My weeb girlfriend wrote me a letter in Japanese?

My weeb girlfriend wrote me a letter in Japanese?

I met her at uni and usually my autism strikes and ruins my chances with girls, but this time she might really like me. Idk but she wrote me a letter but its written in Japanese using English letters.

I've tried google translate but it didn't work.

Can anyone help me translate it?

pic related. its the letter

Attached: Japanese translate2.jpg (3042x3883, 1.66M)

Haha oh wow that's pretty fucking gay. Was a fun read though. Didn't expect her to be in to that kinda of stuff

shit nigger i have no idea

Knowing her its probably a shitpost letter to troll me anyways. Idk, then again maybe its a worthwhile letter

What type of retard writes someone a letter in a language they don't even speak.

fumodo can mean love or like in various context, im not sure of everything tho, her sentence structure isnt great. And It has been a loooong time since i did any japanese. You'll need to find a fluent speaker who can decode her gibberish.

Not Japanese at all, just gibberish. Dump her.

I speak a little Japanese. Not enough to be fluent but I can tell you now this is all literal jibberish.

Idk if shes a weeb who maybe thinks shes writing japanese sounding words but it's all jibberish. Not one recognizable word

it says throw this shit in the garbage and stop talking to downies

Wait correction to my previous statement here About there being not one real word.

She has the word "moto"
Which if she actually knew her romaji it would be "motto" meaning "more"

Sorry but your girl just sounds like a cringey weeb pretending to write jap words she hears in anime on paper.

This is very apparent since most of her words are like 10 letters plus long lol



I think the gist of it is she is trying to say she loves you.

Tell her to at least fucking learn the kanas. It's not that hard. Romaji is shit that only english speaking people can understand.

i'm making some progress with the translation. I'll keep you guys posted. so far i got:

I'm sorry,
There are many places where you can enjoy your life.


Basically. I have a vocabulary of about 1000 japanese words but I'm a dumb American and went I tried to learn sentence structure and kana I basically gave up.

So i sadly am one on those people that rely more on romaji to read anything but even I can see that this letter is all just a weeb writing made up jap words

Where do you even see that. I'm pretty sure if she was saying "I'm sorry" it would be "gomen" or a more formal "gomenasai"

lol OP is getting dumped

It's in Monster Hunter language.

I bet where she wrote chimoji she meant kimochi. I bet she's just trying to phonetically spell words she hears in anime but has no idea how their alphabet works. It's funny because Japanese is so rigid that teaching pronunciation of just about all of it can be done in minutes.

I love monster hunter.

Currently pooping, give me 5 minutes my wife is Jap I'll ask her. Not sure why she is writing in romanji tho, clearly has no Japanese ability.

Just trying my best with google translate at this point

Attached: Capture.png (874x212, 29K)

Sentence structure is a bitch. It's my current bottleneck. Duolingo is a shit app, but the hirigana portion of it is surprisingly effective at helping to memorize it. I doesn't explain shit about sentence structure, so I'm currently on to other sources.

i speak and read Japanese, including Anglicized Japanese...

I can assure you that is gibberish.

Japanese sentence structure is the easiest part of japanese!

All this tells me is that she's gonna half ass your future relationship, the same way she's half assed this piece of mess. Fuck her off now and find someone willing to put the effort in to learn a language, and write it in the correct script.


Just stop trying. Multiple people told you Its gibberish.

Also there are no Ls in the japanese alphabet. Another obvious sign this is just a dumb weeb

pics of retarded weeb gf or gtfo

Well, I started over with online lessons so I'll probably see how dumb I am about it soon.

This. I want to see the smelly weeb girl who wrote this nonsense

Correct. Once you have the uses of the particles the sentences come together, with importance of information the bearing on how you structure it.

Well I finished pooping and asked my wife(pic related as proof), "no, this isn't Japanese. There's some words that are kind of Japanese but as a whole nothing makes sense"

Attached: Screenshot_20200107_162043.jpg (1080x1438, 280K)

I don't know shit about Japanese I'm just a weeb and this looked like gibberish to me

Attached: 1570777551516.png (414x459, 324K)

she prints very neatly

>my wife


a silver lining in OP's crumbling world

sounds like she's breaking up with you bro.

Topkek. That doesn't mean a thing. She trolled you so fucking hard, my sides hurt.

You ain't go no puss this time

>writing an entire letter in romaji
even if it wasn't gibberish, she'd still be an autistic retard

What's that list of days you have above the letter?

Attached: sensible_chuckle_Cobb.png (518x276, 246K)

there is an easy way to remember this using this jokes
> what do you call a woman with only one leg?
> eileen
> what do you call a japanese woman with only one leg?
> irene

best to play dumb user.
make it out so you look dumb not her.
only way to get out of this and have the chance of getting laid.

Attached: girugamesh.png (630x374, 93K)

Took it just for you mate.

Attached: Screenshot_20200107_163007.jpg (1080x1421, 338K)

Not even a weeb and its obvious this is nonsense, its like the same eight japanesy letters repeated randomly. Like jesus fuck everything has an m or a k in it, no language is that ridiculous.

Sounds familiar, like out of an anime I saw. If I remember correctly, she will invite you in for coffee and then consume your flesh. Nothing personal

This is gibberish and definitely not Japanese.

The handwriting is very similar. Did OP write the letter? I can only compare the lowercase a because strangely there isn't a single y or capital D in the letter.


Yep, those are jap nipples

Thanks user. You're wife and yourself are good eggs!

Very suspicious. I'm beginning to think that old man OP knows more than he lets on.

shes coming and going and can come back at some point.
also theres something about warm engine oil, cataracts and cathodes?

def a larp im out

Attached: crazy girlfriend.jpg (1200x800, 111K)

Doesn’t look much like any japenglish I’ve seen.
Jap lessons were some years ago now and I mainly spoke it, but I’m getting nothing out of this.