I got my dad to make out with me (I'm mtf trans) and I wanna know how to go further

I got my dad to make out with me (I'm mtf trans) and I wanna know how to go further.

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bring up statistics, I heard 51% was a real sexy number

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Story time OP

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>mom left dad
>just me and him since I was 12
>never really much of a boy, withdrawn, shut in
>dad workaholic
>at 16 he finds me dangling in my room and i I wasn't dead
>after months of therapy I was put on female hormones and t blockers
>by my 18 birthday I passed as a girl and was living as one
>dad accepted it because i was all he had
>comfortable enough to be around the house in a tank top and my panties
>he sees me one day coming home early from work
>he blushes as I'm sitting on the couch wearing nothing but a camisole and panties watching anime and eating popcorn
>he asks me how my day was and I say I had my nails done and showed him my pink nails
>he gets even redder
>"oh... that's nice, real pretty champ, er... I mean honey"
>I switch the channel and tell him to get off his feet
Should I continue?

Ur dads gay

No go find that old rope

I want to hear more

>he kicks off his shoes and sits on the couch next to me and we watch a documentary on wolves
>I cry when the mommy wolf dies and he hugs me
>the hug went for a bit too long
>"you smell so nice, and your hair is so soft"
>thanks dad
>"I can't believe how much you changed"
>yeah but I'm worried I'm not cute enough
>"honestly if I was your age I would be dating you"

Yes, the whole thing

this is fucked

fake and gay

Go kill your self please and get off my b you trans faggot

wheres the rest fucker

Tits, then I can advise.

>am I pretty enough for you now, daddy?

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we need pics op

go on...

Stop LARPing faggot, we all know you look like chewbacca's pubes

type faster nigger I’m jerking

This is so funny, go on OP

Go further by digging a grave and killing yourself

shits actually creepy

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LMAO continue


op never delivers

kill yourself. maybe that will rekindle your fathers love


Au-to-gy-ne-phil-ia.. you.


Continue faggot

unironically hot

>"Stop it daddy. We both know that's not true."
>"It's 100% true honey. You've become a very beautiful girl, er I mean woman."
>My face turns bright red
>I look up at him smiling at me
>He punches me in the face as hard as he can
>Starts absolutely pummeling me
>"Stop dad stop! Please you're hurting me stop!"
>"I'll finish the job you started you little faggot. Get back over here"
>I managed to get away and ran to my room.
>I have the old rope sitting in front of me right now...

when OP doesn't deliver, some user has to finish the job

It doesn't matter if you're trans, rules are rules

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