These fuckers stole my netflix account and upgraded my package to the most expensive package so that all their friends...

these fuckers stole my netflix account and upgraded my package to the most expensive package so that all their friends could watch netflix on my dollar.

do what you will

Attached: ddoss.png (1006x540, 118K)

File a complaint with your local police department, fuck nugget. Even cyber theft is still theft and a felony.


>Having a Netflix account
You deserve this.

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So change the password and log out all accounts, and set your plan back. Not that hard.

>asking for personal army

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your account info must’ve ended up on a darkweb market

I know because i buy hulu accounts for $1. I don’t give the info out I just watch on a guest profile. Like i’m not even there

which brings me to my next point. if you use the same pw for other websites, you might wanna change them. here’s a website to see if accounts you’ve made with a certain email have been hackles



Do not do these. They are the adult way to deal with stuff.
Instead be a dumb kid and ask on websites for ppl to "troll" or "hack" the mean guys.

>nigger tribalism


Found the other Netflix user.

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Let me start off by saying............LLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL

Next time don't make your password "12345" dingus.

if its true im a nigger with no independant thought wouldnt my biases not be towards OP since i saw his post first thus giving me a positive bias towards netflix?

This is what Netflix is doing to get views for the Witcher because they let liberals ruin it. Prove me wrong
>Protip: you can't

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I can help you OP. Email me your Facebook messenger and we can talk in private

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Hmm. Sounds like Ukrainians did this. Give me your screen name and password. I know how to fuck them up big time.

gtfo scum