College student here. Considering taking Adderall to boost my energy. I don't have ADHD or shit like that...

College student here. Considering taking Adderall to boost my energy. I don't have ADHD or shit like that, how much should I take for my first time?

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Bruh just google that shit try it’s an amazing website that helps you dose recreational drugs. Do you take any other prescriptions?

Nono. Go wellbutrin. Feels great. Aderal can be addictive.

Don't take any other drugs, never heard of that site before, will go check it out

Not sure but a single tablet should work.

Still a shit reason to be putting poison in to your body.

I don't give a fuck, I'm need to work my ass off and I keep running out of energy

Drink a cup of coffee, or tea instead. Save your money.

where tf are you from? most colleges in usa are either on break right now or have just started a new semester

Haven't found a coffee that has enough effect for me. Plus, I want something quicker to ingest

California, school starts soon and I'm planning ahead

it'll feel good. take one, two max. horrible for you tho, Adderall is fairly similar meth

It's like every drug I've ever tried. First year is awesome you feel top of the world, now after 5 years it's like drinking coffee, still very effective at giving me energy but I can't do fuck all on it besides sit there and listen to music and endlessly type shit to whoever wants to listen. I don't feel like cleaning on it anymore, can't write or anything. My advice is if you do use it, do the barest minimum dose you find effextive. Try starting out at 5mg, work to 10, then to 15, etc. If 5 or 10mg is effective enough STICK with that, don't increase it. Less is more with this drug. Take turmeric /black pepper supplements on off days, take at minimum one or two week breaks a month, preferably only take it a couple times a week. Stay hydrated, take supplements like b6, b12, etc as addy depletes these pretty quick

Thanks for the advice. Don't plan on taking it too long after college, so hopefully I can minimize the harm

If you can use it short term and in moderation bro it's no joke, this can be your ticket to getting through college easy. Just don't let it be a crutch, what I mean by that is don't become dependent on it. You dont know how fast you'll find yourself losing weight, and convinced you need it every day or more than you really do. Think of it like a super power that comes with huge diminishing returns each time you resort to it.

One thing to note although im sure you wont listen is that Adderall is extremely addictive you may find yourself way worse off down the line as when off the drug you will find it next to impossible to focus and will feel very sluggish. If you take it all the way through college ie. big exams you will most likely be addicted to it and will not be able to function without it.

That's what I'm most worried about. I need to figure out how I can avoid getting addicted

Losing weight in particular is a big problem for me because I'm skinny as fuck, good advice

Eat a solid breakfast everyday before you take it because you won't be hungry likely for 6-8 hours after. Keep protein bars around and make yourself eat them. Make protein shakes. You just gotta keep yourself in check man, if you take low doses and use it responsibly you'll be fine. If you take a huge dose to boot you'll feel too much euphoria and it will increase your likelihood of abuse.

Want my advice don't. Use milder stimulants.Sounds like your Caffeine tolerance maybe be pretty high so try something like Ginseng or maybe something as simple as B vitamins. They wont give you a huge kick but at least you wont be addicted to Adderall.

I don't think those will cut it; sounds like you need to take them on a regular basis which I can't, plus I need short term bursts of energy more than long term benefits, which I'm not even sure will come to me

I know I might sound insane but whats your sleep schedule like are you sleeping well. Because that will have a big impact on energy levels if your sleeps all messed up.

Usually sleep around 12:30-1 AM, wake up at around 7:30

also im afraid the only way to get high bursts of energy quickly is through quite addictive drugs. such as meth cocaine and well Adderall which I dont need to further explain why the are problematic.

Go for modafinil not adderall. Safer, not addictive, and used by fighter pilots to successfully pull 28 hour sorties.

Thank me later.

I'm staying away from meth and cocaine, but I'm hoping that I can do Adderall without getting addicted

But seriously. I got screwed up on methylphenidate (Ritalin) and understand adderall is quite similar. Modafinil is exactly what you want. Legally prescribed of course.

If you're thinking this much about it ahead of time you'll be fine. Probably responsible enough to not be a retard about it. I've crushed that shit up and railed it to finish an entire semester of English homework. And I haven't touched it since.

So Sleep shouldn't be your problem they make Caffeine pills which would be your solution to needing to ingest large amounts in a small period of time however you will develop a tolerance to them overtime which may already be above the recommended dosage of caffeine a day.

Shit I might check this out

Tried caffeine pills?

I have an adderall prescription if you never taken it before 10 to 20mg is best it really depends on yr weight but I’d say to to 20, I like the 20 tablets because I can break them in half take 10 then in a few hours take another 10, help it run longer. I now take the XR version, that good for a good while if you can get it

yep, not that great, somewhat better than normal coffee

Modafinil also known as Provigil may be something worth a try however I would attempt to get a prescription for it as depending on family history the effectiveness may vary as well as other side effects which may go against what your trying to accomplish such as nausea.

Fuck I don't know how to get a prescription considering I'm a functioning human being

Welbutrin gave me seizures

Well you might just have to make do with feeling like shit in the morning also going back to what was mentioned before about a balanced diet. Some vitamin deficiencies can lead to feeling drowsy. I think your worrying to much about how tired you will be and maybe backing away from all stimulants may be an overall better solution.

Easier to get as a functioning human in my experience because they don't see you as some drug seeking scum but a fellow human being.

Try, "Dr, even though I'm making sure to eat right and get enough sleep I seem to be falling asleep in class and having difficulty focusing in general. I'm really worried I won't be able to finish my degree and I'll be out all this money for nothing. I've been tempted to try a friend's Adderall but I'm really concerned over the potential addictiveness and don't feel comfortable buying from the street. I already feel like I'm taking more coffee than is good for me. Are there any options you might recommend?'

Seems like a risky strategy, considering you're basically admitting you want to abuse the drug

Wellbutrin + cipralex gave me paranoid delusions. (Being on the cipralex alone was fine. Delusions receded once switched to different AD).

I couldn't agree more

As a person with ADHD out the ass, I recommend you go fuck yourself with a rusty cactus. I need those meds to put me on the same level playing field as everyone else academically, and you just pop them to put yourself even *more* ahead because you can't even be assed to put in more effort than "durrrr me eat pill durrrr". Fuck off you lazy cretin neanderthal.

Also, you make it a pain in the dick to get colleges, and even just pharmacies in college towns, to give me my meds. Fucking cunt wagon OP.

If your legitimately having trouble staying awake and you have a good diet and good sleep schedule and are not abusing other stimulants you may actually have a problem that can only be addressed through mass amounts of previous medical history.

No, you're stating you want to use the drug for its intended purpose and are having difficulty functioning to your ultimate potential due to fatigue, source ultimately unknown. You admit to being tempted to do something illegal but would much rather work with a doctor's supervision to manage this fatigue. That's use.

Abuse is, dude I hear this can get you really high and I totally want to do that.

For all we know OP legitimately has some form of narcolepsy, sleep apnea or other syndrome that is as yet undiagnosed.

I take a lot of aderall. It’s not really addictive if you’re not a dumb fuck that has no will power. I usually sell my stash of adderall for a really nice profit. I’ll pop one every now and then when I wanna keep drinking when I’m out.

Fucking disabled retard, who gives a shit about an "even playing field"? If I have a chance to gain an advantage, I will. I work harder than most other students, and I need something to avoid falling asleep. Your disabled ass probably failed out of high school.

I'll see your ADHD and raise you chronic depression and OCD.

People rich enough are able to take longer in school and take a lighter courseload, avoid having to work at the same time, and hire private tutors to do their homework for them.

There is no such thing as a level playing field. It's a fucking rat race to the top and you need to do what you can to get by.

And there's people who can do a line of cocaine every once and a while and be fine. The fact is for the Majority of people these drugs are highly addictive and in my opinion not worth the risk.

That's where my dilemna comes in. I'm quite underweight, and I know my diet is pretty bad. Problem is, I've tried my best to improve my nutrition, and my attempts have failed.

lol take a anti-depressant forever that will gives you
tons of random side effects, vs taking Adderall only when you need it and take a break after. retard

This is likewise something a proper dr's visit rather than a street pharmacy could help you address.

Do us all a favor and go talk to your doctor about this however if there is one thing i recommend it is stay away from adderall as its effective in short term situations but long term it will fuck you up

Start Small like 10mg if your new, it will be enough
if you have never done it. up the dose as you need but dont go crazy and dont binge on the stuff

>fairly similar

exactly the same

Seems to be the best course of action. I think I'll stay away from the drugs for some time, but if no progress is made on my diet I don't think I'll have much of a choice.

>coffee won't boost me

There's literally a million things to give you a energy boost and you go with adderall.

I've heard a lot about the effectiveness of Adderall, and not much else. Some people in this thread suggested Modafinil, which I'll check out as well. Open to other suggestions

Yeah I second this

Itll show you who you always dreamed you could be and people will praise you for your beautiful transformation

You won’t realize until it’s too late that it’s just role playing yourself with chemicals

>Fucking disabled retard, who gives a shit about an "even playing field"? If I have a chance to gain an advantage, I will.
Thanks for outing yourself as an objectively terrible human. If you don't die alone, I'll laugh to see karma have your kids kidnapped and raped before being thrown in a river in multiple pieces.
>Your disabled ass probably failed out of high school.
Nice try, but guess again cumbucket. You can lick my impulsive taint with a smile you walking pile of dogshit faggot.