Jesus christ why are there so many actual faggots on this board...

jesus christ why are there so many actual faggots on this board? aren't you embarrassed and disappointed in yourself for loving dick and acting like a queer?

Attached: 1540681843990.webm (720x1280, 1.25M)

Op, r u oke?

Yes I am, I hate being a retarded piece of shot but that's what I am.

Not gay but you must secretly want to suck penis. You know why? Cause you actually care about such things, using words like “disappointed” and “embarrassed.”

You know what a true heterosexual does when he sees dick on /b? He scrolls right past it to get to the titties and pussy. Like, why even bother trying to change another’s preference? Unless... you are secretly just hoping to change yourself.

Nice projection, faggot

I can’t believe these disgusting homos are socially accepted but innocent normal pedophiles like me are hated

I don’t need to project anything because unlike you, I don’t care at all that gays exist. They add nothing, they detract nothing. It’s the ones who go around calling people faggots who seem to be the most preoccupied with butt sex.

FAGit detctd

Based. Always look to the uncomfortable/insecure as the potential to be what makes them so


Who’s this girl?

poor pedo. kys

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There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo

Not joking, it's foreigners. You actually read through Sup Forums threads recently? The broken fucking Engrish, the spelling mistakes, I swear to God it is 90% filthy 3rd worlders here now. I'm still all man OP. Fuck fags, fuck trannies, fuck queers, fuck pronouns.

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I hate this chick so much. Why wear such a big outdoor hat inside? I bet she doesn't even wear glasses and those are just to look like "le quirky nurd grrl" like in Rick and Morton cartoons.

>getting this butthurt about someone calling out faggots

nobody pointed at you in particular, but you got all up in arms and butthurt because you feel attacked. probably because you're a faggot and you're projecting hard as fuck

Dont worry about it breeder. Were overpopulated. Suck a dick; save the or something.

Attached: hottest-bottom-in-gay-porn.jpg (745x470, 299K)

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But he literally called me a faggot you retard lol.

I know you’re just operating from knee jerk psychology because this is the only place on the internet that dosent disavow you for the disgusting mess you call a personality but for fuck sakes it wouldn’t hurt to try a little reading comprehension user


explain what I failed to comprehend.

Not him, but I'd just like to say: savage burn my dude. I'm liking it.


It should be a death penalty offense to possess this

As most shit on this website goes. It is a very very very vocal minority.

i don't care about homosexuals even a little bit but OP has a point

Maybe the faggots should fuck off to another website. I'm sure there are many, many queer web sites that would cater to their specific fetishes.

imagine caring about faggots, faggot.

I do not need to be ashamed for I love Ralsei and he loves me.
accept Ralsei as your master and you will never no a night without being anally penetrated ever again

Attached: Ralsei.full.2624350.jpg (900x900, 114K)

>open catalogue
>nothing but dick rate threads, trap threads, blacked threads
>"duuh LoL iMaGiNe cArInG"

you're a part of the problem