Bipolar, ask me anything

Bipolar, ask me anything

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How are you?

A week into a depressive episode

what gets you angry?
how can i trigger it?

I very rarely get angry. If you want to upset me make absolutely retarded, misinformed statements about mental illness

Same bro. I'm diagnosed bipolar tho I dont think the diagnosis is spot on but when people make idiotic statements about mental illness I get fired up. My most severe diagnosis is my ADHD
>jUsT pAy AtTeNiOn

Are you feeling lonely?

How does it feel having a made up disorder

Why do you choose to be bipolar?

omgg!! same!! I have OCD I hate like, having things not in order

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Not really. Don't feel like being around people right now and my cat is right beside me.
gr8 b8 m8

So, you are just feeling bad?
You're being doing well this weeks?

I get you.

Don’t use google translate

Yeah, that's the annoying thing about it. Just happens for no reason, so there is nothing in my life I can just fix to feel better about it.

I'm not using google translate... I feel like an idiot right now
Try doing something else
If you start feeling bad play games, watch a video or just gear some music and try to forget about
It sometimes helps me doing that, but I'm not bipolar so idk

Do you get lots of shit done when you're manic? Painting the garage,etc.

Is liking traps or being a trap the big ghey??
Asking for a friend.


Tell me more about your idiosyncrasies

y r u so gay?

That sucks man. My brother is bipolar and he’s clearly feeling good these days lol. He went to church by himself yesterday and then asked me if I wanted to go to the bar with him. Lol.

He’s either the greatest guy ever or the biggest unbearable asshole. I love him but it’s a rollercoaster.

I don't really like my wife, but I spiral into depression if I ever live on my own.
Have always had my own place and always had a bro roommate until my wife (then girlfriend) moved in and he moved out.