Aussie thread

Aussie thread

lets bust a nut for all the brave fire-fighters out there going gods work

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someone posted her yesterday, just wondering if they have more

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Any Armidale?

Anyone got any of her?

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Bro i study up there I know plenty of girls up there

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perth rep signing in. anyone know where to get ketamine?

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That is one munted head

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pay whore is Brissy

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>smoking blues

you really turned it up a notch there. For the ants.

Here ya go mates

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I'd lick the cum off her thights after watching her get fucked by another man.

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Let’s all bust a nut on the fires. We could easily do it. Females can squirt on the fire to.

here ya cheeky cunt lol

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Why even post this? Fucking delete like the other one

Can't help you bro but here's a bump
Looking for tabs in Sydney

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Need help sleeping, anyone know what can help, maybe something I can add to my drink?

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Post those tits

Damn more

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All I got from old thread was hoping to summon OP

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Fuck this cunt.

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Anyone got her name?

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Anything else you know about her?

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She is like the perfect representation of the Brisbane female. Thank fuck I am divorced from that fucking state for the rest of eternity.

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For women that think about their sexuality so much they put more effort into advertising it than having it or cultivating their orgasms.

0/10 would commit suicide again.

Yes I’m jerking now

She looks perfect I’m jerking


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Remember guys, it's long and languid strokes, not the hard n' fast construction worker wave!

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Glad you like her m8

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Legit good advice boys, don't give yourself a numb cock like me

Post more

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Please more b4 I cum

You can reset that shit by letting a woman attend to you for as long as her patience will last with slow and gentle contact.

Just a tip for my boys. I wouldn't want your little soldiers to be so numb to the war on pussy that you feel like you're lost in a foxhole.

Very nice. Love those white tits


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Anyone in Perth know her?

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How many fedoras do you own?

Blair Williams

I reset it by doing nofap for a while whenever I'm expecting to fuck.
Too bad I'm a fucking coomer and find it really hard to refrain. Getting there slowly though.
Its at the point where I have to finish myself off every time I don't nofap before sex for a few days beforehand.

No but I wish I did.

This is the only hat I own. My slut made it for me as a worship/devotion gift. Turned her into a sex priestess. Shit's pretty cash.

I guess that's the more hardcore way of doing it but I've never had a hard time attracting a woman's attention to my sexual now so I can't comment on the sexual efficiency of this. I've always found allowing the touch of another overwrite the memory of my own the superior but I can see the value.

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Love that pose!

im sure someone in perth knows her. probably not here though

Worth a try

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Yeah I don't have trouble getting laid, I have a girlfriend and fuck around once a week or more.
This is her
My dick is just numb as fuck.

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Well thats a saggy tit on the right

See this is the fucking problem I haev with women. They care more about the wrapping paper than the written message attached to it.

Ma boi! Just go for the full-blown dick worship thing and learn the patience to train her like your cock hound. Trust me, she'll be glad for it.

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Saggy tits with an average face tho...

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Sorry Oz, I’ve got to I just had an image of a tsunami of angry biters overwhelming your town ahead of fires approach.
Is this actually a thing?

Also did I hear there’s also a fuckin cyclone on the way now??

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I'd rather swallow some of their nuts, they must be blueballed hard

Don't lose hope user. If you know where Northam is I went to school there and a mate found nudes of a girl from there on Sup Forums,

We're proving to you fucking foreigners that we can handle more intense bullshit stories and get by without chucking a fucking spaz in public every day about it.

>t. the foreign Elder KumKum

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Nice. Im not giving up anytime soon. She just broke up with her bf and I'm hoping some nudes leaked

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Are there any fires near Punchbowl?
I hope Trent is ok.

Anyone got nudes of her?

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Yeah this kind of behavior is a bit shitty. It just promotes a viral monogamy of patience and can fuck too many guys up and give women the wrong idea of their own sexuality.

>God is an opinion

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No, but more?

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cute. more

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not bad

Anyone know an Elle young from melbourn?

damn best so far. she looks great

Yeah sure mate

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Maybe. I don't much care though

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Yeah, she goes to my high school. She's the helpful one that lets everyone get their L's with her dump truck. She's a top gal, won't hear a word against her.

damn im falling in love with her face

oooooh you gonna be waiting a lot longer than you think if that's the attitude you got boy-o.

Glad you like her buddy

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That man is a national treasure

Sisters Bre and Alicia

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