Get gf on Halloween

>get gf on Halloween.
>we discuss having an open relationship. she has reservations about it.
>only stipulation is that we must meet the "side-fuck" in real life and always play safe.
>i meet her "side-fuck."
>she continues to express reservations about being open but she does have a crush on her "side-fuck."
>"okay, let's go monogamous" I say after having a conversation about it with her.
>a few weeks pass.
>she goes to his house to give him a late Christmas gift. they both get blazed and have sex.
>she actually tells me the truth and profusely apologizes over text messages. it was obviously a mistake but I'm not 100 percent sure because it sounded like she knew sex might happen.
>"I fucked up, I fucked up, I'm so sorry" says she.
>I'm not angry but I am really fucking annoyed. at the same time I'm glad she told me the truth.
Cuck jokes aside, should I even bother with this relationship? I really, really like her but I'm not head-over-heels in love. She's the first real GF I've had that wasn't just a fuck buddy.

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Massive cuck here. Move along everyone.

>being really high, he obviously didn't put a condom on.

>she didn't really tell him we were going to be monogamous, even after they had sex. I had to tell her to tell him.

>the most she said about it was "we're getting serious and I met his family." that was her way of telling him we were no longer having an open relationship. quite ambiguous.

>mfw I suspect she knew sex would probably happen if she went to his house. she gets super fucking horny when high.

Just use her as a fuck toy and don't get emotionally attached. Fuck other bitches till you find one to settle down with.

I knew I'd find good advice on Sup Forums but didn't expect it to be the literal second response I got. kek.

Posted the same shit on /adv/ and those tards aren't helpful at all even though their whole board is about giving advice.

Sometimes you can trust Sup Forums. We're all cucks here.

Just use her as your main girl to fuck and the other bitches def use a condom

She’s not worth dating seriously, as this person put it

Cut out the dates, don’t buy her anything, use her ONLY for pussy when no one else will do

If she’s not gonna give you the respect you deserve, don’t give her any either

She sounds like a heartless sociopath

The only joke here is you, CUCKIMUS PRIME

Some whores are the kind who string emotionally into their screws.

She sounds like that type.
You must've figured her for a who're, else you'd not went freak fetish on her. She'd been sidelining anyways. So, if it was a gf you were wanting, you coulda not tried cucking yourself, and she woulda kept up the act a little while as a FWB.

^this, she clearly wanted an open relationship but didn't want to look like a bag of hoes. Don't let her use you

Def sounds like the type to cheat behind OP's back regardless

I should mention that me and gf have a very strong baseline of trust. She wouldn't have personally told me she was cheating if she didn't trust me. I feel like if she did it again she'd tell the truth again but she swears up and down she can be trusted and won't fuck him, even if she has to stop talking to him altogether.

I mean, mistakes happen and she was high as fuck. I feel like she wouldn't have made that mistake if she wasn't high.

You guys are calling her a slut but she's actually far from it. She's only had 1 bf in the past. When pressed about why she went to his house even though sex might happen she said she's depressed. I think she's telling the truth. I don't think she's a slut/hoe whatever. She got high and fucked up.

I'm a keen eye when it comes to labeling ppl's phenotypes.

Well, OP obviously has mental issues;weakness or else he wouldn't of did that or even made this post about it. So he's just as weak as her.

You must be deluded if you think you can trust her again. Have you ever smoked weed? It ain’t alcohol bruh, you are completely 100% in control of sexual encounters with marijuana. She was horny and wanted someone inside of her that wasn’t you.

Amount of boyfriends has NOTHING to do with her sexual activity in the past. And “depression”? Depression takes away your interest in sexual activity if it’s actually as bad as she says it is

She’s playing you like a motherfucking fiddle Sup Forumsro, you might as well be eating the creampie that that other guy dumped in your woman

To add to that, OP is the type who likes to convince himself into these.

He wants to become emotionally attached.
Toxic relationships are what these types like. I'm sure he's not much of a dom, or maybe he is, but he prefers to be at the whore's heel.

These types of men genwerally dont make for good serious relationships and aren't likely to have children either, when they do end up with offspring they tend to be absent more than not, some cases because the woman actively attempts to repel them from their offspring.

Also “very strong baseline of trust” this HAS to be a joke. You’ve been dating for 2 months and you think you have a strong baseline of trust after she cheated on you?! This has to be fake

what relationship ?


He is deluded, but willingly. The mental conscious of these types is weak, typically average is or less, less clever atleast then the whores these men like to tangle with.

He's prob convinced himself intentionally that this chick is seriously into him and not playing the same headgame He is. She wont be around very long, likely less than two months more considering they started this in October.

I'd bet you're already eating his cum out of her pussy LMAO

Lmao yup here is your answer op

Okay, so the consensus is that I have a weak will and she is a manipulating slut / whore. I'd argue that this isn't accurate.

I know you probably don't believe me becuase you don't have the ability to know her in real life and speak to her, but humor me for a second.

I think she really did just fuck up and self-sabotage because of depression. Also I have gotten high and I can understand how she could lose her faculties and fuck up.

I think she is actually remorseful. At least I think she believes she is.


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just get her pregnant then dump her ass like any sane man. her problem now.

Dawg. You’ve provided no evidence she’s trustworthy/not completely lying about depression. You came here for advice and now you’re cranky we didn’t tell you to stick with the cumdumpster (not even a stretch to call her that in this case)

Also, who wants to be with someone that is battling depression? She should deal with her problems in a healthy way, therapy, medications, homeopathy even, not jumping from cock to cock sucking out any loose nutsauce that cums her way.

Leave her.

There’s literally billions of women out there.

No OP and imma tell you why. She cheated on you after you went monogamous and couldn’t even tell it to your face that she cheated she did it through text.
But idgaf what u degens say. If you liked this girl why tf would you have brought up the open relationship in the first place?

I can say with resonable confidence that she does have depression but she was taking medication for it up until she fucked up and "self-sabotaged" as she put it. I'm willing to support her even through her mistakes and depression. We both like each other a lot.

I think I probably will leave her but I need to talk to her irl.

Is there any chance at redemption for her? Say we have a conversation and she begs to have me back? You guys will say she's manipulating me in that case. Or what if she respectfully agrees that we should go our seperate ways? You guys will say she never liked me to begin with.

Is there a middle ground here where she could be redeemed? I know I won't be able to trust her again for a long time, but I'm willing to take that gamble because I'm naturally optimistic and I honestly think she just fucked up.


you're a moron OP, you set up your own demise and now want to be a little bitch about it


>If you liked this girl why tf would you have brought up the open relationship in the first place?
Because it's possible to have a healthy open relationship. Jealousy is present but it doesn't dominate my life. I thought I could make it work and trust her.

It would take longer for you to trust her again than your relationship has even lasted so far. Betrayal takes years to overcome even in the most serious and committed relationships where bonds are strong. And once again this relationship is




what’re you, 12? Don’t be a cuck

it best to leave it as friends (do not fuck her/no makingout, etc.) and if after a great deal of time you two still want to give it a continue then try, it would be foolish to try to mend things at this point

>Because it's possible to have a healthy open relationship

you do not really believe this, otherwise you wouldnt be here with your retarded mess

This is pretty good advice actually, imo the best advice in the thread so far.

The way I see it, if I avoid having sex with her I will be able to see if she really likes me for any other reason than my dick.

I find that insanely hard to believe. You literally threw the idea out there as soon as you started dating dis bitch.
You didn’t let her be with you and build trust at all. Relationships i feel should be monogamous for some time in order for this cuck ass shit to work.
OP , please tell me you at least fucked other girls during this.

>if she really likes me for any other reason than my dick

broseph, you need to grow up if you think that's a valid reason why females stay loyal

she doesnt like your dick either. she doesnt like anything about you. Your money works.

before you go on with your cuckshit just answer this simple question : what relationship ?

Holy shit you are a fucking cuck.Theres no hope really just get over with it already.

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bait but I'll respond. You're a massive retard to even get into an open relationship.

You're being overly antagonistic and everything you said was incorrect.

and you still werent able to answer the simplest question possible

My nigga u just cucked yourself

Fuck you and fuck your bitch

You think girls only stay loyal if you can sexually satisfy them? Sounds like you need to grow up. Women's lives don't revolve around how good dick they can get.

what relationship? If that's not a bait question then I'll answer it. The boyfriend/girlfriend relationship I have with this girl.

do whatever the fuck youre going to do man, but dont:

thats my advice as someone in their late 20's.

Sit her down and talK OP.

No. It’s already too late dude, she went there late Christmas present and smoked with him knowing shit can go weird. They had sex she didn’t decline, no matter what as long as they talk that sex shit will always be at the back of their mind especially for the guy. End it, it’ll save you lots of trouble trust me.

You fucking moron... She was cheating on you long before she EVER mentioned being in an open relationship. She just said that shit to try and justify her behaviour.

As to how you can fix this, take her back, start fucking HIV infected trannies, and then fuck her in the arse so she and her boyfriend can both eat shit and die.

I have more of a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with my mentally unstable neighbour which im trying the best to go out of her way every possiblity than you have with your "girlfriend"

>we discuss having an open relationship. she has reservations about it.
She didn't have reservations at all you cuck, she just wanted to play shy and get you into it, you accepted, didn't get shit, she got plowed as she planned from the beginnig. You'll just be mixing milk inside her from now on lmao

I used to be this dumb once. Do as other anons told and just fuck her while looking for an actual gf.

You're here asking? You already know the answer.

Though thar being said, her emotional response is indictive of doubt in the strength of the relationship. This is not good for the relationship.

Women don’t admit if but they want someone who can protect, provide, and someone to trust. It’s basic fucking human evolution.
Think about it like this. Any modern girl today can get dick whenever she wants. Girls aren’t looking for dick dude. Girls who only want sex aren’t even worth pursuing a relationship for.

end it, no point when she knew there would be sex
probably wanted it so ....

>Women's lives don't revolve around how good dick they can get.


you just reiterated the point i was trying to make, but i am glad you understand this (not sure to what extent though)

I definitely will, and thank you for your civil response. What should we discuss and what boundaries should we put in place next time I meet her? What pressing questions should I ask?


I think there was a miscommunication along the way.

I appreciate all of your responses, even the meme ones.


This. I had a similar experience. I had a gf who hadn’t even had her first kiss by the time we started dating.
She told me at first she didn’t like sex.

One day she cheated, fucking the other dude in the most dirty ways possible (bc she did’t like sex at all right), and after I left her, she started fucking around with as many dudes as she could.

Her nudes all over the interwebz now cos that’s what happens when thots shake their ass for any dude they meet.

Funny things is, after she cheated, she said she realized she liked it rough, and apparebtly had a fetish with 50 shades of gray

Imagine cheating on yourself this hard.

Are you actually upset or are you upset because people tell you you should be?

She took advantage of my trust. I'm upset at that more than I am jealous of the other guy. I honestly don't really care about him, but me and GF set a boundary and she crossed it because she has low impulse control, not because she's "cucking" me.

How is that cheating on yourself?
Bitch cheats, bitch gets dumped. The point is that just bc a girl is a virgin it has had only one bf, tell you nothing about being a worldclass hor or not.

I know it’s hard bro. Society tells us that men are the players, and women are princess that wouldn’t do any wrong to anyone. What hurts the most is breaking illusion appart, knowing it’s a lie, and knowing that girl was never what you thought her to be.

Clear away all attachments with that thot and just use her for sex, like she used you. Fuck whatever you can while at it. Most women are like that anyways, so don’t feel bad for “cheating”

Thanks for your replies, guys. I'm going to have a very heavy conversation with her and try to gauge if this is salvageable.

First user to comment in this stupid thread was right, OP is a massive cuck. Just move along so he can acclimate to the idea of sucking another nigga's nut out of his bitch

Jesus christ op, have some fucking self respect.

It isn't.

dude you are King Cuck

it sin't. just stop talking to her. you're going to lose trying to talk to her, anyway.

t. literally never been weeded out of his mind

She's sorry that she had to tell you, not that it happened

It's pretty clear that she has other plans, subconscious or otherwise. I wouldn't put too much soul into her user. deception and open relationship are a terrible mix..I did that for 4 years. It just hurts more and more as they bend and break the rules

Soon you'll find yourself with a GF who has 3 other lovers who's telling you that you have to use condoms now because she wants to get cummed in by a different guy

it's sudden, it's confusing, and it hurts. don't be me OP

>Babe, I want you to fuck other people...
>I dunno, user, but I guess I'll do it for you...
>K, now I don't want you to fuck other people...

You fucking millennials are so fucked as a generation...

that's disgusting and disrespectful. She doesn't respect you or the relationship with you. At all.

>cuck jokes aside
lol no you're still a fucking cucc

100% she will do it again. She shows no respect for you and can't control her whore tendencies. I guarantee she'll fuck you up emotionally even if you're together for years with no fault.

Wants open relationship, she fucks someone. Is insecure. Lmfao. Fucking cuck. You get what you fucking deserve