Why are Iranians so fucking retarded?

Why are Iranians so fucking retarded?

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In for Rose McGowan apology.

I'm not American and sometimes think those people need to be bombed out of existence.

Although Americans do the same stupid shit on black Friday, or those Christmas shopping events.

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No America just needs to stop meddling and purposely destabilizing the middle East for their own benefit.

first time I'm hearing about this, so I assume you are just making shit up


Never heard of 50 Americans stampeded on black Friday lol

It's real but I heard the number was around 30

>Why are modernized cavemen so fucking retarded?

>he forgets he shares a color with trailer trash hillbillies

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Look it up, it's true. It's literally not that surprising news, stampedes happen when tons of people gather and are emotional over important issues. Like black Friday in the states

Nigger Friday is now celebrated in a lot of countries lol

Black Friday's actually gotten a lot better since online shopping is really taking over.

i do sometimes ponder why we cant just bomb all these 3rd rate sandnigger jihadi john populated shitholes into another dimension, fairly sure the world would be a better place. not even american or that racist either. Anything bad happens in the world its usually because somehow they started it due to some impossibly ridiculous 80 trillion year old beliefs, like gays need to be thrown from buildings or women stoned to death for taking some dick. hopefully this all starts a huge war so we can finally rid the world of their shitty existence. throw india in too for good measure.

The US should have dropped another bomb and take these fucks out of their misery

Ya, did you ever see videos of the contrast of black Friday in the states vs other places? I don't know if it's cause they're extra stupid or extra desperate, but Americans think saving 20 dollars on a waffle iron justifies letting out their savagery.

you're wrong.

just straight-up wrong.

I know, and it's been 10 or 12 people over the years. Not 50 or 30 in one go.

So still worse and more stupid, the middle east has been a disaster for hundreds of years.

You're wrong, extremely wrong

An endearing people kek

Why are Burgerlanders so retarded?

google any list you like to source.

show me a single metric.

everything im looking at says anywhere civilized has no dramas outside of nightclubs when people have weapons.

even then it's mild compared to the rest of the world.

i hate the US btw just be correct when you want to shame them.

Can't wait to see them in battle...

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Wow, now I'm pissed at Trump.
What a missed opportunity for another drone strike.

Most people here in the US laugh at those animals. If you notice it's filled with moon crickets and beaners. Though there is a ton of white trash doing it as well.

This is the type of thing that might happen during a spear chucker funeral but not white or beaner.

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The US doesn’t even have to invade; These desert monkeys are doing a good enough job killing themselves

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It's real for sure. Just not major news.



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As long as you recognize it's nigger behavior I don't really care what you call me.

As long as realize it's niggers spics and hillbillies

>50 killed
nice try

I was just making a joke about people getting trampled to death over waffle irons. If you look up black Friday, all the shootings and trampling happen in the states. Where else in the world can you be shot and killed while waiting outside of toy r us for the newest bionicle sets.

What color are you genius?

>fox news

Same as you senpai

The black Friday comparison was just a joke. For anyone wondering, in 12 years of black Friday there have only been 11 related deaths. Compare that to one day and 50 stampede related deaths in Iran.


Because almost all the educated people left surrounding the 1979 revolution and people who manage to get a decent education tend to also leave the country to live in the USA, Canada, Europe, etc

The country is systematically keeping the general population stupid

Why are you so obsessed that the US has to come up in Iranian stampede thread?
Rent free faggot, rent free.

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And washington post, no where near right wing. Bu thanks for showing your stupid bias.

shows what you have left for the humanity card which is jack shit.

There is plenty of info on Black Friday incidents.

thehustle co/black-friday-deaths-injuries-data
blackfridaydeathcount com

For what I can find, there has been 10 to 12 deaths, on the last years.

So, as I said, it is still better than 50 people dying because some stupid general died.

You've got it backwards. letting out your savagery is the goal - cheap stuff is the justification. It's like a chill version of the purge where minor violent crime isn't prosecuted and also TVs are half off.

By on the last years, you mean over the course of 12 years?

So you share the same skin color then. Are you self hating?

We are on Sup Forums, we all self hate people

Speak for yourself, I come here to laugh at the degeneration of society.

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Society we all live in

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from 2018 to 2006.

It's still bad, nothing is worth getting trampled over, but at least I can use a TV.

People get trampled over stupid shit in other countries too, like the bull run in Spain.

You can not drive out hatred with hatred, only love can do that.

don't forget the UK where they chase a wheel of cheese downa super steep slope

Does the winner keep the cheese?

Because they are brown, loud, and low IQ like all other Middle Eastern people.

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If you lived here, you would know the truth.
Your scum (USA) on purpose flew drones over the parade to make the fear why our people ran.
You in the west have only make sure of the destruction you now face. You deserve it and you will mock but you deserve it most of all.

citation needed

>destabilizing the middle East
I hear this all the fucking time...
Please, I dare you to name the last time that place has EVER been stable

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That's not only naive but really a vapid meaningless comment.

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I agree but the only problem is that when they're gone, the void will be filled by Africans moving up.. and it seems like that could be even worse

Amazed nobody has mentioned the yearly pilgimages to Mecca during the Hajj yet. Let's see:

July 2, 1990: A stampede inside a pedestrian tunnel (Al-Ma'aisim tunnel) leading out from Mecca towards Mina and the Plains of Arafat led to the deaths of 1,426 pilgrims, many of them of Malaysian, Indonesian and Pakistani origin.

May 23, 1994: A stampede killed at least 270 pilgrims at the stoning of the Devil ritual.

April 9, 1998: at least 118 pilgrims were trampled to death and 180 injured in an incident on Jamaraat Bridge.

March 5, 2001: 35 pilgrims were trampled to death in a stampede during the stoning of the Devil ritual.

February 11, 2003: The stoning of the Devil ritual claimed 14 pilgrims' lives.

February 1, 2004: 251 pilgrims were killed and another 244 injured in a stampede during the stoning ritual in Mina.

January 22, 2005: A stampede through the stoning ritual in Mina led to the killing of three pilgrims

January 12, 2006: A stampede during the stoning of the Devil on the last day of the Hajj in Mina killed at least 346 pilgrims and injured at least 289 more. The incident occurred shortly after 13:00 local time, when a busload of travelers arrived together at the eastern access ramps to the Jamaraat Bridge. This caused pilgrims to trip, rapidly resulting in a lethal stampede. An estimated two million people were performing the ritual at the time.

And the big one:

September 24, 2015: At least 2,236 pilgrims were killed during a stampede. The Saudi government has yet to release an official report. A few weeks after the incident, the Saudi Vice Minister of Health officially announced 4,173 people dead in this incident in a press release, however, this page was removed from the website within three hours and requesting it would redirect the visitor to the home page. The Saudi Health Minister claimed that the published death toll was false in a Twitter post. Fars News, a semi-official news agency of Iran, provided a walkthrough video to accessing the page assuming it was out of reach due to high page requests. An Associated Press (AP) report compiled from official reports and statements totaled the deaths at at least 1,470, over 700 more than the figures from Saudi authorities, and the worst toll so far in Mecca. The AP later updated its estimate to 2,411 pilgrims killed

>from 2018 to 2006 BC

Yup i'm sure you're the one to do it.

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Not naive, those lgbt folks should plan a trip to the middle East, show them the love that only a man and a man can understand

imagine the smell

The reason no one cares is because dog bites man isn't a story. These animals do this almost every year so it's simply expected of them.

They never got past the 1100's

The US flee drones over Iran? Why didn't they shoot them down like they did the others in international air, before taking over that Asian ship?

why are the americans so fucking retarded?

The US flew drones over Iran? Why didn't they shoot them down like they did the others in international air, before taking over that Asian ship?


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>it's all just blacks killing each other

>but america hurr durr
This thread wasn't about the US but show us how you obsess.
If you don't live here and there aren't americans attacking the embassy from where ever you're from why do you give a shit?

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last i heard 50 people died from the feet of the iranian people.

cant blame the US for the stupidity of a backwards culture.

the only reason you have any semblance of civilisation is because of the US... but you refuse to just take the fucking money.

also, nailed it spending money on bombs instead of the civil needs. youre no better on the best day.

that person looked like he had some cool friends

I'd rather that than a bunch of fat bald idiots wearing jean vests to my funeral

You want to be dumped unceremoniously by some low IQ jiggaboos?
You want what you want.

That top character ends up cutting off his nipple and trying to gift it to a girl.

This is quite possible. It might be more preferable than the current outlook which is that Africa will host the world's largest megacities, as well as the most global trade by the end of the century.

Africa will be hit very hard by climate change as well, hopefully mitigating the population explosion.

You are scum

>climate change
Africa getting mega cities? sure more like hive cities from warhammer 40k
you know in the 80's they said there'd be another ice age? They also said no glaciers by 2005.

More likely mitigated by their inability to feed themselves

It was probably some random plane passing by to take picture for the press and the animals stopped raping goats and children just long enough to stampede.

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under the Franco-english influence between the two WW ?

not more retarded than trump, who thinks homicide is a good deescalation tactic

>Why are Iranians so retarded?
Generations of inbreeding, 50 year old men marrying and fucking their 12 year old nieces and cousins for 1300 years...I mean, that much inter-family mingling is bound to result in drooling illiterate retards.


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Just a shitty race of people. I think most americans by now dont give a shit if we just turn the sand into glass

If trump woulda learned anything from our culture he would know that this is when you strike, have everyone gathered up at the funeral and hit em with all you got.

In b4 they blame America for this

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Have you done any research on Soleimani?
He wasn't a good guy; he ordered some pretty awful stuff.
But nothing compares to "Orange Man Bad!! REEEE" sigh that shit gets sooo boring.

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Nuk’em till they glow, shoot’em in the dark

What brand of tampon do you use?

I swear that whatever revenge they have planned won’t make up for the 50 trampled people.

You mean when White people had them in check? Gotcha.

That would make a good t shirt

Why are there no videos of this stampede ?

Fuck yeah they do

Camel riders get fucked.
Huhh muhhhh we will avenge.
You cant do shit you goat fuckers or you will get nuked to another universe

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Why do Americans stampede people to buy products on Black Friday?

because most humans never advance their own eternal nature and remain like lemmings or dogs.

Most don't; just the idiots, poor planners and nig nogs.
The vast majority simply laugh and shake their heads at such borish behavior

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jewfag yells bomb and people try to run
>are you just going to stand there??

>hurr durr I read somewhere somebody was wrong so i'm entitled to deny something somewhat related

Read a book retard