So, I notice that maybe I am a little small to my age. I am 19, but 5.54 ft and 114.64 lb. What do u think user?

So, I notice that maybe I am a little small to my age. I am 19, but 5.54 ft and 114.64 lb. What do u think user?

Attached: 36.jpg (500x400, 56K)

Why are you small?
Are you complaining?
Did you see a doctor?

>Why are you small?
I dunno, I always have being a short guy
>Are you complaining?
Well, I like a little the idea, but sometimes people thing I am a minor and I don't like that always
>Did you see a doctor?

Work out, eat more. I way 160 and im 5'7

Haha twink

You should be sitting around 145-155lbs for that height.

Yeah, maybe I should work out and eat more

Uh oh, really?

Ara ara. Sure you are

Yeah, I am >: ^I

hello zoomtard here im 17 5'7 and only 95 lbs, my parents dont feed me :(

I'm 20 and 5'4
Mom was short
Dad was taller
Ohh well
Keep yourself fit and healthy and work to own your own stuff someday, besides that there's not much to report on.
Some girls are gonna be into you some won't. That's for the best, think of it as a filter for shitty/disingenuous people. A girl that likes you will really have her mind made up
Good luck!

O h M y. Get some food or we both d i e D:

Thanks user!

i am i got a job and moving out in sep this year

He needs a microbiologist

Nice! Meanwhile I hope to ingress college and maybe have a half-time work. I wish u luck!

Hahaha, n0

Your weight is actually perfect for your height. Your BMI is just fine. What I’m curious about this - You like the idea a little? Could you please elaborate on this.

I'm similar to you OP, we're usually the cutest guys out there. It's great if you're bi. Good luck.

uh. I think you're potential dating material?
I used to know a small guy and that shit was a turn on.

Well... Maybe I like my body a little skinny and be confuses with my age sometime, I suposse is a little fun, but not always

Meh, I am not that cute and my face is very normal but thanks anyways. And not, I am not bi, I A m H o m o

>I A m H o m o
I'm not sure what your problem is then, you shouldn't deal with much in the relationship department.

Uh, do you think? I mean, I am not that cute if u ask me and some people, but some other say I am... H h m h, I dunno. Thanks anyways


who the fuck goes to the second decimal?! You're 5.5ft

I remember being that small when I was that age
My metabolism didn't trutly kick in till I was like 23
Now I'm 5'5. 200lbs and no muscle
I need to get fit

Well, I don't know to many gay people near me (And what I know aren't my "personality type") so I don't deal with relationships to much, in fact, I still virgin

Sorry, in the meters system we uses the second decimal sjsjs (I am not from USA)
Humh, maybe that happens to me

i recognize your typing pattern, did you post your ass a few days ago?

I post my ass before, but like a week ago. Maybe it's my, do u remember how the picture was?

not much to say lol i guess the skin was kind of caramel or dark

Do you have a discord? Not for any weird shit. You seem like a cool guy.

I have a caramel or dark skin, but I am not sure if that ass could be my. There are more caramel/dark guys here, so I am not sure
Oh, thanks for that! I would like to know more people, so for me it's okay. It's Ⲋⲅⲧⲟ.Ⳋⳙⳋα#4513

(Sorry for the late, my laptop sometime is garbage :) )

maybe a reference pic would help me remember ;)

Maybe in discord (?


>tfw 5'6 109lbs
fellow skeletons

Finally someone else from my race. How r u going? Fellow bones

pic? sound kinda hot TBH