Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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Cuz more social welfare dependents means more votes means more power money for themselves

Why do republicans fight straw men?


To end the meaningless division of mankind.

What's strawman here?

Really? So why don't Latin American countries have open borders?

Plz to die OP

they are paid off by globalist elites that want to assimilate every country into an ultra melting pot of chaos. For whatever reason. Probably some jew bullshit

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wish someone would kill this spic retard she is fucking brainless

Why is Trump threatening sanctions on Iraq if they ask our troops to leave, when he promised to pull them out of Iraq in 2016?

Immigrants more willing to blindly consume, replace the population that will actively not allow that and will fight tooth and nail to destroy tyranny, cheaper labor. Now's the time Southern brothers.

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Red states, and republicans controlled poverty areas, are the biggest drain on welfare.

Republitards : Turkeys voting for Christmas and wrap presents for the family that will eat them.

Why don't you niggas just post this shit on Sup Forums
I dunno, maybe Sup Forums should close it's borders

>more willing to blindly consume
More willing to consume than an Amerifat??

Feel free to make logical sense at any point bubba

cuzzzzzz fuckem

Still don’t make sense - it’s like demanding your woman make you a sammich, and then divorcing her Coz she brought you a sammich.

Republitards are too Fucking dumb to look beyond their own spiteful noses to see what’s happening right in front of their eyes

We'll leave when we're damn ready to fucking leave. Would you prefer Iran and Iraq merge together? Because that's where this is heading.

ez answer if you are sane. its literally about getting votes. see also why they hate @ voted ID

i was just saying that's the primal logic behind trumpers

last time i looked, Baltimore, Portland, Detroit, and San Fran are not in red states. If anything they are hardcore deep blue states. Your statement is purely not factual. Found the cucked rachel maddow watcher folks

They think they can mold the Mexican illegal immigrants and other ethnicities that unlawfully come across the border to their liking.

it's the only way they'll gain votes.

They don't think it, they know it

why do the stuff and why

Every cuck:
> why won’t women fuck me

>Jews are making them want men with big dicks

Flawless logic everyone

lol America, what a fucking joke. giving every criminal that stumbles over our shit border free everything. really is land of the free

Trump: I’m bringing our troops home - I’ll start the first day I’m in office
Trumptards : he’s got my vote

Trump 4 years later : If Iraq dares threaten us to send our troops home , Will will start a whole new war to send our troops to

Republitards: he’s got my vote!

There really is no cure for stupid

Not gonna waste any time beating down your strawman, I just wanted to let you know you're doing a great job with these bait threads. Especially using AOC's pic in every one, knowing it makes the right wing drones squirm with sexual frustration. Nicely done.

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Thank the democrats for that. Everyone else understands how fucking stupid that is.

>not factual
Only, backed up by facts..,so actually factual.

Red states are a bigger drain on welfare.
It’s hilarious because you can’t accept reality.

What a cuck

>Troops leave Iraq
>Immediately falls into civil war
>Radicals take over

But sure, you know better than the military does

>Especially using AOC's pic in every one
>Instead of using
>Pics of fried chicken

>, you know better than the military does
And riddle me this , faggot trumptard...
Does the military advise an escalation of tension in the Middle East ?

Does it fuck - they are currently in extreme damage control mode because of Trumps bumbling fucktardery.

Also, admitting Trump can’t keep his promises...and still blames the Dems for it...
It’s truly astonishing how cucked you are. Breathtaking

Yeah sadly we can't do shit about it, we have to go on being second-class citizens to non-citizens. Drumpf is a fucking disappointment too, he hasn't really done shit to stop the neverending tide.

>free shit
Over here in Europe with my 6 weeks paid vacations, 6 months paternal leave, unlimited sick days, free healthcare and generous welfare safety net....
Ameritards get fuck all....and have to beg for it.

Max Kek.

>It's backed up by facts because I say it is

sure... ok buddy

Well I don't know, what would you do after a US embassy gets attacked? Hide in the corner like a fucking pussy? An American citizen was killed in that attack, just FYI. Not that you care of course. And this person you're crying about, created IEDs that killed soldiers for years while pasturing videos of that shit all over the internet.


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just because you say its facts doesnt make it factual. The deep blue states have so many problems with poverty and homeless its really not even close. you have been indoctrinated with hate coming from fake news media. be careful what you read online, most are stupid hit pieces aimed at hating one side.

Fuck the rules give us free land free money and drugs. Smart people will do smart things. Let everyone else live life and die happy

What do you not understand about Fake News? legit made-up stats to push their narrative. Go to any of said cities and see for yourself phaggotlord.

Well I mean, obviously Democrats either want concentration camps or open borders. That is demonstrably true. Because rubber and glue so stick it to the man, ya big faggorino.

You’re right. Just because I say it, doesn’t make it fact.
Likewise , just because you’re retarded and don’t know how to look up facts, doesn’t make what you say a “fact”.

How about we use “facts” instead?

Read em and weep, you cucked retard faggot



Government stats that prove trump is lying = fake news

It’s his government releasing these figures you cucktard

Them goshdarn jews making everybody abuse methamphetamines and watch FOX news and making the planet experience a little ice age. Gay sex slaves on mars havin dat dere sex with frogs. Are transgendered frogs in drag gay if they are practicing bondage on Mars? Wgat is the appropriate orthodoxy of hate here?

links anti-trump site. imagine being this retarted. go outside

My favorite pastime right now is watching everyone of Trumps peripheral puppets having to speak in public and attempt to defend whatever retarded thing he tweeted 10 minutes ago .

Absolute dumpster fires.

Top Kek ok boomer

>no u
“I dispute those figures” > provides no alternative figures .

Do you know what evidential proofs are, retard?

How about you try it sometime

I haven’t heard of this cunt in months. Did she die or something?

Got your nose kiddo

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Why do Republicans want state and local governments to expend their own resources to enforce immigration policy in spite of the fact that that clearly falls under the jurisdiction of the federal government?

The Russian bot farms took a break over Christmas

>>Democrats wanting open borders is a "strawman"
How ignorant

Because you want free shit!

Not gonna happen.
They’re not going to prove themselves wrong - they’re just gonna post Russian made memes

I have a better question. Why do democrats use state and local government to protect illegals?

Better question still - why do Republicans think "we're not doing your job for you" is the same as protection?

why are liberal dummycrats so stupid? it's like they spend all there days thinking of ways to give out free fried chicken and watermelon to tyrone and laqueesha.

>it's like they spend all there days thinking of ways to give out free fried chicken and watermelon to tyrone and laqueesha.
Pic related, it's how we do it.

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“We’ve arrived,” Tobin argues, “at a point when the law and policy arguments about how best to enforce it have become irrelevant.” When ICE agents are refashioned as fascists and illegal aliens become default martyrs then “there is no more middle ground.”

Current Democratic leadership balks at this characterization as the New York Times piece noted. The next generation isn’t as shy in their support for open borders. Just go ask them.

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., isn’t on the fringe of the Left. He is the second ranking member of the Democratic National Committee and he basically wears his immigration policy on his sleeve. More specifically, the No. 2 Democrat wore a T-Shirt that literally said “I don’t believe in borders.”

To troll snowflake republicans who are stupid enough to believe everything that Hannity, Tucker and Fox and Friends push as "real news."

You mean mutts? Because last I checked mutts blindly consume.

If liberal policies are so great then why are all liberal cities crime infested shit holes?

You do know that we retaliated for the American Contractor you speak of like 5 days before this right?


And did we also retaliate for the Moors invading Europe?