Sorry Another one of these threads

Sorry Another one of these threads.
But after that other night I went from being mildly annoyed by him to thinking he's the most based guy in Hollywood.
Even despite his edgy atheist stuff.

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I can't stand militant atheists but Ricky Gervais is hilarious

Are you upset because the bad man told the truth about your false gods?

Get your head out of the clouds OP.

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I watched it, I don't get what he big deal was. It was edgy and very entertaining, as always, but nothing out of this world.

Since when is an awards show the platform for 'truth telling'? Fuck Gervais.

there isnt anything edgy about atheism.

Believing in a magical man in the sky is edgy

Not upset at all. I'm more agnostic if anything. Dunno what you mean?
For me it was the last 30 seconds or so. Just telling them all to not use their speech as a political platform and how trivial their gay little awards are. When he said they know nothing about the real world that gave me a half a boner. I've always thought everyone in Hollywood is detached from the real world but won't hesitate to lecture all of us in how to live.

I love that he doesn't give a fuck about anyone's politics, he's an equal opportunity offender.

Since there's almost no places for truth now in mainstream media.

You should watch the interview with him, Christ Rock, Louis CK and Jerry Seinfeld. They all talk about what they can and can't say. They all openly say the word nigger, and push Jerry to say it- but being the good rich kike he is, he never would.

How is being an atheist Edgy?

His parents are Christian fucks and he doesn’t like to be told that they’re fucking retarded

It's easy to pick on religion and especially Christianity in the western world. It doesn't bother me as I'm not Christian but I find it cringey.
If people gain comfort from it who cares.

Probably the people that it hurts care. You know when parents stop speaking to gay kids or people push anti-abortion views.

He is just another kike

Right, and you think that fucker knows something of the real world?

>hurr durr I identify as an attack helicopter :p
>repeat this same boring joke for literal years
>think you’re edgy and funny

Oh look content on Sup Forums instead of porn spam.

if you dont like porn spam then fuck off gay bastard

Nice b8
Well he is detached as well of course. But he was raised in some shitty little estate and hasn't been in Hollywood that long.
He's less kiked than the others

If this is "content" then Sup Forums is still dead. I'll just keep bumping the porn until it changes.

enough to call them out when he sees it.

no ones expecting perfection from gervais, because every aspect of his humor is generally self-deprecating first.

Well he wasn't born with a silver spoon up his ass like most of the media elite.
