Whats up losers? ;) You ok ? hehe

Whats up losers? ;) You ok ? hehe..
Look what i just bought, it's a new Rolex Submariner ;)

You see i don't wear shitty watch like workingclass dumb idiots wear.. shit watches like Casio and fucking Timex. ;)) I only wear expensive watches ;)

Ask me anything ;) if you are nice maybe i'll give you some tips in life to be as rich as me ;) richfag here ;)

Fucking hate dumb workingclass poorfags

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i predict newfags will post itt

Do you know ligma

Your watch is really nice, congratulations man!

ligma what

That hand gets me every time...


>doesn't even have numbers on it

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Yo can you give me tips for working out? I feel like im having a lack of motivation right now, could use some advice from a pro like you

No visible knuckles. Maybe spend some coin on not being a fat cunt

Does Rolex come with a blood sugar monitor?

haha you're fat

Post pics of your feet.

made me kek

I like the fat pale one with the liver spots more, but this ones good too.

Bruh, you think you're rich with a basic rolex submariner, that's a fucking middle class watch, enjoy being fat and not rich

If that's your arm, do you normally shave it? That's fucked up.

oof being this new

Aah, a man of taste.


If you donĀ“t recognize this picture you are to young to even exist.

I know this is bait, but somewhere, some fat guy bought this thinking it would make him likable and get him laid.

Ohhh a stainless submariner. One step above an Air King. Bravo you hairless cunt.

hamfisted boujee Bitch

Your ass is prolly so large that if you wipe with that hand the watch will fuckin slip off and get stuck in your booty cheeks

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how do you like me now bitch?

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A tag is a better timepiece for the money.

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shut the fuck up faggot

Nigga pls

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