Racism is based in outdated human tribalism and prevents us from transcending our current social structure and...

Racism is based in outdated human tribalism and prevents us from transcending our current social structure and achieving greatness as a unified species.

To those of you that are racist, however, I do not find you evil. I only hold you accountable for your actions and rhetoric to the extend that instills a sense of responsibility within you that prompts action, but I think the more effective approach is through communication and rehabilitation. After all, humans do not have free will. You are all just as much the product of your genetics, biology, environment, and socioeconomic status as I am. The differences between us stem from the differences in our circumstances.

I hope that one day you abandon your harmful views and behavior and help contribute to the day when we as a species can come together and work to achieve greatness - to transcend the stars and unravel the mysteries of the universe.

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OP, I agree with you. Very well put.

Yeah ok, whatever you fucking beta faggot fucker nigger sympathizer weeaboo bitch

I agree with you unless you believe in collectivism, then you'll get the rope.


What he said.

I don't want to violate people's individual liberties, but I also believe it's important to consider the well being of our collective society. That said, I don't wish to put one over the other. In my ideal worldview, we each voluntarily contribute as individuals to add to the collective whole. In my world view, we benefit collectively be enabling the individual, and the individual is enabled by helping the collective.

I don't believe individualism and collectivism must be at odds with one another.

I'm gonna have to agree with user on this one. Sorry OP, fucking nigger faggot.

Well, I disagree with you, but I still wish you the best.


Run where?

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Why are black people afraid of chainsaws?

Well, I mean, I don't think you have to necessarily be black to be afraid of chainsaws. Chainsaws are pretty scary - they can cause some serious bodily harm. Not to mention they've been propped up in the mainstream as murder weapons through movies like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or games like DOOM.

Pages 19-30

>So what, I still hate niggers

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It's hippy commie retard attitudes like this that's holding us back. Taking care of idiot sub species until we exhaust all our resources will lead to extinction. Kys, you kike enabling nigger lover.

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Racism literally not real and does not exist, the word racism did not exist 200 years ago, it is a nuspeak word created as part of new world order culture to fulfill a political social engineering campaign.

Nobody is scared of melanin. Nobody judges people based on the melanin content of their skin. People judge others based on their behaviour which is rational and not unethical at all. People judge the behaviour of other groups based on the data available to them, from what they experience themselves and what they learn from others around them, statistics, personal interactions, etc.

If someone told you that pit bulls have horrible statistics about being violent towards people, and you always see pit bulls on the news attacking people, and then every time you meet a pit bull, the pit bull bites you, then you will come to the completely rational conclusion that pit bulls attack and are dangerous. This may not instrinsicslly Be objectively true of course, but if that’s the data you are exposed to, that is the conclusion you personally will draw. That is not ignorant or bigoted, it is literally your reality.

So it is with different cultures. It is not unethical to disagree with or dislike a culture very different to one’s own. Ethnicity and culture are linked in the sense that while not every person of an ethnicity adheres to the culture of the ethnicities native land, most people of the land an ethnicity is native to do adhere to the lands culture. That is what makes it the culture to begin with, of China or Sudan or England etc.

SO. When you see x ethnicity, you are not judging their melanin or ethnicity, you are judging their culture, which is how someone behaves. You are presuming that a person who looks like they come from x culture, does. Statistically that is generally true.

Racism is a vague catch all new world political term leveraged against various groups for private personal and political gain. It is not real.

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Really, it didn't exist? 1820, the word race and racism didn't exist. Check your implications, newfriend.

Race did, racism did not exist as a concept in the way that it does now. One hundred percent. It is a trick of language, a new invention to alter social perception.

And in fact, the idea of “race” was always plainly flawed as the only race is the human race. Ethnicityist would be more accurate, but it is still silly and false, because the reason people do not gel with other ethnicities is not because of a difference in skin colour but in custom and religion and culture, and that is fine. It is okay to not like the culture of someone born and raised in Nazi germany. You are not a racist for saying “I don’t like nazis”. It’s okay to not like someone else’s cultural customs, you don’t have to accept or tolerate them, you don’t have to accept or tolerate your neighbours behaviour if your neighbour kills jews, for example.

Just because something is someone’s culture, you do not have to accept or even tolerate it. That is not unethical.

Skin colour is only indicative of cultural custom.

Nobody is scared of melanin. People are scared of customs they find offensive or harmful and that is reasonable. It’s okay to be culturalist.

Unless you are trying to tell me we should let nazis practise their cultural custom of killing Jews in peace and leave them to it and not judge them for practicing the cu,true they were raised in?

Which is it liberal? Either it is okay for nazis to kill Jews, or racism does not exist. Choose one.

Every single word that you just typed is completely illogical.

Yes, race is a social construct, but people still use it as a basis to single out populations of people and discriminate against them. THAT is plainly wrong.

You don't have to accept or tolerate a person's culture, but if they aren't infringing upon your rights, then you're an asshole for not doing so.

Case closed.

>THAT is plainly wrong
Cringe please read:
Its biological reality and its trends are so strong that more exposure to diversity makes one LESS tolerant of other ethnicities and policy is unlikely to ever be strong enough to reverse the trends in social trust and community degredation.
Page 15-17 they literally have negative effects on your health. Page 30-32 they dont respect your rights. Why should we be expected to respect theirs?

Niggers will never be human.

Of course it's okay for Nazis to kill Jews. What kind of question is this?

No, race or ethnicity is not a social construct, it is your genetics. Culture is a social construct. Chinese people have Chinese genetics and so they look Chinese. In China, there is Chinese culture, the culture of the mainland Chinese people.

Am I a bigot to say people who live in China live in the mindset of Chinese culture? No. Is that unethical to say? No, it is common sense, Chinese people have Chinese culture.

Am I a bigot to say Chinese people look Chinese because of their genetics? No, that is common sense. Chinese people have Chinese genes. It is clear what a Chinese person looks like compared to most other ethnicities including other Asian ethnicities like Japanese etc.

So far so good right? Follow me? No bigotry, no evil scary racism, just facts.

Okay now here’s the thing. Not all, but MOST people who LOOK like they have Chinese genetics are going to be Chinese people, which means they are going to have the culture of where? Saudi Arabia? Uganda? No, most likely, they will be raised in Chinese culture and behave as Chinese people do in according with Chinese customs and culture. Is that racist? No, it is common sense, beyond that even it is simple mathematics.

So if in my culture it is very offensive to do something that I know is a normal part of Chinese culture, I do not have to like it or accept it. That is not only not racist, it has nothing to do with race or genetics.

It is not acceptable to judge people on their looks or genes, only their behaviour, yes? Like if I kill someone or if I give to charity, you judge me accordingly, not by my hair colour, right?

Okay so skin colour is a tag for what your culture MOST LIKELY is. Not always. But most genetic Chinese people come from China which means they have Chinese culture, and that’s how they behave, and it’s only ok to judge people on how they behave, so if I don’t like their behaviour, that is not bigotry, it is a difference in culture and that is not unethical or racist

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Racism is born from real life experience. White guy from Detroit.