Hey dudes, need a little help

hey dudes, need a little help
i have a friend in massa2shits. he's going to die soon and i want to visit him before he kicks it. to do this, i have to travel amtrack, and go through the hub at grand central in NYC. what are my chances of not getting thrown in jail if i layover there for 3 hours. i'm white but i'm from the south USA. i have the feeling if i even open my mouth and say anything in NYC with my southern accent i'll be arrested up there. or as a side bar, if someone sees that i'm out of towner, they will try to rip me off, i will beat them badly and then they will lock me up for that. 3 hours dude, and i still don't trust new york just for 3 hours. little help bitte

pic not relation

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Stop being s little bitch over a 3hr layover, wtf. NYC has millions of people from all over the world, literally, you think people will even raise an eyebrow at a southerner? Please...

Quit being a redneck flyover country fuck and realize that everyone there is superior to you.

seriously? i'm not being a bitch, i'd beat the fuck out of anyone that looked at me crooked. i just have heard that anyone there that even seems from out of town is a target. if i'm wrong, tell me.

you have no clue

Everyone from there is basically from out of town you basic bitch. It's New York. Jesus you fucking clueless country fucks.

trumps really got white people believing they are the ones in danger when they travel.

You're traveling Amtrak cause you're poor. I do have a clue.

no, it's that yanks have always had it out for southerners. don't deny, i remember when all the zipperheads came down from binghamton and vestal and tried to take over my hometown.

>you basic bitch
fuck man, i like that. can i use that in my act? i hate to steal, but i only steal from the best

no, i have more money than i could ever spend in one lifetime. i just love trains, my pop was a railroad man and i grew up around tracks

Okay ignorant "southerner"
Go home and fuck your cousin or whatever you do in flyover country.

WOW. now who is the none tolerent one here? i thought you fucks were so tolerent. jesus dude, try living what you preach

not to mention, this is really telling me everything i need to know about you fucks. maybe i'll just carry a bowie and cut little chunks out of people like you.
sssssssssshhhhhhh, it will be quiet soon

damson. these no lifes in the thread actually sound like they're out to get you, sucks. have good trip trains are comfy and stylish

I'm from L.A.. We'd literally just take you out and shoot you. Spent enough time in N.Y. to know we would do the same to some wanna be tough guy imagining that being from the south means you can fight.

NYC is a fucking liberal melting pot. You will be invisible.

Is this guy for real lmao

I can hear this dude sweating

NYC is actually super safe in general compared to what it use to be / what people imagined. Now go around acting like a country tough guy and you’ll get your ass kicked, but that will happen in any major city. You sound like a humble idiot, you’ll be fine.

Listen, I am from New York, lived there all my life. You are in grave danger. Don't let us catch you speaking in that atrocious accent, riding a horse, watching NASCAR, or having sex with one of your close relatives. We'll totally fuck you up, probably even kill you. Go somewhere else and be a southerner. Don't go to Brooklyn, don't go to the Bronx, don't go to Queens, and DEFINITELY do not go to Staten Island. Just stay on your side of the Mason-Dixon line, and you and your family will not be harmed. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Attached: cry-fondos-girl-iphone-Favim.com-3284222.jpg (317x464, 92K)

Not OP, jeez people like you are the worst type. Even worse than niggers, no wonder many people in NY are crackhead. Hell, when I was watching Astros vs Yankee, people in your states are fucking awful. Screaming and throwing shit like monkeys

I don't think he was being serious.

i’m literally from NY. no one gives a shit if you sit around for 3 hours. grab a 32oz IPA from rose’s pizza in penn station. it’s legitimately $11 no tax. fucking honkey.

wear a maga hat and a big Sambo keychain. youll be fine.

No one cares what the fuck, why would you even worry about this.

just say you voted for hillary and they'll use lube

Hah. Jokes on you corporate rat. Bernie bros dont need lube.