Why do people think this bong is attractive?

Why do people think this bong is attractive?

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Why do you think she’s not?

She's charismatic af
That smile

cuz she is

because she is pretty. pretty girls usually are considered attractive

because she is

Attractive picture

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She's half punjabi, so she street shits.

>>blue eyes
>>half shitter
thats not how it works. 1/4 at most.

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Because she's objectively attractive. Celebrity or not all of your spaghetti would be on the floor before u squeeked out a word to her. Sage op is a faggot


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Because she has a nice ass

I actually didn’t know she was a quarter until I just read the Wikipedia page on her. I’d still hit it.

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One of her grandmothers was half Indian, which makes Clarke 1/8th Indian. Learn math you fucking tardlets.

If you shit in a bowl of ice cream its still ruined no matter how small the shit.

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Repetition. Put anyone in the spot light and millions will find you attractive.

I don't give a shit about that, I'm just disappointed that three of you fucking idiots all failed basic arithmetic.

Are you a fucking idiot? If one of her parents was a poo in loo, she’d be half. Now half that and you have a forth.

>Why do people think this bong is attractive?
Because she is? Are you fucking gay?

you are so incredibly gay beyond comprehension

That nosehair tho

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One of her GRANDparents was HALF Indian. You have four grandparents. Is it really that hard?

I'd fuck her

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Are... are you replying to your own thread to create false contention?

Inceldom does weird things to your standards.

She sucked in Game of Thrones. She was supposed to get thin, muscular and evil looking over time as the Mother of Dragons, she ended up looking like she ATE one of the Dragons. What a fatty.

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Honesty it ruined the show for me how out-of-shape she was, and the entire time too. I'm suppose to believe a weak female that does zero fucking exercise can ride on a fucking dragon? That is ridiculous. Why didn't they tell her to get into fucking shape?

I believe its because she's a drunk. They were locked into the show for years so they couldn't replace her midstream. Booze has calories and people who partake of the liquid jew tend to not have much self control in general.

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You can’t tell women that these days. That will get you a lawsuit

well you say that, but then realise that their are legally allowed miniscule amounts of poo and puss allowed in dairy products before they are declared unfit for human consumption

Then she should've never been casted or they should have included in her contract she has to work out. That shit was ridiculous. And plus it's bullshit anyway because all the fucking males were jacked.

I mean, not really. It's part of her character to be in shape.

they probably didn't want to force her into anyhting high stress in case her brain exploded (she had a bleed or someshit)
also, the guys need to be jacked because they are swinging heavy swords.spears etc, all she has to do is look angry and say dracaris a lot

Men always do their job, look at how cut every guy in Marvel films was, even Ant Man!

Then look at the women, they have the bodies of housewives and we are supposed to drool over fat asses and skipping leg day.

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My favorite is the female Captain American who has the body of a fucking 12 year old boy. How much more ridiculous is this going to get? Next they'll replace Spider Man with a overweight black girl with nappy hair.

Its really sad too because Brie Larson when she did work out had a fantastic body. She is a feminist though and forced Marvel to give her a shapeless baggy super suit, and she only did the bare minimum workout plan.

Meanwhile Thor was so jacked his arms were legendary among movie goers.

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Be honest OP, she reminds you of someone who rejected you doesn't she?

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I like her tits, I love the bumps on her areola and I like her nipples

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You know that's not her real body right?

Say what now lmao

I liked her as Sarah Conner.

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You ever heard of a fucking body double?

It is

There's literally copious amounts of evidence otherwise

Yes it is. She shot all the nude scenes until about season 3 - then they got a body double

What evidence? Let me guess, they did a special on E!

It isn't

If you wouldn't motorboat this you're a huge faggot.

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No it's not. She's always used a double.

You seem so certain provide proof you are correct and I'll apologize lol

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You're just plain wrong.
She's talked about the awkwardness of watching the scene with her parents the first time often.
Sucks to suck.


Fuck she has fat arms


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gross fatass yikes do not want well guess im gay

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