Drawthrad Pathetic Edition

Drawthrad Pathetic Edition

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


god i wish that were me

Attached: rider.png (812x1664, 222K)

/r/ redraw this scene but with naked women

Attached: 1575221842154.png (400x400, 270K)

Please redraw my oc

Attached: Illustration.png (1417x1263, 532K)

>3 posters
samefag head ass


Attached: 1509036638160.gif (270x180, 1.27M)

Requesting a conjoinment of Palutena and Pit like in the reference, their fused form would have both penis and vagina.

Attached: SR23.png (1280x525, 739K)

Hey Rider! Haven't seen you in a while! How goes the battle?

Requesting Mercuria riding a human cock with a good front view.

Attached: Mercuria_DBoss.png (608x573, 395K)





might do a request. might not.

give me your best requests and expect mediocore art.

and to the repeat requesters (guy who wants the girls to fuse, guy who wants the golden cow thing, staceyfag) don't even bother requesting.

Attached: BedHeadEn.jpg (507x676, 23K)

Please redraw this

Requestin this girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out

Snake v0re references: imgbox.com/g/QMi1dnPYlz

Attached: dormouse00.jpg (850x1410, 252K)

Fuck off

Attached: dormouse08.png (1500x1400, 1.19M)

Attached: dormouse02.jpg (1200x1650, 465K)

fuck on my friend

Attached: dormouse13.png (2175x1500, 801K)

I think not

Attached: dormouse16.jpg (1080x1776, 178K)

Attached: 78625632_p0.png (1226x1200, 485K)

nothing much got to finish some comms i have quite the backlog...no poop pun intended

Attached: rider.png (976x1692, 278K)

Draw a banana split

Fuck off


god thats so fucking disgusting kill yourself

Requesting Her & a human male kissing with a good view of Her pussy.

Attached: 956_sketch_02.png (840x986, 512K)

Shitty artwork. Another one added to the filter list.

Are you blind?

>Rider!? Get out of this thread this my body and my right to choose


I don't remember exactly where this applies. All I know is that it is fairly widespread in the west.
But telling people to kill themselves online is an offense that can lead to jail time.
Which is funny, because you're already more or less in isolated confinement already.

Requesting Geppetto-bot from the movie Pinocchio 3000 with an erect robot cock.

Attached: Pinocchio 3000 Geppetto-Bot Reference.png (1399x778, 1.96M)

aah crash of titans the memories...
n-gin used to crack me up everytime
well get a "load" of this

Attached: rider.png (1738x1564, 1.29M)

Fuck off

Got anything else that's over the top what the fuck and/or gross?

just end your life already you sad sack of shit


Repeat requester alert!
You already got this yesterday when they fucked off.

Nice try, fuckoff samefag fag.


hullo lad, nice oc, he's kind of a "Freaky Fred" type guy, but i think he has good intentions.


Attached: FreakyBob.jpg (507x676, 20K)

>implying im a robot
okay boomer.

Fuck off

do you need a hug?

>Preprogrammed responses
>Not a robot
Uh huh. Okay.

Draw me an angry Rage-bot.

we're all robots user, how could you tell me i'm more or less different than you

Vorefag also loves his pre-programmed stock responses.

well i only have two scat commissions from the same guy

Attached: rider.png (1146x948, 1.13M)

>this obsessed

Fuck off

Scat is the grossest you got?
What about proper gore? Like an image of a dude who got hit with a mortar strike and his dead friend laying over his charred remains as he was shot by a sniper while trying to retrieve the body.

>Fun side fact: The term sniper comes from people who would hunt Snipes. A type of bird that is hard to find, and even harder to shoot. Used to be a right of passage for brits to go out "Sniping" knowing full well they're likely to fail.
>SO! If you're an exceptional shot to the point you can hit a Snipe, you're a sniper. Thus where the modern millitary term came from.

Requesting this cutie giving hugs and kisses to anons

Attached: Blondie.png (765x314, 272K)

here you go.

sure why not

inb4 "Fuck Off"

Attached: 20200107_140521.jpg (507x676, 17K)

Fuck off

>inb4 "called it XDDDDDDD"

I first thought you were cool rider but I see youre just autistic and bad at art. So please just leave or die

>Leave or die

Counter requesting that you Sk8 or die.

Requesting Elsa executed - hanging, firing squad, beheading, or an execution method of your choosing.

It's time for the snow queen to face justice.

Attached: NeUp.gif (318x480, 1.73M)

Burned at the stake for witchcraft.
It's the only logical choice.

Thank you for proving my point.

>Abusefag alert

>bad at art
pick one
on it
huh i personally think poop is more gross than gore...
tho i do have some gore doodle but am too lazy to look into my drawpiles

Attached: rider.png (1740x1272, 337K)

ironic joke user, please don't take it serious otherwise you'll get another brain aneurysm

Thank you. Nice twist

Fuck off

rider is slowly and surely becoming just another asshole avatarfag

tis a sad day.

Attached: 157411561254415.jpg (251x245, 11K)

Listen up corndog, you helped us or Rider sing you a knuckle music.

your entirely to good for this place Rider and you deserve getting payed for your art

Are you so stupid that you think you cant be both? Work on killing yourself

not abusefag, just really want to see Elsa dead after watching Frozen 2.

Poop is something most deal with on a daily basis. It's far too common to be gross.
Gore on the other hand, especially extreme gore, is something we as a society go out of our way to avoid. So is more taboo. So is more exciting!

Consider the following: We've all seen images of a kid covered in their own shit. Or their room covered in shit. Or some toilet that has been abused by a trucker with diarrhea. It's nasty, but it's every day life more or less.
BUT! Getting mauled by a bear, or gored by a moose, or hit by a train and atomized into a red mist.
That's not something you see on the regular, if ever.

Listen up here, user. I want to enjoy my meat loaf

Yeah. Sorry. But.... that's Impossible Meatâ„¢ loaf.
You're growing tits, harry!

What should I animate? keep it simple please

Attached: 1.jpg (550x400, 81K)

i really wish this request wasn't so creepy and unappealing she's a very cute character

Female venom with big tits

Vorefag single-handed ruined Monster girl encyclopedia for everybody permanently. Much like Abusefag did with School for Vampires.

If you don't get out of here, then by the power invested in me,

Attached: 1558579302159.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

guro is even more taboo than incest and pedo content and sought out and taken down more readily it's getting increasingly hard to even find guro content

lil guy exploding into other lil guys, but make it a loop gif.

school for vampires was always ruined to begin with since the art style ruins it wholesale

Make an animation of how much time you waste

I now pronounce you man and wife!

Attached: 1558579365673.jpg (480x360, 44K)

The phrase is "the power vested in me". This is implying that he has a powerful friend that is backing him in some manner. As opposed to him having any power himself.

Attached: 34f46780hz61cb792f6f95.gif (245x130, 1.05M)


thank you kind user tho i'll keep coming to this place it a curse tbh
but it haram in my religion
i can't kill myself or allah will be very mad.
not gonna lie rekt thread kinda made me desensitized toward gore videos.poop i can see it but the moment i smell it i gag

Attached: rider.png (1073x919, 308K)

Tough shit, broski

>Letting an user on Sup Forums dictate your sexual interests
Top fucking kek, mate! I really do live in you all's heads rent free

Attached: 1529796792828.jpg (728x665, 51K)

Fuck off

Nice skillz.

And if you smelled corpse your perspective might change.
It's like sewage, but... something more. And you instinctively know it too. Even though you'll try to delude yourself about it.

damn bro, i love this new type of banter instead of
>le epic seething/projecting/obsessing/cringing/yikesing

as along as you never deliver for vorefag, abusefag or fernando you are doing gods work. deliveries for any one else while they have to sit and watch and weep tears of frustration on their small shriveled prepubescent sized dicks in their parents basements is true justice in my eyes

oh no its not that you dictate my sexual desires it's just no one can request anything from it here or to anyone who used to draw here anymore you ruined it as something that can be asked for

Some anons aren't worth the banter. Some are. It really just depends if I feel like sticking around for a bit to fuck with them or not

Attached: tumblr_n5nbw6BXUj1tc2z89o1_r2_500.gif (450x432, 27K)

requesting an elegant ballerina holding a silenced pistol.

haven't thought of it like that. makes sense though, the snowflakes here usually get what they deserve.

>Letting an user on Sup Forums dictate your posts and behavior
Who knew I had this much control?

That's pretty sad desu. And to think, all it took was a couple semi-aggressive posts five years ago for people to seethe and lose their shit. I couldn't imagine stewing and holding a grudge for that long. Pretty pathetic if you ask me

Attached: 1487020680293.gif (300x456, 567K)

this was my first time making anything sexual
on it
Its a nice hobby

Attached: venom tits.gif (300x226, 38K)

Fuck off