What's this called

what's this called

Attached: he_runs_in.webm (720x812, 408K)

I'm not even gay but that was hot as fuck! I'm gonna try it next time I have a shower.

eggs over easy? holy fucj

putting the dog in the bathtub

That caused me physical and emotional stress and I've seen pretty much everything on this website.

I don't know but I just saved lots of money on butt plugs by switching to testicles.

Hahaha wtf op. That's insane. How did he manage to get his nuts in??? Super saggy nuts lamo



Imagine sticking your balls up your ass and act like normal. Later that night your girlfriend wants some action, takes your pants off, and discovers where your balls are. The reaction on her face would be gold.

yeah but what's it called?

nice 7/10

ok 8/10

yeah but what's it called?

It's called shoving your own balls up your asshole.

Eggs bentadick.

God a hate this fucking site why am I here

it should have a name see like that

shit like this

Attached: coke.gif (248x200, 883K)

I'm not old enough to have balls that low hanging

5th base.

Just when I thought I'd seen it all.

yeah but what's it called


the Cincinnati Turducken

Tuckin' castration

it would be hilarious if they got stuck.
i'm sorry, but we're going to have to amputate.

this shit is better than any ylyl the past few days

why cant I stop watching this

and why did I save it

Thats called having 5th base by yourself
You normally do that to a girl

Alabama Stuffed Buns.

i concur, golden thread