Why do boys do this

why do boys do this

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The comic explains it very well. He wants the views.

>be young
>low self esteem
>go on anonymous korean knitting forum
>russian trolls be like "be gay!, be trap! be democrat! be social justice warrior, cut off your dick!"
>every day the same troll posts
>they start to believe it

They couldn't make it in life as men, so they became women.

I would too if i could

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cause its fun being a sissy boy

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America has the largest gay and pedophile population, its to be expected to see some shit from there, and the rest project their problems onto other groups of people or countries.

Americans are so damned hypocritical it is funny to watch.

Lol ok David.

Sir gay?

TenZ lmao. Pro gamer from Crossdress9

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I love you and I agree

лoл, хopoшo пидap. Never in a million years.

I'm sorry but if you look through history the turkish armies abducted christian little boys and used them for war and raped their tiny buttholes so the muslim population has the highest homosexuality rates. US just said fine you can be 5 genders.

I can't stop started when I was 7 gets more and more extreme

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kind of looks like him

post more!

Nice dubs and same.. I wanna be a cute trap too..

I want to find a hot trap, turn them into my slave and breed them as often as I could.

Citation needed.
Every other source says Latin America, and Europe.
Which source is yours, so I can see what you read?

What a weird thing to reply to yourself.


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What are the chances he becomes a pedophile with all those half naked little girls on his wall. his mother must look at him in disgust.

who knows, but his mom is kind of hot imo

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It's not the Russians

Fucking hell that is so HOT! I may well jack off to this. Good old Shadman delivering the goods as always.

nice try, BORIS
I won't put on the panties

Well done Boris

Now i will put on my mom's panties

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I want to spank you ass and fill your holes

>be fat
>be retard
>basically just be American
>blame degeneracy on Russians
>dont ever stop to think that its just other fat white neckbeards (like you) posting this.
>cant blame Russians
>default to blaming Clinton's

There. I've summed up a conversation with you, mate

this doesnt seem like such a bad idea actually may try this

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wish that was me

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damn is this based on a true story or something

thank you :3

got discord?

It's a fine fetish. Also if you look feminine and good you can get a lot of girls too.

there are hundreds of millions of gays in Russia and China, but they don't out themselves because in Russia it'll get them shot by gangs, and in China it'll get them shot by the army.

Burroughs pointed out that middle east cultures have a very different take on sex. they'll fuck boys because they're available, cheap and stupid, and they'll only fuck women when they want to start a family.

all of shad's comics are based on true stories.

he does a lot of research.

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Yeah, uh-huh, rrrrrrrrright

So I guess that's after the gore video where some guy impales himself on a pole like that.

are you a tard lol

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>russian trolls

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Russians have a remarkable reason to sew disarray among the American people.

What's Jews reason?

They hate you.

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no unfortunately not

(((boys)))... begone kike

Keep posting

got my attention

keep posting faggot

i'm semi hard

We need more!

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Yeah, that somehow makes it better.

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shadman got in trouble with the FBI with all the pedo shit he used to draw. Now he only posts gay/trap shit.

Only takes 1 year of HRT

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>she needs hrt to pass

The HRT almost ruins it for me. I mean, I'd love to fuck his weak, trembling mouth, fuck his cute puckered asshole, and maybe, if he's good enough, give him a little reach around while I pound at his prostate.


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>snapchat picture, filtered and overlighted, plus huge heart covering a third of the face

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It will be easier to try to stop now rather than later then; unless you want to be alienated forever

dating a trap is the best. actually knows how to suck dick and jerk you off, no retarded mood swings each 10 days. always horny. fuck yea

> " why do boys do this " ;

. . . . . in my experience:
boys aged between about 11½ and 15½ years old
will literally do ANYTHING to have yet another orgasm by a means that they have not experienced previously.

The prospect of finding erotic lingerie in one's own sister's bedroom and wearing it while doing "dares" on Omegle, would be irresistible for most boys, in that age range, who had not managed to get their rocks off during the previous eight hours, for some unfathomable reason.

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