Why don't heroin addicts just stop buying heroin?

Why don't heroin addicts just stop buying heroin?

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Why don't homeless people buy a house?

Why don't smokers just butt out?

Because they're addicts, Avi.

Yeah but why don't they just STOP being addicts?!?!?!

by definition, addiction is something you can't control

how long can you ride a bike on a railroad line?

Well you know what you do is you get rims for your bike that fit the track. Now you don't need tires

Because they CAN'T, retard. They are dependent on a substance to such an extent that they are physically and/or psychologically incapable of ceasing use without some kind of outside support.

Why don't poor people buy more money?

something like this?

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Why don't fat people stop buying food?

Same reason you don't stop buying male prostitutes

>Why don't retarded just stop being retarded?

Well op?

You literally just got triggered by bait. Stupid newfag

You sir, have just solved the drug crisis.

Ill bet youve never been addicted to something..

Also heroine is a special case. The majority of heroine addicts started with opioid prescriptions and didnt understand or realise their doctors were given them a highly addictive substance. They stayed on their prescription too long, or they even abused it not being well educated on exactly what it was, so to them it was the equivelant of if I decided to take 3 extra strength tylenol: ill advised, but its really not going to matter much if I dont do it daily for a decade..

Then theyre hooked. Then their prescription or benefits run out. Then they cant afford it. And the very, very cheapest opioid you can get is street heroine.

There ya go. Thats how it happens.
You cant fully grasp it unless you understand free will isnt really a thing, your body and brain are computers, and when youre hooked on a substance of any time, it truly is difficult to stay away.

Caffeine is addictive. Look how much trouble some people have not drinking coffee. But we turn a blind eye and give it a pass because its not crazy terrible for you. Heroine is much, much more powerful.

bullshit. caffeine is more addictive than heroin.

Why is everyone taking this obvious shitpost srsly. OP obviously realizes addiction is a thing.

>The majority of heroine addicts started with opioid prescriptions
>In other words
>They dindu nuffin

addicts are weak-minded lmao

Most heroin users can't think straight anymore after years of cannabis abuse.
Matter of fact, dealers often 'prescribe' heroin to marijuana addicts in the end stages, in order to make it look like the heroin killed them, not the ganja.

You dont die if you stop drinking caffeine.
Your constricted brain vessels open up and blood flow returns to normal which causes a nasty ass headache while your brain readjusts. End of effects.

Heroine withdrawal can kill you.

Because they don't have money.
Are you saying the problem with heroin addicts is they have too much money?

>Heroine withdrawal can kill you

no it actually can't

I feel like people who say things like this have at least some issue in their lives they have no control over (Lets be honest, everyone does.)
Knew a guy with major social anxiety and was a shutin and had this attitude.

Knew for a fact addicts could just stop and they were just weak. Couldnt for the life of him get out of his computer chair and go to a normal social gathering with a lot of people even though he wanted to.

The brains weird and powerful dude. If it wants or doesnt want something and its deeply rooted in your neurology, its extremely difficult to go against it.

It’s one of the best feelings in the
world better than orgasms, love or sex.
Every time u do its like cumming
but for a long period of time. It feels
awesome and when you fuck
it’s even better. A friend of mine who
died in jail told me this

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So they're broken, and belong in the human trash heap

"You don't get it, do you? Bankruptcy is just a hobby of mine. I'll quit it tommorow and buy out the bank to replenish my funds." -Scott Wozniak, 2019

Because oppression

doesn't sound that great honestly

If you knew the first thing about psychology and neurology youd know the shoddy ass job evolution did on your brain.
Our brains are pretty shitty at a lot of things, bro. Including recognizing the difference between food or sex, things it drives you to for survival, and cocaine, a drug that doesnt benefit you but does overload your brain with dopamine which is the brains tool to say "That thing you did is really good and is going to help us survive the winter. Keep doing it." especially when the overload causes an excess of dopamine receptors and then you need a bump to feel and function at a normal baseline level, and want to throw yourself off a sky scraper if you dont have that baseline level.

Bias and cognitive dissonance is another serious problem with human brains. Causes people to form uneducated opinions and not learn anything.

dirty ass autistic weebs dont understand what addiction is. they are reading this thread while drinking a capri sun

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nah people who are addicts are just mentally weak, made a dumb decision and continue to make it. truly survival of the fittest. people should be expected to make smart decisions and people naturally need social interaction as well, that's just an excuse for being lazy and fat and not getting out of your chair, your friend seems like an idiot too

Yes they can

Agreed. Moar?

If you actually had a shred of intelligence, you'd realize that your (poor) explanation for why some people are trash doesn't prove they're not trash people.

Nor does having an addiction.

As someone who has been addicted, I can tell you first hand. It's because your brain betrays you. When you're not addicted, ceasing to use something is easy because you decide to do something, and that thing gets done. For an example: you're eating something that isn't good for you, and you decide to stop because it isn't good for you. You make a conclusion "it's not good for me" and that results in a decision "I should stop."

But the nature of addiction is such that your brain ceases to use that line of reasoning. You observe: "this shit is bad for me" but your brain doesn't translate that into "so I should stop." Or if it does, it does so for a limited time, then goes "I've been good and stayed away, I can reward myself some" or "just one time doesn't mean I'm back to using." Right after you use it, and your addiction isn't at the wheel anymore, your mind will go "holy fuck, why did I take it? I didn't want to take it, why did I?"

Your brain is hijacked. You can't make decisions the way you can when you don't feel that withdrawal. Some people manage to stop anyway, and these people are the problem. Because they will go around and say shit like "I managed to stop, therefore everyone can stop, if they just want to." As if all brains work exactly the same way.

I could not stop on my own. I got help. And once I were off it, looking back it's like I was possessed. I couldn't make rational decisions. It was like someone else was at the wheel. I remember fully making all those bad decisions, but I can't recall why I though they'd be good decisions at the time.

It's because I wasn't the one at the wheel. My neurons were ruined. 100% of the efforts of my brain was to get another fix, so I could feel normal.

Depends on the addiction, and the severity. But yes it does.











black tar








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>As someone who has been addicted, I can tell you first hand. It's because your brain betrays you. When you're not addicted, ceasing to use something is easy because you decide to do something, and that thing gets done. For an example: you're eating something that isn't good for you, and you decide to stop because it isn't good for you. You make a conclusion "it's not good for me" and that results in a decision "I should stop."
That's not how anybody's brain works. Free will isn't just an illusion at the quantum level, it's an illusion at the neurological level. People are creatures of habits, biases, and preconceptions. There's no betrayal, because there's no perfect rational human.

The difference between someone who is prone to massive addiction and someone who is not is not some pure intellectual decision point, everyone's largely irrational. It's just some people have a far more functional version of irrationality, and others are broken.

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Coolest thing Ive seen all day! Looks like something that would get Wiley E Coyote into trouble

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Possible. I just wanted to share what it was like. And it was absolutely not like I could make the decision to just stop. It's not like curtailing eating snacks or ceasing to drink soft drinks.

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But-but addicts are good people, someone must have forced them inject heroin in their ballsack

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drug addicts are scum

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It's not that different. The highs may be higher with illegal drugs, but the people who are obese and constantly eat snacks can't just stop, either. It's as much a habit or habitual thought patterns as anything else. Figuring out how to improve yourself isn't really a matter of will, it's a matter of changing your opportunities, you situation, your default patterns, and so on.

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yeah and they were scum before they even touched the drugs

why doesn't OP just stop being a candy-ass

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addicts aren't that resourceful, or they wouldn't be addicts to start with would they? Are you trying to act stupid? Because it's convincing.

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it's like taking trash and throwing in dumpster with garbage juice. trash is always trash. add drugs or not. "they were a good kid before and always at school and did things" - no they weren't you lier. they were always trash. drugs didn't do that. trash parents did.

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Why can't you stop watching pornography, why can't you stop watching youtube videos. Why can't you stop playing video games.
These are rather minor addictions by comparison but addiction is a compulsion the your philology reacts violently when you deny it . With my experience with addiction you often don't do the drug because you want it. But when you don't feed it you are beyond miserable. You become dependent on that substance and you can't just quit. Its akin to being an abusive relationship but your partner is covering all your living expenses so you can't just leave.

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Than control it and then you control it, duh

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>I need a doctor to tell me opioids are addictive substances
Shouldve just written a script for cyanide.

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People don't take drugs for no reason. People take drugs because they experience problems in their lives which they can't see other solutions to.

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>Heroine is much, much more powerful.
Especially when the heroine had a dick

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When someone is addicted they are dependent on the substance. They experience severe physical and psychological pain when they don't/can't use it. It becomes near impossible to get off of it without substantial outside help from a support network.

i dont even know how the fuck they find it.
like weed's hard enough to fucking find, acid & shrooms harder. coke is 90% baking powder at this point.

Or they can't convince themselves that they're satisfied being a piece of shit for the rest of consciousness

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>Near impossible
Is this backed up by absolutely anything?
Or just another way addicts convince themselves that they can keep doing it until they hit some "deep end" (buzzword!)

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If it worked as easy as "just decide not to" then no one would ever get addicted.

People do get addicted.

Therefore it doesn't work that way.