What mind-blowing information about (anything) could you share with us?

What mind-blowing information about (anything) could you share with us?

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Remember old captchas, where you deciphered random jumbled nonsense words?
They were to help an AI confirm translations of scans of extremely old books and other texts.

Traps are gay.

There are spirals in your ears.

upside down crosses are not satanic, they are called "saint peter's cross".

so saint peter is satan basically


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the corn flakes mascot’s name is cornelius


the concept of "invisible hand" was invented by Adam Smith not to describe the free market but to describe the homeland bias that was supposed to undermine free market

MomAnon here.

>inb4 tits or gtfo

Been on near-obsessively since the Boston Bombings. Yes, I'm an INTJ. I get some good, honest laughs from Sup Forums, love the white knight raids (Jerkin' Joes and the kid who didntknooooo) and think that what was done for Dusty the Cat was an extremely proud moment in the history of Sup Forums.

Only rarely do I identify myself. It's simply not necessary most of the time. Also don't want to be called attention whore, be flooded with tits or gtfo, or other summer-level bullshit.

I also lurk in Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Might have to head over to /fit/ one day, stretch my cables and jesus was real.

Okay, but where's the mindblowing part.

3-4% of your body weight is composed of bacterias

I'm the Time God, Solivagus, and I am trolling all of humanity for the rest of history with Climate Change and Aboriginal Spirit-Spear chucking.

>I was the guy that died on the news today outside the Vic State Library. I'll see you cunts tomorrow. Just don't react as if you guys are losing your fucking memory marbles and everything'll be fine!

bodies float in warm water and sink in cold water

from the show River Monsters, Alaskan Horror episode

first of all nothing "mindblowing"
>MomAnon here.
>Only rarely do I identify myself. It's simply not necessary most of the time.
then why do it now?
wasn't necessary either ...

i'm gay btw if that matters

these are sweet nuggets of information that i just love eating up

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Every 'c' in Pacific Ocean is pronounced differently

>despite being 13% of the population...

that word is too complicated then, lets change it
Pakific Okean

despite making 50% of population they causee 90% of the crime

what am i

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There are more neurons in your brain than there are atoms in the universe.

"Mountain Dew" used to be slang for moonshine

dude im stupid

>Momanon here
No tits just gtfo

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If you folded a piece of paper 42 times, it would be thick enough to reach the moon

Niggers in Paris?

come on you can do this. whats 50% of the population

Color doesn't exist in the real world. Everything is shades of gray, color is merely your brain interjecting an interpretation of frequency into your visual perception.

>everything is shades of grey
>because our perception of shades is real

There's a legal way to travel to Japan and board a cruise for two months around the Pacific with ~90 cute Japanese girls.

And it's 100% free.

Gray is a color dumbass.

literally every furry i met is cringy, ill informed and intolerant towards anything else and they always claim to be artists even tho they can't draw shit

Ok this is a good one

save ship. you're talking about a save ship.

Oxford University is older than the Aztecs


really drunk here

What has this got to do with anything

How was that mindblowing? You are litterly just stating obvious facts.

theres also a way to lie on the internet for free


Shut up, dummy. Post your tits like a good mom does.
>other summer-level bullshit
The only thing that's "summer" is you not following the rules like a newfaggot.


>a cruise for two months around the Pacific with ~90 cute Japanese girls.
>And it's 100% free.

jesus wasn't real, use google more

What if I have a really big paper?


for me it was mind blowing since i jumped to logical conclusion in my naive dumbass head that people who fight for "equality" and all that junk would be tolerant.
Well, they're not.
They're absolute garbage characters.
Exceptions excist.

Try it. World record is 12 folds.

If you moderate a board like this, you have a lot of functions the average guy wouldn't expect. You can exchange words and phrases. If somebody says "popcorn", you can make them say "hamster".

Other people are entitled to their opinion even if its a shitty one and you can just agree to disagree instead of bending reality to "open their eyes"

The new ones are used to train self driving cars.
That's why it has you point out street lights and signs, fire hydrants, cars, bikes, crosswalks, etc

Literally post tits or gtfo

Furry degenerate here, I personally am open about pretty much anything, and respect others opinions and refuse to start an argument over that kind of shit, I find it useless. Agree to disagree is the kind of route I tend to take, y'know?

If the entire population of China jumped at the same time, the planet would get knocked out of orbit.

i feel like you connected dots that were easy to connect but have no bearing on reality

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Frogs use their eyes to swallow food. They push the food down their throat with their eyes.


tl;dr: parrotfish poop out sand

Sure buddy

Eventually it'll be useful. I'm pretty sure google is buying the data.

If you have autism then you're also gay.

Yeah, on a regular 9×11 piece of paper. What if I have a really big piece of paper that's 20feetx20feet faggot?

Ha so it is, never noticed that

Did you know to get a bubble free skin or decal onto any surface, all you need is some dishwashing liquid, spray bottle and a cloth?
Mix, spray both surfaces liberally, apply, straighten, wipe away bubbles and excess liquid, leave for an hour or so.
Perfect every time.

Girls like men titties too sometimes.

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Stfu mentally retarded faggot

I hope you get shot

>There are "shadow rules"
>certain mods are particularly salty hotpockets about certain things and issue bans that aren't covered by any particular rule
>simply saying one of these shadow rules may get me banned so I can't even share
>my theory: there are mods who can't add rules but face no consequences for executing censorship at their sole discretion

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everyone knows this, that's why we all wrote nigger in one of the words

uzumaki by junji ito

I still remember reading this on the corn flakes box as a kid, perhaps it's more mind blowing than I thought


nice schizomancy

first actual good post

possible If you don't fold it over itself

although I get what you mean user

I'm not an artist I also don't spend time with others of "my kind" nor do I use this information to define myself

probably most obvious post in thread

most underappreciated truth

fuck off

more schizomancy

there is about 5 to 8% nigger in Paris dude
time to change your source of informations

Love you too

>his ass

if you wrote a book about california history only on the very last page would it say anything about the united states

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The width doesn't matter but the thickness of the paper does since it'll be twice as thick every fold.

>teehee i'm a woman isn't that crazyyy???
yeah i believe this is a roastie

hate to break it to you bucko but not everything your dad says drunk at 3am is true. even if you took every atom from a 8 1/2 x 11 standard sheet of notebook paper and lined them up it wouldnt even reach New York to LA

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Wrong. Do research before claiming stuff chief.

We should origami ourselves up there, beat India for the lulz.

Wtf? What do you classify as "history"? California has been a state for 170 years.

? That makes no sense

He's saying if you double the distance the thickness a single sheet of paper covers 42 times it will reach the moon. So paper thickness times 2^42 would reach the moon.

Save sounds friendlier. We should rewrite history books to talk about Saves ( those who are saved), save ships, and savery- continued support of those that were saved.

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That's not what (You) said at all

Utter bollocks pal. Each colour has its own frequency signature. More mind boggling is how the brain translates the electrical signals from our eyes and reconstructs them into images in our minds.

Look at these dweebs fighting over facts and if they are true or not. Its not like you'll ever meet em or correcting them with make a great in pact. OwO

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user made a point that even if it was magically possible to fold it 42 times there arent even enough for it to be possible even as a hypothetical

Can change posts ha?
Let me poster that while I go microwave some hamster.

Ooo those sneaky buggers!

Retard detected.

enough atoms

No, what he's saying is true. It already happened once.

theres a proper way to blankpost in 2020 (nothing there to highlight) but its copy pastable so I am waiting for a special occasion since its bound to get post filtered right after

2mm sheet
1 fold - 4mm
2 folds -8mm
3 folds - 16mm
4 - 32mm
5 - 64mm
7 - 128mm
8 - 256mm
9 - 512mm
10 - 1024mm
11 - 2048mm = 6.71 feet

It isn't about actual pieces of paper it's just a way to show that even though a piece of paper is really thin if you exponentially increase it's thickness in that way it only has to double 42 times. Like that old story where the little girl makes the a king give her 1 grain of rice doubled every day for a month instead of a lump sum.


I stick to my previous comment son. Can’t even be arsed to lay it out for you.

It's one of those lesbian ass hypotheticals but mathematically works skanks.

She should have got paper and gone to the moon.
Kek. Chicks....

by that logic you could fold it into infinity to get infinite distance. too bad theres limited atoms which is my whole point

OK, papi.

Well that's kinda frightening consider how blatantly fucking WRONG the captcha is half the time. It thinks trash trucks are buses, street lights are traffic lights, bikes are motorcycles, etc etc. Can't wait for an ai car to drive me straight into a concrete barrier like that Tesla did awhile back.