/b has gone to shit

/b has gone to shit..........
prove me wrong

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Yeah 2012 called

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keep going

this bitches nudes and your all too fag to care

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No I think he meant that Sup Forums has been shit for many, many years now. He's not wrong, but it's worse than its ever been right now. People actively avoid coming to Sup Forums, they'll go to any board but this one. This is a collection of ESL freaks and gay dudes.

Sup Forums's been shit for over decade

Wow sweet

well, you're here.. nothing to argue

Yeah I don't even know what I am doing here. I'm just clicking hide thread until there are just boobs

Go to /s/

and for that nigger ass comment you all get no more pictures

post tits

No u

C'mon Dont ruin it

its meh. still better than most sites

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I need titties woman!

Sup Forums is just for black dick lovers now.

you're not wrong OP, shit has gone down hill recently.

like im seeing people use reddit tags and spam request threads and theres always like 3 blacked threads and 3 tranny threads and an extra couple gay threads

its not just Sup Forums either, you go to /gif/ and you'll see at least one or two request threads and every other thread will have like 30 images posted with 200+ replies

i blame the kids who jump on here and dont spend years lurking and read the rules

now anytime a femanon posts i never see a tits or gtfo anymore, they just give them the attention they want and feed the little whores so they'll come back and do it again

this was the most fucked up place on the internet
now its just gay and pro black
the opposite of what it was
i blame democrats

fucking phonposters. dont contribute shit. kys faggots

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beta 12 year olds...
used to be alpha 12 year olds kek

This so had

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Well then post em

Post some sinks

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looks cute. a shame we can't really tell due to the camera

Sup Forums was never good. So how can it go to shit?

you newfag

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this guy right here is why /b died

Earlier, I noticed that one of the endless porn threads, just hit the image limit and I realized that it was created 23 minutes earlier.

So I began trolling porn and VSCO threads with thumbnails to rustle some jimmies and to reach the image limit faster.

I think this may be the only way to save Sup Forums, but I can't do this alone.

Attached: Tits.jpg (125x125, 30K)

It objectively has .

/b used to be a champion of counter-culture and anti-mainstream

Now every second thread are literal cheerleaders for the establishment.

It’s so easy to see what’s happening though - the children of liberal parents are rebelling against them the only way they can - by becoming as Uber conservative as possible.
I remember that phase - the “fuck you mom and dad” phase.
Then I grew up