Who else is committing suicide very soon? Can’t fucking wait

Who else is committing suicide very soon? Can’t fucking wait

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I'll see you in 10 minutes, user

Think about it lots but don’t got the balls to go through with it. Terrified of death.

Quit being such a retard. The pain will pass and make you stronger.

god....i wish that was me

This legit?

Looks pretty legit

Interesting how he didn’t do the typical in the mouth method.

think about it a lot but can't do it to my mom

jesus fuck what a selfish asshole

put down a fucking tarp, someone has to clean that up

Not going to elaborate but the fact that you ruminate about it may prevent you from actually doing it. The actual act is very impulsive.

Waaaa. Crime scene clean up crews make big $.

I had to clean up my dad's suicide... it was right on the couch like this fool. smelled like cold beef the whole week we packed his stuff.

There is nothing out in this world worth giving up on. Tomorrow is always another chance to get better.

I tried the other night but apparently my entire bottle of meds wasnt enough, that being said my next attempt will be with chlorine gas in a makeshift mask

Damn Sucks! ... I once had to tow a truck to a storage yard, the previous owner did the same shotgun to the head. The inside of the cab was Barf-o-rific.

A childhood friend of mine killed himself huffing Freon I'm not sure if there's a high to it or what, but if you can't snap out of your depressed funk-state... Don't fuck up, Being dead is better than being a fucked up Gimp the rest of your days.

CO poisoning would be much less painful, run a lawnmower in an enclosed space or light a bunch of charcoal in a grill and you should drift off eventually

It can definitely wait for the U.S. Elections to be finished first.
Should be entertaining.

I'm looking for speed not comfort I have this death gas mask like then planed out so I get pure chloramine gas which should work in minutes if I got everything right

I'm wondering why you waited long enough to make a thread about it. Like, fuck dude, hurry up.