What's your second favorite psychedelic after MDMA, /b?

What's your second favorite psychedelic after MDMA, /b?

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shut the fuck up junkie, contribute to society

hobbo dick 1 year without washing

Dude I did mdma for the first time a week ago and I think I'm in love with it. My second is salvia though, so fucking intense but lasts only five minutes


dont know anyone that takes mdma for its psychoactive properties, acid or shrooms will always be better

Get the fuck out of here ravefag

def 2-cb. hard to find in the states, but you can buy off the darknet. LSD is way to confusing and i've done it 20+ times. 2-cb is almost like adderall to me with some cool visuals.

MDMA isn’t a psychedelic.
Shrooms are though and easily the best.

That's very true, my bad.

Hard agree, 2-CB is gold. I usually do it while waiting for the serotonin to return. What didn't you enjoy about lsd?

nah man you're a fucking satanist for suggesting that deep fear stimulating salvia.


4-AcO-DMT although I'm sure its the same as shrooms

I learned a lot from salvia, and it never seemed scary to me

Shrooms. I actually appreciate the bad trips. Gives me clarity and direction. Which reminds me, wtf am I doing here? Sup Forums is a huge waste of my time. Later losers.

lsd for a bit but it made my body feel like it had arthritis lmao but shrooms are cool

sorry to break it to you bud but it is psychoactive, not to nearly the same degree as acid, shrroms,2cb and all the traditional psychadelics tho

LSD or Mushrooms

I used to do acid a go run for a few hours or play csgo. But in recent trips I just get in a mind fuck and can't function. There could be a few reasons for it, but the magic wasn't quite there. I am a fan of drugs that enable me big time. So adderall and a tiny bit of xanax are my favorites. Not a really spiritual guy

Psychedelic means psyche manifesting

Lsd, shrooms, dmt etc

To some extent weed, molly, ketamine, dxm

Psychoactive just means any drug that actually has an effect on your brain. Just FYI so you guys don’t need to continue


mdma isnt a psychedelic though...

psychedelic isnt the same as psychoactive retard

not op but
tell me when you do 400mg
my eyes were wiggling back and fourth and holy fuck do you see some geometry

fucking retarded nigger
After the first time you do it it won’t be as good

This is why recreational drug users have a bad image...

this is just not true for everyone. not for me for sure

LSA is amazing if you don’t caught the nausea. LSA CEVs are better than LSD CEVs.

Tripping on LSA I saw things in my head I’ve never seen in artwork


that's because of a brain damage

I've done it ca 15 times, no issues so far

Shrooms are the most fun, I do DMT sometimes but it terrifies the fuck out of me everytime.


It's not a psychedelic but ketamine has always been one of my favorite drugs

Just don't double dose, shit gets way too fucking real, best to wait it out and try again than re-dose.

lmao, you must be a complete fucking idiot.

Ketamine is a psychedelic.

Oh fuck I've been under the impression it was a dissociative

MDMA is not psychedelic


shrooms are my favorite for sure, mdma is great but too me it's not trippy enough and shrooms can be even more loving than mdma too me

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bruh the first time is the best

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lol, pussy. where to start? 0.4g is such a low dose. i used to eat grams at a time, had to stop. mdma is not psychedelic, so you probably got some bullshit rc that some shitbag dealer told you was mdma. that or you may have had mda, which is a little psychedelic. only dumb niggers believe that molly is necessarily mdma.

I really like LSD

bruh you probably didn't have pure crystals and prob had it mixed with Amphetamines, eating grams of mdma would literally fuck you up for months with your seratonin, either you're a faggot and got no clue what a fucking psychedelic is, prob both

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it is a dissociative, not at all psychedelic. k hole made me want to float up to the ceiling, did not enjoy.

literally friends with the chemist, watched him make it several times. i used to sell it by the ounce until shit got wicked sketchy. if you've had molly in the past 10 years it probably came from one of my friends. kys.

and ftr, it did fuck me up for months on end. i got serotonin sickness, checked myself into mental hospital because i wanted to kill myself whenever i didn't have molly. haven't touched the stuff since then. so again: kys, faggot.

you don't seem to be that fucking smart and seem to be making shit up, blame the drugs you monkey

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ok boofer

Bruh how, k hole is amazing

You do 300mg more than you're supposed to. Good luck with dying/ permanent brain damage

Pissing in my pants

diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, just didn't like it. made lots of money on it because i was one of the only dealers who didn't just do it all themselves lol

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1.LSD is the best thing
2.Shrooms are behind
3.MDMA comes here

DMT and changa are in a different category lightyears away from everything else and aren't comparable.