Shut up about your boyfriend June

shut up about your boyfriend June

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What is this really about in other than what it's going to be in???

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it just comes off as a subtlebrag and "don't hit on me"

realistically that will never go down well.

I like her content but I don't like being taken out of it by being reminded it would be twice as difficult to fuck her if we ever met.

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>small waist
>big hips
>naturally plump and big tits
Easily 9/10 body.

Don't forget about the Goddess tier tootsies.

This is quite a stretch tbh

She's a Bernie retard. Look past the body for once, and you might not fuck yourself in your next relationshit

Based stroke poster

You sound jealous. What's the matter? Can't get laid yourself, retard?

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Just look at this reddit spacing.
Nice dubs though fag

fuck boxxy bitch was never queen

>Start relationship solely with the intent to have sex
>Get sex and leave

Fuck off newfag

What did he mean by this?

Is the side of your face drooping? Can you lift your left arm over your head?

where do those pics come from?

Yeah atfu June that mouth is made only for sucking dick

She manipulated boxxy fans (and now, June is not boxxy, she just made a boxxy paraody/fan video once) into thinking she would date them in order to get them to do things for her.

One of them, an extreme fatty, ended up leaking her nudes back in the day.

Then she dated a boxxy fan that went by the name GMasterRed.

She then got a crush on a shock jock that was racist, so she dumped GMasterRed in hopes of gaining the approval of the shock jock.
He wasn't interested in her though and found her irritating.

She then tried to manipulate another boxxy fan named ian into honeypotting her other boxxy fan stalkers.

After that she started stalking greg online and orchestrated their relationship by making criticism videos thereby injecting herself into the skepto-sphere.

And now her fan boys are angry she has a fiance.

Get over her.

any proof?

oh ffs, she's cute, fun and retarded. Take the free entertainment for what it is and no more.