Can you answer this question b?

Can you answer this question b?

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I'm far too righteously heterosexual to even comptehend the question. God's love for straights blinds my eyes to such filth.


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as if any self-respecting LGBTQ person would wear those boots. that shit is hideous.

I don't even know what this means

1) what is truscum
2) what is an enbie
3) just why

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enby or enbies
>non binary

I just had to look it up

You do exist.
>You are mentally ill due to chemicals in the water.

I have no idea what's being asked, so no.

What the fuck is this alien language. What the fuck is an “enbie”, what??

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Oh ok. I would pick a different name but they do them I suppose

Based. Nazis are utterly stumped by one simple question. Can they ever recover?

I had to look it up too.

I don't give a fuck what you are, just stop being so loud and proud about it. Conduct yourself as a mature adult and no one will care.

Go back to /bant/

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These degenerates think that their sexuality is something that must be present and apparent at all times and cant go about their lives without virtue signaling.

Maybe because degeneracy is fashionable.

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What language is that?

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I would be glad to meet a young millennial or an older gen z girl who thinks she doesn't have a gender and pretends to be a boy so I can show her what prison is like for men. That would be a good day.

I could answer the question, but it's rather obviously not meant to be answered.


Had to look up "ebnbies". Uhh, they are anything but "cute"

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Protruding forehead, skin infested eyes and general first impression signals to everyone to stay away.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

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They aren't. You're wrong. There, answered. Wasn't hard.

probably could if you put it in english

Same, deus VULT


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Libertas Summum Bonum

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Just going to be that guy.

"Truscum" - people (trans or not) who believe being transgender is a medical condition, and that one needs gender dysphoria or body dysmorphia to be transgender (also at times called transmedicalists.)

"Enbies" - means nonbinary (AKA people who don't consider themselves to be either male or female), sounds like "NB" which is the abbreviation of nonbinary.

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they are people who do not consider themselves feminine or masculine, not male or female. Gender is a continuous spectrum, sex is a discrete either or.

Fine. Play your stupid gender bullshit with your buddies. Don't expect the rest of the world to go along with it or give a shit, though.

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what does one have to do with the other? and what does heckin' valid mean?


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I'm not sure what the question is, but the answer is kill it with fire.

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Translation please

If enbies formulated that question, then why are they so heckin' bad at forming a basic English sentence?

>using the conclusion of an argument as a premise

That’s not how that works

I described two distinct phenomena, which one are you referring to?

>Hey faggots, if niggers don't exist, why are they so kawaii desu?
Closest I've got

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Love the bill burr reaction. Good guy

>sounds like "NB" which is the abbreviation of nonbinary.

mind = blown

To be "Valid" is to secure one's validity/existence.
Heckin' is just The Left doing Cartman's "Hella" but more PG