Why do we exist?

Why do we exist?

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Literally no reason. Your body is just a vehicle for DNA to replicate more successfully. It's just chemistry, essentially. Enjoy being able to experience the universe, it's quite an odd curiosity that we even exist at all.

we are a consequence, not a cause. the only meaning will become apparent after the fact, just like you can't know what a film will be about until you watch the whole thing. you don't find meaning, you make it

For consciousness to explore itself.

We are matter experiencing itself.

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To pass on our genetics to the next generation.
That's all.
No grand mystery or purpose. No one cares and further more not a single mother fucker here or anywhere matters.

deus vult

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To suck logs out of asses

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Because god is a vane bastard and he needs people to worship him

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Our purpose of existence is to kill and reproduce. Humans, animals, everything, we are just a virus when you think about it. Viruses, unlike bacteria, need a host body to survive. We need this planet to survive and we are killing it slowly too. I guess this answers the question "What we exist for?" but not why. Maybe we'll never no, user.

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Just remember this is the only century where Sup Forums exists. Its a wonderful time to be alive.

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Consciousness is an innate property of matter, and it was coincidentally arranged in a way that allows us to interact.


To create and propagate novelty as per gods will

Dog pussy

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because our parents fucked.

Specifically ours or just in general?

Given enough time, hydrogen begins to think about itself.

We exist to live. That is enough.

but why does dna care about replicating?

To be tormented for sins.

To have sex with fourteen-year-old girls.
Seriously, it's in our DNA.

Because if it didn't, it wouldn't have replicated and wouldn't be here.

too halp compudar!

Play Nier Automata. See how you feel about objectives by the end of it.

DNA doesn't 'care' about anything. It's literally just a self-replicating molecule and for that reason, it persists. It's all driven by chemical reactions. It's very good at replicating itself. If it wasn't good, it wouldn't exist and neither would we. Just an odd fluke of chemistry.

> Why do we exist?

To eat, shit, and fuck.

funny how some kush-and-wizdum bullshit is one of the most popular takes on this question now lmao

To glorify God. Reconcile to God's love through the sacrifice of Jesus to the original creation. Alas, the coming generation will blather on about social justice and equality in a fallen world but yeah. You are a created being, just as all known history says you are.

can you tell us more?

>Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.

I'd expand this to mean to love God and live life the way he intended, to have the best possible life. We exist because he wanted something to love.

Does God forgive functioning alcoholics?

Of course. Drinking is not a sin

Okay, as an atheist, son of a Catholic Christian, I can understand that. Can an alcoholic become a priest?

We exist to make what meaning we can of the bizarre fact that we are allowed to exist at all. Its easy to get lost in the grandness and lose yourself to existentialism, but the human experience is what you make of it, and a responsibility to yourself and those you love and want to help stand against the entropy of the universe, a responsibility to be perpetually moving forward to new potential and development, without wallowing, has seemed to be the key of fulfillment and meaning for most of us. Focus on what you know you can change that will improve you or yours lives in any way, Sup Forumsros, and happiness will come with your genuine attempts to stride forward and forge a potential into reality.

We are God's creation. Praise be.

I have no understanding of Catholics