

Does anyone suspect a lot of transgender timelines are fake/photoshopped ?

I think trolls use pictures of cis siblings and pretend they’re transitions

Is this type of transition possible past age thirty or should I just rope already

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Attached: 63E0EC29-5309-4006-8A8E-9927A1016CD0.jpg (1800x1944, 489K)

no, even my transition had a pretty dramatic change

Definitely fake

Please this one HAS to be fake

Attached: E11FC5D4-4236-4D6D-A14C-B5447785DC65.jpg (1024x770, 195K)


leme pull em up

starting stage I don't know how to flip images sorry

they are about a year apart

Attached: 20180925_111349.jpg (1920x1080, 578K)


Attached: 20191218_114304.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

Wow! That’s an amazing difference

yeah it helps to learn new things

Plucking eyebrows + plucking instead of shaving facial hair + hair care routine + skin care routing + hrt

I started late around 26 I am 27 soon to be 28


honestly 4 years is a long fucking time
think about how people you went to high school with can look nothing like the people you knew, then add hormones to the mix. that shit makes you look different, even if it doesnt make you passable every time

last one :p

I kinda of only take selfies lol

Attached: 20191217_211514.jpg (1920x1080, 359K)

So are you gay?

>Does anyone suspect a lot of transgender timelines are fake/photoshopped ?
I never look at that stuff and I seriously doubt the mental stability and IQ of anyone who does.
Your obsession with censuring other people's lives is unhealthy. Try cleaning up your own mess.

In theory I am bi, but I am not sexually active so could not tell you for sure

Any titty pics :^3

Those are different people unless he won't back in age 15 years. Use some common sense dude.

If this shit doesn't make you a bit sick; you're fucked.

Nope :p

That is so obviously a real woman in that Pic OP. Look at the hips and rest of the bone structure. What are u retarded and gay?

gtfo then

I agree with you. I’m thinking it has to be his sister or something because they definitely look the same. But they can’t be the same person wtf... but that’s what the poster on retarddit is saying

I’m an ugly man wanting to transition into a beautiful waifu. Looking at people’s publicly published trans timelines to try to understand what my chances are. Not sure what your problem with me is, but have a good day anyway.

According to social media, everyone I went to high school with is still easily recognizable a good 14 years later. Even people who substantially lost or gained weight. I still doubt a lot of these trans timelines.

Same person allegedly

Attached: 24C6AA9B-79A5-42A2-8AFD-011DC8DB4A02.jpg (2048x2212, 548K)

Closeup. This is all claimed to be one person.

Attached: 7D0AC592-42D5-42C0-8C84-6ABE22C32848.jpg (1280x1084, 247K)

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