Kek. Left Wingers are fucking retarded

Kek. Left Wingers are fucking retarded.

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you tell em tough guy

Kek. Shutup faggot

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Anyone that picks a "side" instead of weighing the pros and cons on a decision in politics is retarded.

Anyone who cares about politics is fucking retarded

Kek. Okay Nigger

You're welcome candy-ass

I never said “thank you” so I don’t know why you are saying “you’re welcome” dumb fuck.
Kill yourself

Trying a little bit too hard there.

Is that why you are still replying? You’re just mad. Shut up and kill yourself already. Jesus.

What do you mean by that

Reread if you don’t understand.

Reread what



> Who's getting impeached right now retard?

Left Wing Amerifags are refusing to draft Women, only strong men. Why don't the strong, empowered women march on Washington to demand equality?

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Not Trump. Nancy is to scared to even send the articles to the senate because she knows the impeachment is total bullshit and is just a kamikaze attack spurned from the death throws of your dying party.

Holy fuck

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Weighing the pros and cons of each side, Republicans > Cuckocrats


Where the fuck did you get that impression? I never said anything about Trump, you Alabama shitnigger

Shut the fuck up little bitch.
We know.

Holy shit the right can't meme

Who's "we"? You and the imaginary friend you just had an argument with? Go chow down on a barrel of dicks, you dusty old nigger