He is going to win

He is going to win.

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No he is not

Not even close.

*win the dog catcher election

has another heart attack

That old fuck almost keeled over from a heart attack in the beginning of the primary. Do you actually think he can sta d no only the rigors of the general election but then as president of the United States?

Get serious, junior. The guy is a walking joke bribing young dumb idiots with free shit for their vote.

another old white man for president. awesome

I like Bernie and even I'M not voting for him. Mondale has a better chance- AND HE'S DEAD.

White is right


he could, but he is not allowed

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He honestly feels like the person that would give the most benefits to the majority.

>mfw an Americuck would rather pay more to cover healthcare for just himself than pay less for the country to get universal health coverage

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Good joke, OP.

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he's got it in the bag OP
Feel the Bern

Sure, lil guy.

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His true campaign strategy indeed, and it's sick

Sorry retard but the only democrat with any chance at victory is Tulsi and the DNC shafted her like they do to all non Neocons, you'll be drafted to fight another middle eastern war and there's nothing you can do about it.

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That sounds like an infection in your testicles. You should get that checked out

>I need a savior so I can finally earn 15 an hour since I'll never do it on my own merits.

Probably. You guys could have had Yang, a nice middle ground that would let you live a nice life. But now we are going full retard.

>I need free gibs

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Yang Gang All Day. Research Andrew yang is you need answers.

At his age he has no business even running. It's as simple as that.

if he does, he's going to mysteriously kill himself afterwards

>Worried about having a white president.

I don’t think you’re on the right website.

Retards actually believe this.

Yang is fucking retarded.

coming from the guy falling for clear bait

Yeah right, he couldn’t beat his meat

Dude votes dont matter
The shadow government is going to have elected whoever they want. Last I checked they hate everybody who isnt part of the 2 parties they control

You think the establishment wanted Trump?

Imagine being this CUCKed by corporate interests, and a purposeful edgy-apathetic towards your future. I bet you boys think Trump is better than Hillary, and that single payer is a scam.

I reccomend you stop fixating on those tendies your mum is heating up for you, change your diapers, and try reading a book once and a while. Id recommend The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and then you can start working your way up from there.

GOOD LUCK BOYS- Enjoy your free healthcare, improved infrastructure, tuition free education, and clean energy when Bernie boy wins the election!


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>Nobody really knows what's really going on but me!

Take your meds schizo.

They own him and the Clintons. They were fucking best friends before they even ran. Why do you think its so weird when theyre platform was about imprisoning the other if they became president but nothing came out it since?

can you share some of your tendies with me?

didnt you say that last time?

spoken like a true incel

>Being this triggered over Trumps' impending re-election
The next 5 years under Orange Man Bad is gonna be rough for ya, huh pumpkin.

say the word CUCK and all the red faced, tiny dicks come scurrying out of their closets

i want to see it happen tbh

You incels are seething more than usual. What's got ya all worked up in Momma's basement, sweetie. You can tell user.

sell out sanders sold his only chance
lazies fuck on the face of earth and weak as a baby fart

Because James Comey literally protected Hillary over her E-mail server by changing the language from "grossly negligent" to extremely irresponsible" allowing no charges to be pushed against her.


There are key members inside that were/are protecting all they can.


Cope, virgin.

Kek! The last remaining far left extremist Democrats are coming completely unhinged. Kinda feel sorry for these low IQ mouth foaming lemmings.

The retard is fighting his reflection again

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Yikes, just proving the point euthanasia should exist

Imagine falling for the Bernie scam TWICE.

>I bet you boys think Trump is better than Hillay
I don't think that, not everyone here is retarded.
Fuck Democrats and Republicans

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Nope, sorry. recycle and try again in 2024. People don’t even like trump but there isn’t one dem candidate strong enough to beat him. Try focusing on yourselves rather than your opponent for 3 years and maybe you’ll do better.

The shadow government does not like or want trump in the WH. That’s why the media is always against him and why his White House has had more leaks than any other presidency.

Same. Love Bernie, but gotta vote for someone with a chance of winning.
years difference from fatass fast food eating Trump
But somehow this rules out Bernie

Could also be that Trump is fucking insane and everyone knows it.

Bingo at the Hospice?

Maybe if he cheats.

lmao I so hope he's nominated. Democratic Party nerfed the super delegates a bit. he may have a shot.
regardless if he wins, DJT will wipe the floor with him

Before he was even sworn in they were talking about impeachment, and that’s not even an exaggeration. Half the country voted him in and the other half needs to respect that.

>Before he was even sworn in they were talking about impeachment, and that’s not even an exaggeration.
They? Who's they? You can always find someone that said something and attribute it to the whole. He should stay away from impeachable offenses if he's worried about it.

>>Half the country voted him in and the other half needs to respect that
No.... a little less than have the voting public voted for him. And respect? Why? Did you respect Obama? Republican presidents haven't had two IQ points to scratch together since Bush Sr.

I fuckin' hope so, but we're deeply fucked either way.

>right, obongo ain't muh president
>left, drumpf ain't muh president
Mean while us centralist have to remind them that the red and blue boot doesn't fucking matter, what does matter is that both are happy to step on us once elected.

Silence partisan

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He probably can. But would he get a congress that will allow him to do things? Cause McConnell has to go to if you want Bernie to matter.

The entire media was talking impeachment dumbass. Yes a little less than half but the majority of territory voted for him. That’s how the electoral college works. If it was purely based on the number of votes than California would pick the president every election. Trump was impeached by congress and they literally removed bribery from the charges because they have nothing, which is why they haven’t sent it to the senate yet. Impeachment has actually brought his approval rating up because most Americans can see through the partisan bs. There wasn’t one republican who voted for impeachment but there were multiple dems who didn’t vote for it. Dems will lose the house and tbh you brought it on yourselves. Enjoy 4 more years of trump

Enjoy your red flag laws and war with Iran magatards lmfao.
Ron Paul 2050 once these fucking boomers die off.

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They burned our fucking embassy and killed an American. Wtf happened to this country.

>and killed an American
He was a contractor/mercenary. The whole point of those is that there lives don't matter if lost hence why they're payed very well. As for the.embassy that's a shame but wtf did we expect in an unstable region like that, no reason to loose our cool and create a trillion more refugees.

and if there is 1 thing we absolutely CAN NOT do, it's let an opportunity to start a war that'll kill even more americans pass us by

i wish

So no response when another nation attacks us, or what send them 150 billion in cash? This is why Iran walks all over us. Trump does not want a war, It is called a deterrent for a reason. It wasn’t a proportionate response and very unpredictable. That kind of foreign policy is why the world feared Reagan. Completely justified attack. The world is safer without him.