Why won't the liberals turn in the impeachment papers?

Why won't the liberals turn in the impeachment papers?

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>about to get impeached
>start poking iran into war


Because Moscow Mitch has already made up his mind?

kys boomer


For what purpose did they impeach him if they knew it wouldn't pass in the Senate? Just for the spectacle? See what politics is, kid?

Then what was the fucking point of impeaching him in the first place? Just to waste everybody's time?

That impeachment is completely toothless partisan trash. If this is a media distraction, it's for Epstein.

well two presidents have been removed through a similar process

if it means dethroning trump I don't think they'll waste their chance

Cause they’re pulling a Moscow Mitch and waiting for the Senate to be over turned before forcing it down the White House’s throat.

revenge for the clinton waste of time is enough reason ivan

Because they got held up thinking about what Emperor Palpatine's dick looks like.

Wow, I never knew someone could be this retarded until I read your post.

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They're gonna release Trump's nudes in a few days

>revenge for the clinton waste of time is enough reason ivan
lol, sure kid. time for bed now you have school tomorrow.

why won't trump testify?
why won't trump allow anyone to testify?
Because he did nothing wrong of course!

If you believe that, I gotta bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in purchasing......

Because it's trolling the fuck out of Trump. He's tweeting like a little bitch again.

No presidents have ever been removed, retard. You clearly don’t know what impeachment is.

Because it's a farce.

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You do realize he doesn't HAVE to testify or do anything to prove his innocence, correct? But if it was such a big deal why didn't the democrats take it to court?

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tell yr boss putin hes a pedo for us

This. He is having a meltdown and damn near starting World War III. Everyday he shows that he is unfit for office.

Same reason your cheeto didnt take Hillary to court? kek

>why didn't the democrats take it to court?
You are either pretending to not know why, or just regurgitating what fox news drills into your empty skull.
either way, just keep swallowing, you're good at it

Tell us why your team didn't do it. Obviously there was no rush because they're holding onto the articles. So what was the problem?


Holy shit are you still using the word team to describe this? I lean to the left but i wouldn't call any liberal politician or pundit my team

>Obviously there was no rush because they're holding onto the articles
Do you hear yourself?
Fucking verbatim from any/every show on fox.

They haven't colluded enough yet.

It's easy, they're biding their time waiting for even more shit to come up. It probably won't be much longer cause the benefits will be outweighed by the risks, but they'll probably get their witnesses and evidence at this point

Because it's the right thing to do.

Exactly this.

Also, if you think it’s just the liberals who are fed up with the Republican lemmings right now, you’re gravely mistaken.

More people turned out for Soleimani's funeral than trumps inauguration

McConnell said the senate wouldn't convict before any serious evidence was forwarded by the inquiry.
That's him saying we don't care what happened, we stand by Trump, and what they really want is this impeachment talk to go away with that fake exoneration.
So Pelosi has full carte blanche to say fuck you, we're negotiating.

Why won't the mods ban faggots who post cancerous AIDS infested Sup Forums cocksmoker bait threads?

>faggots, cocksmoker
is /b where you are allowed to say the bad words without mommy hearing you?

thats cause most of the trump supporters had to work that day :/

>trump supporter
Pick one

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So that's why so many of you are flocking here?

except there all a bunch of jobless inbreds on EBT

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>So that's why so many of you are flocking here?
>so many of you
what "you" are you poorly attempting to convey?

Does this chart include corporate welfare or just social security for workers laid off when their jobs went overseas?

Because the Senate won't listen to the case and just rule on partisan feelings because trump dick is needed for them to keep their 1 day a week at most job and lobbyist money corporate welfare plan.

Go to taxfoundation.org and find out

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>Does this chart include corporate welfare or just social security for workers laid off when their jobs went overseas?
I'll have to go through the files and see exactly how we came up with these figures, might take a few days...
It's a meme you fucking imbecile

No, it's him saying that they won't go forward until the Dems present anything even resembling a shred of credible evidence.

Perhas you think this kangaroo court is being funded by Santa

Are you retarded? It has a source and even without one that should take ten minutes to fact check at most.

Those people can actually get the govt to pay for college and retraining. Those jobs lost was mostly in the 90's and funded by conservative corporations. The welfare state in the south and east us more lazy cunts and whiney bitches who only want immediate high paying jobs and are too good to get a job and let's try for a promotion or work until they find a better job

Yes I am since that's how you people act, like you're on a fucking team. And no but you'd call them your hero or idol.

I see, so in other words you didn't have any actual proof to impeach him. So now you want to go on a fishing trip for it.

What a hilariously stupid take. Funny how now suddenly you people wanna "negotiate" when up to this point there was no fucking negotiating. That's not how impeachment is suppose to work. Either he did something wrong, or he didn't. Of course McConnell isn't going to play along with this bullshit. All your team is going to wasting everybody's fucking time.

So several credible witnesses said Trump was doing weird fucked up shit that was rippling throughout the state department, now we have emails detailing the sudden freeze on the aid and how it was kept quiet.
McConnell, and Graham more recently, said they won't be impartial jurors.
So what evidence would sway an impartial juror?

mitch "i got testicles in my mouth" McConnell said:
I'm working in step with the white house

He does not want evidence, He wants an eraser

Wrong. If that were true then he wouldn't be blocking testimony.

and i work
and i support T

You mean partial

did you forget where you are posting, dipshit?
it's Sup Forums. /b none the less
but, nevermind let me research that for you fuckwit

>blackest states have moat welfare
Tell me something I don’t know.

>and i work
I lived in floriDUH for 10 years
work ethic is for shit.
I'll bet you called out sick more times this year than I did in 10.
Ask me how I KNOW

I could be wrong, but I don't think anyone in the Trump admin is denying the money was withheld. The issue is whether or not there was a quid pro quote. They can hold up the money if they want too, the question is why they did it.

[spoiler]The real reason for “welfare” in red states is the high number of niggers and retirees, btw.

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Lmao, biased cucks are not “credible”. This is the new libtard buzzword, I guess. It’s the same bullshit with Kavanaugh and you will all get fucked again in the impeachment.

HOLY BASED, libtards btfo

Credible my ass, in any other circumstance this bullshit would've been thrown out in a courtroom

You’re on the Flavor-Aid™ team, Captain Douche Rocket!

It’s quid pro quo captain dumbfuck!

Oh no! Did I fail the class, Professor Faggot?

More, not no evidence no matter how much they bring up the Republicans are still gonna aquit him the point is to get as much in as they can. And no you say team because that's how you think because you're underage and new to politics you should never view your party as your team that's gonna start trouble. Everything you said can be flipped to apply to the republicunts its so funny

No one in office is serious about this. Its all a big distraction. A show.

And how are they planning to get this "evidence"? Are they going to call Gandalf and ask him to use his faggy wizard spells?

They are when the transcript released by the president backs up basically everything they said

>They can hold up the money if they want too,
IF they notify congress. You know, the people who approve where the money goes.
>the question is why they did it.
There is no question why. The evidence that is out is more than enough to show this was a shakedown.
If/when more evidence comes out it will only bolster the the current evidence.
>trumpies still screetching witch hunt nevertheless

In a courtroom where trump wasnt president he would have already been booked for obstruction and perjury

I'm not the same dude, moron. Are you ever ashamed of being so stupid?

>knew it wouldnt pass in the senate
>because the SML had already made up his mind

>but its the libs fault


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>hes been denied his right to defend himself
>he doesnt have to testify

youre a fucking moron.

Creative cope

>the real reason is something im going to make up, not cite, and then argue.

>Are you ever ashamed of being so stupid?
I'm not "so stupid". I make mistakes and have stupid moments. But I'm human, and humble.

Are you ever ashamed of being so self righteous?

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Okay, Zoomer.

>the impeachment is over you fucking inbred
>biased cucks, its politics, the SML is biased, what matters is if they can prove they were telling the truth: they did.

thanks for playing, dont have kids pls

Never. I'm only ever ashamed of my ignorance or inability and so I strive daily to alleviate both. Why don't you?

They can't impeach Trump now, he's doing what the Democrats wanted all along, a war with Iran.

In a courtroom, you would be convicted of being a faggot

>republitards are too gutless to stand up against their overlord.
>blame the democrats

Simple,It's ammunition for the election.

The Liberals will wait until the run-up to the election to turn the in and make hay out of the GOPs blind obedience. It may very well be the noose that delivers a massive blow to the right.

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>Why don't you?
i guess you cant read

>dont have kids pls
Oops, too late

I live in a "red" welfare state. Nearly all the welfare is doled out to the blue cities in that red state, to the blue voters in those cities.
In other words, niggers and spics.

Trump released it in the transcripts. there was a quid pro quo. foreign interference in an election is illegal. thats why the impeachment was a slam dunk

Unicorns are real too

well at least keep them to fucking each other, keep it in the pool

>he really thinks they’ll save impeachment until the election

sure bud. lets see some evidence

Read it and weep, hobo

>Implying implications that aren't there
One of us certainly seems to have literacy issues.

>completely ignores chart
Of course he does

so, your Ok with being self righteous?

>I'm only ever ashamed of my ignorance or inability and so I strive daily to alleviate both.
Not showing that "strive" in previous post.

>Why don't you?
I admitted my fallibility here:
but apparently your reading comprehension leaves much to be desired.


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