What motivates you user ?

what motivates you user ?

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nothing, ever goddamn day i'm on this ghey earf i want to die and every goddamn day i delay it for fuck all reasons.

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Motivation is fleeting, discipline is forever.


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same idk what it is i just dont want to play the human game

I'm just angry all of the time

Where can I buy some?

You'll get some free with your first Brazilian jiu jitsu lesson. What do you want to achieve?

>What do you want to achieve?
Pass exams
Learn to play a musical instrument
Just not spend all my time here or in other shitholes

friendless loner retard faggot spammer switched from porn to dragon ball z lmfao

> " what motivates you user ? " ;

the need to take a piss first thing in the morning (or afternoon as the case may be).

The fact that someone loves me.
Too bad i don't love her back, makes me feel like a piece of shit

Being a father. It was the only motivation I could find to better myself. I need to be better for the sake of my future children. It's what motivated me to start dating, and continues to motivate me to be a better man.

It's just a shame that in the prosses of trying to come out of my shell the last few months made me realize I'm a huge faggot.

Now I dont know wtf to do.

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I'm so lost now. I used the prospect of children to motivate me out of my depression 3 years ago, but in an effort to be more honest with myself I came to realize the only thing I liked about women was their ability to have children. I was always so perplexed about how other guys would have sex for the sake of sex. I knew it felt good, but something felt wrong about that with me. I thought for a long time that if I just found the right girl I would feel that motivation, but it never came. Even after going on several dates with above average looking women, I couldnt feel any sexual motivations. Kissing them felt nice, but I think it was because they genuinely cared about me and that show of affection in a kiss gave me self esteem.

Last September I was looking for another girl to try going out with, but some guy in my Biochem class kept catching my eye. Ended up sitting next to him, we talked way more than I usually do. Couple weeks later we start hanging out at his apartment.

Being around him gave me a feeling of euphoria I had never experienced before. I felt as if making him happy was the only important thing in the world. I eventually realize I had fallen in love with another man and that made me realize I had always been this way, and just ignored these feelings.

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I'm as gay as you can get at this point. I'm in a relationship with another man, who I love completly. I thought that mabey making him happy should be my new motivation, but I think I would be setting myself up for heartbreak if things go south. Mabey I could adopt, but I'm not sure i could care for a child who wasnt my own.

Mabey I should just off myself. He is the only reason I havent tried yet.

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pornstar name?

>pornstar name?
Yeah her names called "Nigger faggot"

You're gay.


I know.
Getting railed every few days makes it pretty obvius to me Hon

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The prospect of one day living a peaceful life in a peaceful and beautiful place, with a loving wife and adorable kids

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Just don't have kids, adopted, abducted or however you want to get them. They'll end up gay like you, you might even end up molesting them. Nobody needs that.

She's going to leave him for a black man.

Fuck off with that molesting BS, you wont find many people who hate pedos more than I do. Pedos have ruined the lives of so many people, Directly and indirectly. They're the reason people coddle their children so much nowadays, it's the reason our soceity is falling apart.

Also I would never pressure my kids to be gay, I wouldn't want them to be. You wouldn't believe the BS I have to deal with, and the awkward family situations. My family has fallen into camps of people who are either accepting, but uncomfortable around me now, or people who hate my guts who I used to believe cared about me.

Being gay would be the last thing I would want for my children, I may end up more against it than my own father was.

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Do it user succeed where I failed

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sweat buckets anons
good for ocd, depression, intrusive thoughts

Let me guess.... Your mother and your father, they broke up. Changed your life for the worse, you got over it eventually and moved on. You probably got a lil bullied in highschool too for being a gay retard

I wouldn't want that for them.

I didnt want to be this way, I wanted to be normal.


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Friends, family, my cat and drugs
The normal things ya know?

Nope parents have been together 30 years.

It's just we keep in touch with our extended family, and I still have alot of grandparents still alive.

One half of my family is super religious, the othe half are rural cattle farmers, all conservatives. Most of my family hates me, beside my immediate family, even my dad eventually accepted me, even though he wants me to keep it out of his face.

I was never molested in my whole life, I just am like this. I dont know why, i wanted to be a normal guy. A father I wanted to have the beutifull family my parents had with me and my sis.

That dream is so out of reach now.

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materialism sadly i dont have any money

Also was too big to get bullied after middle school. Although seeing other kids get bullied and called faggots was probably what drove me to repress my sexuality, beside wanting to be normal.

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Why do you say you failed ? There is always still hope right ?

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poor future trunks

I'm gay.

Cant think romantically about women. I tried dating girls but I just can think sexually about them. Been in a relationship with another man for two months.

Not sure if I should adopt or anything because I dont want my kids to be gay.

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You don't have to pressure them. They'll see it as normal and might turn gay. Not saying it's guaranteed, but the chances are very large.
But to be fair, it's better for you to get fucked in the ass now than to have a family with a woman and then fuck it all up and ruin your family's lives because you ended up fucking some curious teenager or something.

being angry at fate itself and wanting to prove it wronf because fuck it

I want to be a dad so bad tho. Why the hell do I have want to follow my instinct to be a father, while a complete lack of other masculine instincts.

Wtf is wrong with me. Why cant I think sexually about women? I literally cuddled with a girl. I rubbed my dick against her vag I still couldnt manage to get hard at all. The normal programming in my brain just doesnt work. It's not like I'm impotent I'm completly fine with my BF.

Why did I end up like this

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Well you better not be a dad cause you're gay.
>Why did I end up like this
Many factors can be taken into account.

I have lost all motivation long ago

I just exist now

My big sister is gonna have a kid soon, mabey I should see if I could babysit from time to time. At least see if I enjoy being a caregiver.

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Money. Pursue money and many of your self-inflicted anxieties disappear. You're just too busy to be a schlub.

Well I'll leaving now Anons

I have a date with my BF tonight and I want to get dressed up for him. Mabey i dont need this kind of motivation mabey making him happy is all I need he make me so happy, despite the situation I find myself in.

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wtf is this cartoon?

>what motivates you user ?
The thought of your death.

Uncertainty of death. Even if everything is pointless, I'll live my life average, because I'm only 99.9% sure after death there is nothing.

Look up suicide boy

Hooni is such a Cutie lol

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Yeah... a real cutie...

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U know it Hon

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weed I guess, its either that or my GF

>actually believe a fag doesnt have a tub of lube

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I have a really strong will to live despite my mind being over it already. Also, when I die and my soul rejoins the Great Consciousness I want to be a worthy addition.

I actually don't have lube cause I don't need it.