Question for current Trump supporters:

Question for current Trump supporters:

Why do you continue to give infinite support to a president who's made such a massive divide between the two political parties? No matter what he accomplishes, the amount of fucking racket he spawns is starting to make me think he's a shitty president.

The main reason I've grown extremely neutral is because of the common response I've seen from Trump and his supporters; constantly shittalking liberals for ruining everything, etc. The way I see it, it's the prez's job to take care of everybody, not only the red half. Quite simply, we need a president who can get shit done without creating such a harsh divide.

TL;DR: Help me understand why amidst the political mayhem, die-hard Trump supporters are still backing him up

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Fuck off you warmongering druggie, Republicans stand for what’s right, not what’s convenient

It’s not the republicans attacking innocent civilians now is it?

Who said we support trump?

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With you. Why follow a party when you can do you. Blue sucks. Red sucks. Just be a good person and mind your fucking business.

You'll find extremist examples no matter where you look. Your argument is invalid.

Couldn't agree with you more. Trump "fans" have gotten so fucking extreme and loud. Additionally, I'm frustrated living in Seattle where everyone's wearing anti-trump t shirts and all this other hard-left bullshit.

The thing is, our difference lies in the fact that you believe that Trump was the one who has divided our country. But in my opinion it was Obama who put the divide in place. And not because of racism or sexism or whatever insult the left calls us, but because he put policies in place that defragmentated America, pursued an extreme globalist agenda, working with Russia, made the Situation in the Middle-East worse, and did not help black america one bit, he even made it worse for them.
i do not agree and fully support the President on every policy or gaffe he makes, but i support the ideas representing this movement. And he represents them the most at the moment.
And i mean, he has taken care of a lot of people, who haven't voted for him or republicans in the last election(s). Unemployment rate is at its lowest lows ever for all ethnic groups, wages going up, lower taxes, giving more power to the citizen, revitalizing a, since Reagan, blue rustbelt that was dying .

I mean I can understand that you don't like the guy's character, but overall he is doing a good job.

I remember growing up under the Bush and Obama administration, and even though they were both pretty weak presidents, they held it down reasonably well while not stirring the pot. There weren't political arguments like there are today. For the most part, you could go a full day without thinking about the president if you didn't want to. I think that's how it should be.

Because the Democrats ran Hillary and will run some other unacceptable alternative this time.

Brace yourself for four more years.

You guys do realize that this is all fake right? Donald Trump and his wall was predicted in a 50s Western show called Trackdown just like 9/11 was predicted in all kinds of shit. The politics that goes down in Washington is just like wrestling. It seems real but its fake.

They're all working together to divide everybody. You all need to wake up and realize what's going on.


The US was divided already. Trump is merely a symptom of an empire in despair. The US lost al confidence in it's own greatness. They had to elect a hyperbole who reminds them of greatness because all the other cuck politicians and celebrities sold the US out to globalism.

Right right not right right...

He created the situation for the divide though. Democrats have shifted strongly to the far left while the Republicans only went very slightly more to the right . This created a huge ideological battle, the culture war we are facing now.
Plus the media haaaaaaates Trump, so they will cover anything about him to try to make him look bad in every way possible.
The media has a big role in this divide as well .

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He created, i mean Obama. Just to be clear.

Considering his policies were slightly to the right of Reagans, I'm calling you on your bullshit...Obama was just black and that sent you all to the other side of the petri dish

Democrats didn't shift left. They shifted right while the right shifted far right. Today's Democrats are yesterday's Republicans.

>own greatness

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>Why do you continue to give infinite support
I know zero people that this applies to? I think lefty OP has been trolled and still thinks it's real.

Things trump is not:
Fiscally Conservative

Dems are open borders at this point

It's not invalid though because Republicans aren't fucking chimping out and breaking shit.

Republicans stand for what's right! Like grabbing women by the pussy, cheating on your wife, cheating thousands of contractors out of money, cheating people with a fraudulent university, getting caught stealing from your charity, and installing your children and in laws into White House jobs. You know, everything that's right!!
The fucking hypocrisy is ASTRONOMICAL

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Fucking character even looked like his father Kek. Oh and the characters name was also....TRUMP!! Seriously look it up

Obama acted like an emperor who jailed journalists. That's why you never heard any arguing or scrutiny. You heard him almost daily though, on any medium.

Were you just not awake during Charlottesville or...?

Thanks for the pic, I agree that both sides have shifted. It's worth asking WHY does media hate trump? What was his role? Or did they just choose him?

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>it's the prez's job to take care of everybody
You've got a twisted view of what a President is supposed to do. Libs gon' lib.

> why support trump?

because he makes demotards clutch their pearls and takes less of my money.

it was heeeeer tuuuuurn!

I would agree with that to an extent.

There's no one else to support, simple as that. The left collectively, should be shot and burned in a pile.

The left cant meme
They just steal them

Dare I bring up the El Paso shooting? That sounds like a republican chimping out to me.

See the thing is, the left loves to put a label on someone because they disagree with them.
You call me a racist, that's really something i have never heard before from your side of the court. Bravo sir. Truly a genius to have been able to come to such an expertise understanding. The quick wits you have are respectable.
So the be serious again, just so you know, i voted for Obama, 2 times. I realized by the end of his second term he made a lot of bull . He got great PR though. And yes, maybe a few of his policies were on the right of Reagan. A few. But the majority weren't like that. Just because i disagree with 80% of Obama's work, doesnt mean i can't recognize where he did well.
Gosh that's your syndrome right there. You think because you dont agree with someone, that you can't agree with the person at all on anything whatsoever. That's because the left, the woke culture, has been using labelling ( discrimination ) as a tactics to people opposing them, without even trying to go to the core of a subject.
"You believe this, so you must be this, because you said that, hence you are a racist xenophobic, sexist, bigotted, unicorn" That's basically you .
You guys are so full of hate, and i am tired of that.

The left can not meme.

The parties were divided LONG before Trump entered the fray. Democratic Party = founders of the KKK, Hate for Israel, Pedophilia, Trans Trans Trans bullshit, taking guns away from law abiding citizens, giving illegals free everything, etc. Granted, the Republicans are no angels by any means, but the Democrats are fucking nuts and have NO morals whatsoever.

trump's entire presidency he has done nothing by try to 1 up Obama. That's why his entire presidency has failed.

He is more concerned about looking better that the previous president, that he has neglected his presidential duties.

Everything has been about doing it bigger and better than Obama did and if it failed, blame Obama. If it succeeds, take all credit, personally.

what you are saying is purely not true. The graph i put, is from the Pew Research Center, as unbiased as can be.
It shows exactly the opposite of what you are saying.
If you don't like their graph, go at all the other Research Centers, biased and non biased, that will all point you to the same conclusion as this graph.

You know why the lefts are so extreme?

Cause everyone knows that 3 lefts equalls a right.


I'll be here all night, folks!

They already picked him, it's Biden.

And that's one of the many reasons I can't stand to associate myself with the left, despite being anti-trump.

obama's legacy is trump correcting his 1,488 mistakes

Imagine if hundreds of thousands did that and people like you would cease to exist. Peace would return and we could go back to posting mudkips.

He was the only one have a voice against the woke culture, against political correctness, against globalism, and the interest of the Democrats, which most media outlets support ; most of them Democrat partisans.
They closed themselves in their own bubble.

Only 13% think life for young black Americans has gotten better since Obama’s election in November 2008, while 41% believe it’s gotten worse. That compares to 16% and 22% in March 2014. Thirty-nine percent (39%) believe life for young blacks is about the same, down 10 points from the previous survey.

Sixty-six percent (66%) of whites and 51% of other minority voters believe that race relations in this country have gotten worse since Obama’s election, but just 38% of blacks agree. Half (49%) of black voters and 32% of other minorities think race relations are about the same. Blacks are also less likely than the others to feel life for young black Americans has gotten worse.

Peace would return by annihilating half of the country, of which the majority live in cities where education is better

But then you are agreeing with something untrue. Like i said, it's not my opinion, but a fact shared by almost all Research Centers, even Dem' bias ones. This is from Pew Research Center, it's unbiased and even if you don't like them , just go look at other data from other centers that say the same as Pew Research.

You literally have that shit backwards.

I'm pretty sure Republicans never stood for open borders to undermine the American worker.

The leftists are socialistic retards that have this unobtainable model of what a country should be and the parts that are "obtainable" leads to a countries self destruction.

No thanks faggots.


>See the thing is, the left loves to put a label on someone because they disagree with them.
Both political parties do this, don't be so naive.

That sort of denial is what got your fag bitch impeached!

Now sit down.

Good for you . The left right now is just crazy. I don't mind people with different opinion than mine, but i can't stand people trying to tell me what i am based on my skin color or ideas. That's very anti Martin Luther King of them .

I don't misunderstand me, the right does that too, and i am the first to be opposed to it .
But the left has been overdoing it for years now. It's on our TV shows, Music, Movies, most News Outlets, Magazines, Education, its sickening. if the right does it, it would be 5 % at the max of all the labeling. But the 5% is only my opinion, not a fact.

but he isn't impeached unless the articles are transferred to the senate

Funny Part is, he isn't even officially impeached. And even if he officially was, then only by the House, which would then have to be decided by the Senate, and it wouldn't pass there, so no, Trump won't get impeached.

I'm glad you acknowledge it's just your opinion, when a large percent of the shit flinging comes from both sides equally.

If you would be interested in the article coming with the graph, explaining a bit more. If you want..

>I don't know how impeachment works but I'm going to post about it anyway
Not that user, but he's impeached once then hand the papers over. His removal is a separate thing.

It would be so interesting to have updated info about that. Just read the article and it's extremely fascinating, although I'd like some data just like that from post-2016.

Not to side with Republicans, but it has been the left that has polarized the political discourse.

I don't know if it's fair to attribute the divide to Obama personally, there was a lot going on from a lot of shitty politicians over his administration.
Not that you don't have the same thing happening now, but Trump has personally attacked several groups of people, or made speeches that have implied certain people of certain skin tones aren't welcome.
If Hillary wasn't a stupid cunt she could of raped the election by simply pandering to who Democrats took for granted for 8 years, the midwest. But she was the DNC puppet and now I'm stuck with Biden because I'm pretty sure the DNC faggots can't conceptualize Bernie actually doing a good job for the country instead of them directly.

Yes i know.. Pelosi hasn't handed the Letter to the Senate.. so he isn't officially impeached..

1. He didn't get us into a war - as Dems predicted
2. He wants to enforce RULE OF LAW - like Dems DO NOT
3. He met with KJU - Obama didn't
4. He didn't divide shit. Dems still crying over an election 3.5 years ago.
5. Impeachment was a SHAME... completely destroyed all credibility I had for the SANITY of Dem leadership...
6. There is no Dem front runner who can beat Trump.
7. Economy is doing awesome. Not good. Not great. Fucking awesome.

She now wants to add a 3rd article.

Don't you mean sham?

he just made me richer with stocks in weapons

It's the dems that is dividing america.

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I am of the opinion that we should all toss baby boomer republicans into fucking cages and leave them there till they die.

It's the only way to save America.

actually he got us into a war like 2 days ago lmfao

He didn't create the divide. And after the way yall treated him, I wouldn't be upset if he threw y'all under the bus

Also stop it with these fantastic personal stance attack. We all know it's a crock of shit.

If you do manage turn someone with this type of argument, you can keep the dumbass. Chances are they couldn't find their way to a voting booth either way.

Just the ones in office who have been in seats of power for over two decades.

of course it isn't fair, i am generalizing. Of course it wasn't all Obama. Bush helped with it too, i mean in the end everyone helped a bit in some shape or form, but Obama pushed it too much, and it got messy.

I was rooting Democrat until 2015, then realized that a lot of what i was hearing on the everyday news was always somehow not entirely accurate and misconstructed. I saw Chicago get worse, even though he came from Chicago. He said he'd help black communities get out of the ghettos. He just made it worse. 70% rise of people on foodstamps. I mean, come on.
Thats when i decided fuck the Dem's, fuck the Republican. I needed someone against Globalism, and just to clarify, to be against globalism doesnt mean to hate the neighbour or not to trade with him etc. i wasnt even gonna vote in 2016, then Trump came, and i thought, alright, i'll try putting my faith in this guy. For now, for sure he isn't perfect, but the media often misinterprete and misquote him when talking about minorities.
And at the end of the day, politicians have always spoken so officially and nice, and have done shit for us. Never keeping promises, always fucking us over big time. I'd rather have a guy sometimes a bit crass, but he says what he wants to do, and he does it, wether you like him or not, thats something only the few do when they achieve to this kind of power.

I fucking love Trump right now.

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Donald Trump's base adores him because he has yellow hair. That's all there is to it.

Wypipo are the biggest narcissists in the world. They are fucking stupid, have zero worthwhile culture, and the only thing they have that gets them ahead is a propensity for violence.

Trump is precisely that, and that is why he has that support. His base shouldn't be allowed to vote, given their track record. The history of the USA is the long, slow process of civilizing these white savages.

That's the most sound response I've gotten. Thank you, and I genuinely understand your standpoint.

Nice meme

>flood the nation with third world foreigners designed entirely to displace and replace the native-born because immigrants vote left wing, essentially facilitating the cultural destruction of the natives without a shot fired
>any protest to this is met with cries of racism and essentially yelled and shamed into silence
>but that's not enough
>claim shoving a dick up an aids-infested shitpipe is a relationship as valid as the male/female pair bonding that underlines our entire civilisation, insult & shame anyone who disagrees
>cutting your dick off makes you a woman, insult and shame anyone who disagrees
>celebrate the evisceration of half-developed babies and insult & shame anyone who dares to hold a different opinion on the entirely subjective matter of when 'human life' begins


Get the fuck out of here. For the last 30+ years the left wing across the western world has done nothing but insult, ridicule, shame, suppress, censor, and protest any rightwing badthink.

She only wants to delay. Cause she knows that if it goes to Senate, Biden is fucked, because his whole corrupt business will come out, and it would also fuck Tulsi Gabard, Bernie and Warren, all Senators, who would have to stop campaigning while the Trial in the Senate would take place.
So all she can do is drop it.
Nothing will happen. The Dems fucked themselves over big time.

So you got your feefees hurt, is that why you've decided to act like a fucking baby?

Grow the fuck up, you choad.

the divide between repub/demo was always there, are you dense? demos have riled their base to the point where they all think he's literally hitler. repubs are all mobilized to be like fuck you dude. the democratic house can impeach all they want, it's symbolic but it means dick because the republican senate will never move to remove him.

>, Biden is fucked, because his whole corrupt business will come out,
In what way would that be the purview of Trump's impeachment?

I doubt you’ve even been alive the past 30+ years. Sit down kid

>lefties immediately resorts to shaming & insulting again
You cunts really are too fucking stupid to do anything else. No wonder you support such retarded and suicidal policies.

Because fuck you, that's why.

It really is about your white fragility, you precious snowflake....

I always say that the Klan, and similar organizations, are little more than self-esteem movements for disdained white trash.

Poor baby, bawling at the feefees.


the democrats are the ones dividing the country. they havent stoped whining since trump won the elections. Its not that hard to see that they've ostrazised themselves

No problem man. I believe in civil discourse and exchange of ideas, just saddened to see how today in society it seems kinda lost like for example this guy.

>Posts nonsense straw arguments
>Immediately triggered

>Help me understand why amidst the political mayhem, die-hard Trump supporters are still backing him up
Because as you saw with Nixon, Reagan, and Bush Jr, the right wing wants to turn america into a corporate paranoid fortress and will abuse power for its own sake. The GOP has always loved fascist mentality, and while Trump being an impulsive retard is a burden, him rubber stamping GOP policy is all they want to cement their reign as their voting base withers.

todays trumpanugutan is a remarkable creature.
the will defend their leader's actions, regardless if they agree with it or not. it's clinically-fascinating. party-over-country for their kind. Israel-over-merka.
to them, dong trump can do NO WRONG. start a war with iran? deploy 10 troops to Iraq? WOOOOO!!!!! PARRRRTTY!
Declare America a Russian Territory, use the Constitution as toilet paper? Use two-ply sir, grab couple it up with the Bill of Rights!

The trumpanutan wants to DESTROY America. They hate Americans, they want a new American written for Trump by Trump.

I travel the world, and everywhere I go I see people that are genuinely horrified by the kind of people that voted for Trump.

It's not just "libruls", but most of the fucking world.

The entire fucking world thinks you guys are nauseating.

>I don't like non-white people and don't want them here
>stop calling me racist

>I travel the world

Shut the fuck up you pathetic little internet faggot.

When you hit up NY, come see me. I'll bash your pathetic little nerd skull in.

>because his whole corrupt business will come out

I'll bring my Sig, just for you. Shove it up your ass.

*kisses you*