If I fap to pic related my whole life and I'm a 29 yo khhv, can I ever be a normal person?

If I fap to pic related my whole life and I'm a 29 yo khhv, can I ever be a normal person?

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Well, you're starting with a handicap right now.

Attached: 3807F6D3-7E89-4BA1-BD12-07A619F1A4FC.jpg (1242x1239, 95K)

she has nice feet

What am I looking at here?
Good looking white girl but bare feet in shit hole. Russian?

South Africa


are you implying it's normal? I'm glad

Being a white women in South Africa must fucking suck.

Kids in rural areas of South Africa always walk around barefoot.White kids included.

>looks slavic
fuckin dropped

Why the entire world doesn't do that?
I bet people would be much more cautious about littering streets, thus much cleaner and comfortable environment.

Kill yourself pedos.

Ringworm comes to mind.
Sandspurs are uncomfortable.

Those rural areas get very hot in summer, and kids being kids just want to run around and play or climb trees,and don’t want the hassle of putting on and then taking off warm sneakers or flip flops that could easily get lost.

yet they walk barefoot in South Africa and New Zealand

Ugly feet

Yes, it's never too late.

said no reasonable person ever its degenerate and not normal.

You’d be surprised what climate does to peoples sense of “normal” when you don’t live in a temperate or variable climate place.
Even in the US, places where it’s hot as fuck year ‘round tend to not care about things like proper shoes or shirts, especially in more rural communities where nobody is gonna bat an eye over wearing a swimsuit in public because it’s hot as fuck.

Used to live in the southern tip of Florida a ways away from the larger towns and cities, out there nobody would give a shit if your kids were naked, you go everywhere in swim trunks, a lot of women wore at most a two piece
However, hot pavement and concrete, sandals were a must for anyone.
I imagine places where dirt pathways are more common sandals become less of a requirement since the ground wouldn’t be as hot in comparison to blacktop

You have never been to South Africa.