes your sister

This is excellent OP. A wonderful mental image.

>Admitting you're underage
See ya kid

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All TV is a form of mind control and the sexification of television is to keep the mind in a constant state of arousal this opens the mind to programming and control. No one can break this cycle its the ultimate addiction an everlasting prison for your mind.

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We're all figure skating motherfucker. Get in the car. Dad the winter Olympics are on.

Quit being such a faggot. This thread is actually hilarious. OPs dad is an oaf

rape him

Wow thanks really glad you're in the room right now

Interesting how I didn't

Why are you trying to harsh your dads tv buzz, man? That’s not cool.


You need to start by looking at yourself and what you contribute to the family environment which could be causing this behavior.

Self inflection can be a very powerful positive tool.

Next time before he comes home from work, make sure all the chores around the house are done. if you know how to cook, have something ready for him when he gets home. Put on some ru pauls drag race on the TV.

When your dad gets home tell him you're glad he's home, give him a hug. Ask him how his day was.

If he asks about ru Paul on the tv just tell him you were just flipping through channels.

Go to wherever your sister keeps her makeup. Try your hand at putting on some foundation, blush, mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick. Make sure to save some lipstick for later, it will be important. If you know where your sisters underwear drawer is, go in there. Strip balls ass naked, pick something out and put it on. Tuck your dick in between your legs.

Now wait until your whole family is home, and walk out into the living room. Stand on the table, take out the lipstick you saved from earlier, and draw a swastika on your chest. When you are finished with this, let out the most autistic guttoral "REEEEE" you can muster up. Pull down the panties you're wearing and whip out your dick. And start pissing and jacking off and cumming everywhere, all over your family and the furniture. When you've run out of piss and cum, get down on all fours and crawl around the living room licking it up. If your family protests, just let out another "REEEEEEEEE". When you have finished, go to the kitchen and grab a knife. Go back to the living room, sit down on the coffee table, and cut off your dick in front of your whole family. Once it's cut off, shove it up your own ass, and the run out into the street screaming. If done correctly, you should still be covered in your own urine and semen and blood. Attempt to run out in front of a moving car, and shit your dick out of your ass when it hits you.

glad I could help

Make him watch hitler documentaries and film him when he starts his tirades about the jews.

That is genius

Like you're probably just a day over 12 yourself you fuckin faggot


THIS. Get your dad balls deep in antisemetic conspiracy theories. Let’s make OP’s dad a holocaust denier

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>pulled me and my sister out at 6am on a Saturday and made us stand there until one of us fessed to making the "weed bits".
Underage bait.

Calm down kid.