Liberals are in mourning

Liberals are in mourning

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Dude was a POS but the iranians will not take this humiliation. Not like this. Sup Forums and Sup Forums like to treat arab people like subhuman shit but they are, no matter what you think of them, incredibly proud. Especially persians. If this shit truly escalates, this will be regarded as this centuries Franz Ferdinand moment. Also, people completely ignore the fact that he just DID that. Fuck Congress. Fuck everybody. Lets assassinate a foreign military icon, like that.

>spending massive amounts of money on yet another pointless war is somehow good
Get drafted, fatass

Boo hoo, so let this sandnigger kill whoever the fuck he pleases because it might piss off other sandniggers who are already piss off. Yeah I don't think so bud.

Get cancer, kike

Eat a bag of shit, you pathetic cunt. This invites just death. Death of americans, death of iranians, of children and women. I guess your edge is sharp enough to be just like "so what sandniggers" deserve it, so I must assume you are a child without an outlook on the capacity of suffering and catastrophe, that this might invite.

It's possible now that central intelligence will stage another 9/11 in New York, frame it as retaliation from iran and boom - the establishment, the cabal, whatever you call it - this conglomerate of the most powerful people in the world, will have the war with Iran that they have wanted for decades.

The only way for the Iranians to beat the Intelligence community at their game, is to remain calm. But for this, the wound cut too deep. So this might be some historic shit we are witnessing. Bad, bad historic shit.

Uh huh, and when literally nothing happens I'm sure you'll be right back here sounding the alarm about it. Are you even American?

Remember the whole shenanigans with the oil tanker? People in the American government want a war with Iran really bad, and use any excuse to start one.

Shut the fuck up.

And kikes are rubbing hands

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One of their friends was just assassinated.

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Right, because its not like muslims are violent savages or anything. It's NEVER their fucking fault according to people like you. Everytime there's some bullshit excuse for their monkey behavior.

you sound like the type of faggot obama would be proud to call his own

>i’m sowwy for how shit we americans are here’s pallets of money plz don’t be mad

Stop with the simplistic MAGA-esque horseshit. Do you not think it is reasonable to question whether this move legitimizes the murder of US officials elsewhere in the world?

So you're saying you want US officials to be killed now? Where do you live sir?

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If we enter a conflict with Iran that looks anything like our conflict with Iraq, will you look back at this strike and whatever retaliation follows as a justified starting point to war?

Let them play in their sandbox. There's no reason for us to stoop to their level.

Reading comprehension is not strong with this one.

He was responsible for the attack on the US embarry, and was preparing for more attacks on US diplomats. That alone justifies this killing.

now anything done to protect tithe country without giving a fuck about the feelings of people that already hate you is “maga-esque”. the mental gymnastics you faggots go through to shit on this president is amazing

>Let them play in their sandbox
That is literally impossible because those sandniggers end up leaving their containment zones anyway. They never stay in their shit hole countries even when they are "left alone".

It must be exciting to be this fucking retarded.

I was only referring to the dumb "liberals are mourning" shit but enjoy your black/white world snowflake.

Shut the fuck up.

Bet money on it you were the same fucking idiot who bitched when Obama pulled troops out and ISIS started taking over Syria. Either way you need to fucking KYS, we have enough retards on this planet.

So far liberals are the only ones in US leadership who are whining about it and theyre the only ones who didnt give a shit that our embassy was attacked by Iran in the first place.

>Liberals are in mourning
when all you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails

Not to mention we have people saying that the president should've asked congress before doing the air strike. Which is hilariously stupid and complete hypocrisy, as if we're just suppose to pretend Obama didn't drone the fuck out of the middle east for 8 years, or how the democrats would immediately leak out their hero is about to be killed.

war causes cool things to be invented tho

Remember when all you faggots were saying that Hillary was a warmonger who was going to drag us into a war with Russia?

Trump has launched more drone strikes in his 3 years than Obama did in 8.

Sauce on that?

>Hillary was a warmonger who was going to drag us into a war with Russia?
Are you really implying she wasn't a warmonger?

Well gee, which of the two is actively drawing us into war as we speak? Trump or Hillary?

It says he's done more in the first 3 years. It says nothing in there about Trump having more strikes in all of Obama's 8 years. Can you fucking read?

So Libya isn't considered a war to you?

OP and others needs to consider that we have never deliberately killed any Iranian official this high up on the food chain. Its akin to killing a one of our Joints chief of Staff.

Why are we bombing Sean Connery?

Hey guys, wanna hear why liberals like Iran so much? Remember how Akmehedinjijijwhatever said "there are no gays in Iran"? It turns out to be a lot less absurd than it sounds, the Muslim concept is that homosexuality is unnatural BUT they don't think being a tranny is unnatural. Iran performs the most sex changes of any nation, any male that shows signs of even slight faggotry is forced onto the trans puberty blocker pathway before he can start to become even a potentially gay man.

So in a big way it's the trannies in love with Iran, not gays, not lesbians, not any of the other parts of the LGBTQMMORPGABCDEFG "alliance", of which white "female" trans people are obviously exclusively in charge. It's just the trannies who push this obvious round peg, square hole shit where supposedly Islam is "feminist". It's all just to get free sex changes for white dudes who want to be the little girl. That's it.

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>Going into ANOTHER desert war for daddy Israel
>To own the libs so it's ok

Nah man, nobody killed like Obama did. He actually got a peace prize too.

You've never even paid for a soda with your own money, have you snowflake?

you should seek help

Killing him wont stop those plans, in fact, it's just gonna get worse lol

Given the complexity of his post, is it likely that OP "considers" anything other than "dead sand-nigger=good" and "liberals are faggots"?

Right, so let him live and kill whoever he wants. What great logic there. I bet you're the same retard who thinks niggers should be allowed to steal without legal consequence, because they're going to do it anyway.

>If this shit truly escalates, this will be regarded as this centuries Franz Ferdinand moment.

And if t doesn't, it won't.

>Also, people completely ignore the fact that he just DID that. Fuck Congress. Fuck everybody. Lets assassinate a foreign military icon, like that.

Well, yeah, you don't consult fucking Congress ona particular operation, because Congress leaks worse than the White House does, and some operations work better with the element of surprise. But the President, whoever is in office, does have broad powers to strike individuals or states involved in terrorist activities or attacks on the US, such as trying to storm embassies and the like.

Was it wise for Trump to order this strike? Dunno, we'll see. But he was absolutely within his authority to do so.

Actual Iran is second in the tranny regard, only to Thailand ... The rest you stated was spot on. Friend

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What did Sean Connery die or something?

He is being provocative, to get a reaction. However, there is some truth to it. I was watching cnbc, I was bored dont judge. Lady came on and said behind the scenes the administration said they didnt want another benghazi. Which to her meant they didnt want bad press and investigations instead of thinking maybe they didnt want a bad terrorist attack. So many people like this spin things to the worst possible motivation of anyone else. You could tell the host was not going there, he was just like, oh ok.

Roger Moore is behind this...

Liberals are the biggest war mongers in congress. They love this.

>They love this
Do they now? That's weird since the only people bitching right now are the democrats

>That's weird since the only people bitching right now are the democrats

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Well we all know libs are autistic. They just follow shit they're told without reason like fucking sheep so wouldn't even be surprised if your theory turned out to right.

Read it again...but slower this time.

That's nothing, try watching CNN on any random time and day. Some of the most ridiculous shit you'll ever hear is on that network.

dilate, white male oppressor of other queers

yeah, I suppose anyone can turn up to Thailand, there's no barriers beyond cash. it's a really bad idea to have it done there, though.

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Obama droned people too. Killed 2 US citizens, one was a 16 year old yet the libtards never cried once about that.

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granted i don't think we should be in the middle east after almost 20 years and nothing to show for it but droning that fucker is not "yet another war."

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BULLSHIT. Use Google faggot.

He spelled "WORLD" wrong. Unless it was a witty play on words that I didn't get.

So I'm asking this on Sup Forums so i dont expect much but:

Was Soulemani openly in Iraq traveling freely and trump decided to drone him, or was he there secretly and killing him (and that other guy) in Baghdad in the same car has Iran caught with its hand in the cookie jar?

possibly, his point still stands though either way

That's the question everybody is asking and no one is answering, what the fuck was he doing in Iraq? Nobody seems to know why he was there

If Trump did nothing after the embassy attack you snowflakes would be on here crying about how he doesnt care about America so go fuck yourself your fuck games dont fool anyone anymore pussy.

Its clear why he was there, I'm just wondering if it was secretly or not

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That's unfortunate. I'm not some one side or the other supporter. I'd actually like to see good news coverage.

"Extraterritorial Conflicts" user. He was a glorified Arms Smuggler/Human Trafficker.
Has been making a career of foreign war exploitation since the 1980's. Nothing of value was lost here.

No it isn't clear why he was there

Dumb bait for dumb people.

Fuck you and fuck the current US Administration. War mongering cuck.

>just follow shit they're told without reason
Trump makes >13000 false or questionable claims and has a 42% approval rating. A lot of people hear only what they want to hear.

So you like the last administration.

OK Boomer

Of course he did, his team was in the white house

Never said I did, the past 3 have been awful in terms of foreign policy.

How much lunch money did you get your pathetic ass kicked for in grade school pussy? Youre the true definition of a cuck the way you like to be pushed around by other weaker countries. KYS snowflake this world isnt meant for you.

>the past 3 have been awful in terms of foreign policy.
Only if you're a foreigner.

Trump has done more drone strikes in 3 years than Obama did in 8. Also, ib4 saying that Obama was still shit for doing this as well.

Only a thousand years off lmao

You actually believe the Clintons are innocent law abiding people so what are you babbling on about?

this is actually gold

>Trump has done more drone strikes in 3 years than Obama did in 8
We already went over this you foreigner dipshit. I know you foreigners are fucking stupid so you already forgot.

Only if you know that the US are bullies around the world and are gunning for another civil war. You people are just sad for being run by stupid people.

Need a link to those lies snowflake. Google is your friend.

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Guess what? You'll lose and I'll be laughing everyday. Look who's triggered now? ;)

We are just better than you third worlder.

>Why is US picking on me :(
>Please stop US you meanie

Just great. This dumb dipshit is stumbling the US off to war to create, he hopes, a distraction from the impeachment progress. Nothing he wouldn't do to save his ass, including fucking yours.

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Democrats always fall for the hot guys.

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Nobody needs a "distraction" from this bullshit joke of a impeachment. We already knew it wasn't going anywhere even before this.

Jealous of what? Going bankrupt because I can't afford healthcare when 500,000 die because of said reason? Yeah, way to show the world the TRUE definition of Democracy. Idiot...