Its been a year since my ex and i broke up. dating a transman was hard for both of us...

Its been a year since my ex and i broke up. dating a transman was hard for both of us, i really did love him and had a lapse of judgement and hit him, ive thought about it everyday for a year. tried to kill myself because of it, still write him messages i never send. went to therapy. still sad. what the fuck do i do?

>inb4 fag...

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Eat shit, we aren’t your therapist

ah, a classic fag... forgive me for asking for your 2 cents before you're carted off to special education

Says the guy crying about hitting his non existent trans man bf. get a grip mate

Ive been on this board for years. just thought i could seek out someone with similar experiences... go back to Sup Forums and cry about Scomo, mate.

did it have a pussy?

Yeah, he did.

What kind of "lapse in judgement" results in hitting someone like that? What the fuck, OP?

Listen buddy boi, make sure when you go back to your therapist you let him know you got made fun of on here. This isn’t an outlet to talk about your fake gayboy desires. Find a hobby, I suggest carpentry and leave us alone with your shit

>His pussy
You had a girlfriend mate. Either way, you need to find the root of your anger and understand why you hit your girlfriend. I've been so angry with my girlfriend I've fucking actually seen red, but I was never close to hitting her. It's not a lapse in judgement sort of thing. Instead of working through and trying to forgive yourself for it happening you need to go and try to find why it happened. You need to resolve your issues before you can properly heal.

sorry i took away from your: Rekt thread, Loli Threads and shit.

i was just angry after an argument.

Kill yourself, degenerate faggot.

Truthfully, i wanted to break up but didnt want to hurt him. so i thought if i hit him hed break up with me. it worked but the effects after werent foreseen

Imma be real dude, that's really fucked up. Instead of having an unpleasant conversation you decided to hit your fucking girlfriend?

Partially, the argument was real. the situation was real. and i did it.

You need to do some kinda soul searching and understand why you did it user. Killing yourself won't solve anything, but until you work out your issues, don't get another girlfriend.

Its been a year. i found myself. a decent job. healthier lifestyle. and now that ive lost him all i want it him back.

Yeah, that's how relationships work. Get more pussy and move on. Harsh but true. Get on Tinder and fuck random sluts. Best way to get over a gal is to find another one.

Fucking quads checked.

Im not a decent looking guy. dont exactly have people lined up.

Quads of truth user. And you don't have to be good looking, it's a fact women like being the attractive one in a relationship. Be funny and if need be, fuck fatties.

Step 1: don't date crazy. Trans included.

forced meme. doomers don't exist.

the OP.

>Only sucks cock.
>Is extremely gay
>Never stops chugging cum
>Rainbow faggot

You must be from WA state. Keep shooting up drugs fag.

U wanted to hit him. Then hit him. Then told yourself hitting ppl is bad. U are a fucking retard

That's not true. U must be a virgin