New UK thread last one was deleted

New UK thread last one was deleted

(das rite coom boy)


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>(das rite coom boy)

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Ah shiet, here we go again!

What's a coom?

Rogue Mod is back?

Fucking based mods

Wtf happened

it would be based if he did his job to clean up this Sup Forumsoard

the yellow mod is back

Attached: sda.jpg (720x615, 280K)

OP is a faggot clearly

Incel mod throwing a fit cause he can't get laid.

We can only hope.

mods = gods



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Is this mod also responsible for the butthole thread being deleted? Have to admit I really do enjoy girls' buttholes. But I would enjoy it even more if Sup Forums was actually tended to and the overt spam, propaganda, and 13 year-olds jacking it to fb threads were all purged.

Mod deleted OP for being a degenerate.

based mods

Was that the post in the sticky?

i take it back mods = gods

Andy sixxs warm log is brown and sticky hehe

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top kek


the day of reckoning is upon you

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What does the yellow part of “yellow mod” mean

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oh is this happening again?

you know, the grand irony is the mod behind this is probably masturbating while he's doing it

Couple months back some spergs decided to make a 'yellow movement' in which spamming any yellow shaded image somehow meant you were in opposition to porn threads on Sup Forums. It didn't work of course, but some people still refer to this ideology as 'yellow.'

The average poster on a ‘U.K. thread’

I think it's to do with the Sup Forums/4channel split
they're trying to purge porn at least for a bit to run ads? I think

Yellow because this happened due to Hiroshima Nagasaki, the new owner of Sup Forums

came to make a joke but forgot your image and your brain

Try again

Thank you king

This is you m8

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I am honored that you'd save that image to your phone

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I doubt it, the other adult boards are still functioning.

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Mods = Gods

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probably doing some tests because it's much easier to moderate and report revenge porn on the real nsfw boards where things aren't moving at a mile a minute

also loli shit or whatever. legislation's bound to catch up to those folks anyway.

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>(das rite coom boy)
wew lad

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Any Scottish anons still about?


4chins based in the U.S. & Japanese loli cartoons are protected under the 1st amendment. So no legislation is going to impact that. Supreme Court already decided on similar cases involving animated / illustrated material.

Where aboots? Ayrshire here.



Another user here, Glasgow based

What happened to last thread? Went afk a wee bit.

Mods are gassing all the porn threads.

Mods having a purge!


That's shite. Disc is back but fuck knows the server wont last long.