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Attached: Konata7.jpg (194x260, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

currently having a mental breakdown and seeing konata made me calm down a little bit.

thanks, OP.

Attached: reimg22 (92).png (211x199, 3K)


Your welcome
Hope you get better user


Attached: Konata76.gif (700x891, 92K)


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Nice people
Nice Variant

Attached: Riamu259.jpg (673x1200, 453K)

nice and cute pinky

Attached: 42.jpg (750x719, 281K)

Hi chi

Konata hentai
Super original
Try again next time

Nice riamu

Attached: Konata104.gif (480x270, 444K)

Attached: fa9da6616992fffc9b41c9e8ae70fdf2.jpg (773x1000, 255K)

Well... Thats weird
I suppose thats a lot better

Attached: Konata2.png (400x400, 347K)

nice dubss how are you

Attached: 79.jpg (650x768, 168K)

Nice Konata, I hope you've been well :)
Nice China

Attached: Riamu211.jpg (900x1404, 199K)

I still don't understand why people post whores and prostitutes in waifu threads.

me neither, thankfully this isn't a waifu thread

Attached: 798794.png (261x240, 44K)

No I'm pretty sure I'm in the right place

Doing well i just woke up
How about you

Yeah i been playing starbound, i havent been active here because i literally forgot about posting

I dont understand
In akari threads no one post anything lewd except for occasional trolls
Only in waifu thread post lewd things

Attached: Konata9.png (261x329, 58K)

hope you slept well. i'm good :) happy. starbound's pretty fun. what race did you pick? i always just went for human

Attached: 649.jpg (1140x1200, 111K)

I always wanted to try Starbound since I really liked Terraria, that's okay. I'm glad you've been enjoying yourself

Attached: Riamu245.gif (254x408, 1.35M)

I picked novakid but i totally regret my decision
I love the florian race, its dumb and slightly funny

I recommend it a lot
When it was in beta it was pretty boring without anything to do but now it has history and quests
The game is a little bit too linear but all others sandbox games are the same

Attached: Konata106.gif (640x361, 185K)


Attached: 001.jpg (419x1044, 56K)

I see.. I think I'll try it out. Sounds like fun :)
Sometimes linear is okay I suppose
I'm sorry..

Attached: Riamu221.jpg (850x1297, 206K)

novakid's pretty cool though, space cowboyss
floran's are nice yes, i like their dialogue

Attached: 85.jpg (850x1200, 648K)

yaaaaaaayyyyy!! hug hug

Attached: 99.jpg (1000x1000, 626K)


Florians talk like bunn, i just love that

Attached: Konata107.gif (400x398, 1.19M)

Hello friends

Attached: (850x478, 101K)


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Hello war

No u

Attached: Konata426.jpg (768x1024, 190K)

I see, also I don't think i have you on steam yet..
hey my favorite warspite postere

Attached: 464.jpg (1000x1200, 476K)

Oh, I'm just "renegated"
I have a konata pic as pfp

Attached: Konata69.gif (500x281, 104K)

Pedos like you should die in a hole

Hey, having some food right now.
Yeah, worked today. A little tired.

Attached: warspite_queen_elizabeth_and_warspite_kantai_collection_and_1_more_drawn_by_yagami_kamiya__a014cb08c (850x1398, 240K)

you should rest maybe, that's what i did yesterday. i slept almost the entire day heh

Attached: 067.jpg (933x1096, 71K)

Same energy as:
"Kids like you should burn in the hell"
*Insert megalovania*

What are you eating?

Attached: Konata27.gif (500x281, 932K)

are you gay?

Attached: 033e26c503e0371fbeabc489d030ca0cb6697ba2bafc0ccd7d44ed8a1e887fe4.webm (960x540, 1.21M)


Attached: Konata207.png (1280x800, 641K)

I will later, I'm gonna watch some t.v. and youtube in the meantime.
Some nice ramen, with some vegetables mixed in.

Attached: warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_rias_coast__sample-7fc5cd5dea6d72452c53607949e3c1ab.jpg (850x601, 111K)

*loud noise*
that's fun :) what are your favorite shows to watch

Attached: 0032.png (600x900, 195K)

Why traps user?
You dont need to post lewd to attract my attention

That sounds delicious
Do you prepare it yourself or did you buy it?

Attached: Konata70.gif (500x281, 741K)


Attached: Konata216.gif (220x124, 68K)

*smacks your ass*
there there


noo i'm sorry

Attached: 747.jpg (1058x772, 82K)

Thats not ok


I wasnt slept
You been pranked

Attached: Konata93.gif (500x340, 309K)

*kiss butt*

Overlord, just finished The Heroic Legend of Arslan. Have you seen anything interesting lately?
I made it myself. It was perfect after coming home from work.

Attached: Warspite Akane-chan.jpg (1024x568, 271K)

Not at all

How do you like it?
Spicy or sweet?
I personally like both but a lot of persons like it spicy

Attached: Konata37.jpg (224x224, 9K)

mean :((
Parasyte, really fun. Overlord's pretty good. Never heard of the legend of Arslan. mal's description of it makes it sound interesting. i'll add it to my list. (and i'll actually watch it)

Attached: 055.jpg (972x1230, 118K)

This is the only wholesome thread on Sup Forums right now.
You Sup Forumsros are alright.

Attached: 50c89e7a0de0f9cd6086f6590dfd6d54.jpg (708x1000, 373K)

i was angry and this thread helped me calm down, thank you, weebs!


Thx user

Your welcome non-weeeb

Attached: Konata122.gif (500x379, 72K)

*pokes bum*


Attached: 887.jpg (789x863, 446K)

i must admit, weebs know how to be cute sometimes

Become a weeb :)

Attached: Riamu37.jpg (497x750, 134K)

Really, thats not ok
Not cute


I suppose

Attached: Konata49.gif (500x333, 436K)

where the fuck do you think sissies come from fuckwit

yay thxx

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Attached: meNtheboys.jpg (720x540, 220K)

Nice china :)

Attached: Riamu167.jpg (1200x1671, 158K)

shut the fuck up nigger, you are ugly and gay and your mother is black and your dad is a jew

mouthbreather faggot retard


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If you've been on Sup Forums long enough you already know we're all weebs.
These threads feel like the last hope for Sup Forums.
Fuck it. Lets get kawaii ugu desu nee.

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do we live here now

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can't be worse than robots


Attached: Riamu170.jpg (1378x1378, 191K)

Thats pretty rude to be honest

Thats relaxing and cool
A really good 8 bit song


No, everyone got here unexpectedly
Tomorrow post in akari thread
Sadly right now the banana guy is flooding the thread

Attached: Konata90.jpg (500x281, 95K)

shut up sissy
come sit on my lap when you dress up in pretty dresses

yyayyy nice huggss

Attached: 0707.jpg (916x1354, 123K)

i know, seeing this thread amongst all the cancer was a relief.

I definitely prefer it spicy, but not too much otherwise I can't enjoy it.
Cool. I've heard of Parasyte, but never watched it.
More 8-bit songs, nice
For the time being.

Attached: Warspite 11.jpg (707x999, 104K)

you shoulddd definitely watch it when you have the time. it also has a pretty conclusive ending kinda.

Attached: 0087.jpg (515x577, 136K)

this place is scary and unfamiliar territory
im scared

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What's up?
Hello m8.

Attached: 16.jpg (288x192, 12K)

Nice hugs :) patpat
Hey there Warspite
There there fluffy bun, I'll pat you it'll be okay

Attached: Riamu227.jpg (1400x991, 140K)

bitch you ain't gonna make it here

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yayy cuddle :3

Attached: 853.jpg (1024x576, 85K)


I dont really like spicy things but in ramen it taste good
Maybe its the combination of everything the thing that makes it good

Dont be afraid this is just for one day
And everyone is here probably also akari

Doing well, comfy
Hope youre also doing well

Attached: konata.jpg (225x224, 13K)

come one free seat right here

dear diary
i have gootten lost on my travels
i ended up in scary new place
there are people threatening to pat me
i think its short for pet some one to death
and one guy is in mecha suit and i bet tries to stomp me

Attached: 1577060573774.jpg (1200x1165, 114K)

M-maybe you can use my butt instead

Attached: 1404810639386.gif (350x464, 301K)

that'll do

Make sure you update banichan! Also add in that you got pat already, it's about to happen!!
Cute china

Attached: Riamu140.jpg (1000x1291, 687K)

get in the pot

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cute pinkyyy

Attached: 257.jpg (1024x744, 308K)

Those dubs.
Maybe I should organize what I want to watch.
Good to see you.
Hey there, a little tired from working, so I'm relaxing right now.
Yeah I always like to try new things with ramen.
I want to go to a ramen shop one of these days.

Attached: warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_nemeneko_6__sample-62506758ae2c9a815026d938c3e7603f.jpg (850x1258, 380K)

this chick is 18 aint she? she looks like shed suck sum goood dick

Cute china :) Hugs
That's good that you can relax for a while. I'm sure you work hard

Attached: Riamu166.jpg (1800x2400, 322K)

i must hide under the table from all the evil from this new place
but i musnt sleep
that would be dangerous
i musnt slee....
krooh pyyh

Attached: 1576561232197.jpg (768x768, 66K)

just made it easier to catch

I wont do that lewd thing

Everyone want to pet you because youre fluffy and cute, thats all

Poor kitty

I would like to go to japan and go to a ramen place
I remember one pretty famous with a horribly spicy ramen
I probably wont like it but its always good to try new things

Yeah, shes 18 but she probably wont do that lewd things

Attached: Konata191.png (3000x1677, 576K)

Nice mech

Attached: Nothing personal kid.jpg (225x225, 7K)

you shouldd. do you have a mal acount yet?

Attached: 894579348754.png (1196x784, 1.47M)

shed probably be happy to give a bf the ole suck job, after some convincing and snogging

Thats completely not ok buddy

Attached: Konata351.png (700x700, 260K)

speak for yourself

Attached: 584dc69232b5b6b3715e64870c4f69a3.jpg (676x961, 320K)

oh nanachi!!
who are you!! what are you doing here!!!
why have you surrounded meeee!!! aaaaa!!

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