This confuses the American

This confuses the American.

Attached: 93012DD1-915F-4F84-9CD6-CDAE1FA45A92.jpg (640x360, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:,-58.5449457,12z

I wrote out a big response with sources and statistics then erased it. Fuck you frenchie.

Wisconsin fag here. Roundabouts are for drifting.

Attached: 1359433009838.gif (343x151, 1.5M)

for smaller traffic the perfect choise!

Attached: 1578365277332.jpg (624x614, 58K)

It's a pretty common thing in the states. I think you need to stop being so ignorant of other cultures faggot.

I can’t go 10 miles without seeing a roundabout, eurofags don’t know shit.

holy fucking shit. screencapped and submitted to archive.

include this post in your screencaps, boys

They're all over Philadelphia and we function just fine haha traffic engineer here

Why would something that is so common here confuse us? I use one everyday.


Attached: magic-roundabout.jpg (650x434, 58K)

The roundabout you posted is in Wisconsin...,-58.5449457,12z

NGL pretty recent where I live. So many people don't know how to use them here.


Attached: big_dick.jpg (500x500, 41K)

Aren’t they building like a bunch of them in pa

Top kek

Wisconsin roundabouts suck because wisconsin drivers suck.

One just got built in my small town and some people are freaking the fuck out, but damn these do wonders for traffic flow.

>tfw roundabouts exist in america and have for a while now

Attached: 1530045282974.jpg (320x290, 15K)

Kek. I wondered why they were all driving on the right.

Meanwhile in Britbongland, they've streadily been adding traffic lights to all the roundabouts for the past two decades ... thus recreating the very problem roundabouts were designed to solve.

Attached: ddi-small_wp_off.png (1224x864, 15K)

I know, i've got like 3 within 5 minutes of my house
>This confuses the European

That one I could handle. However, I just got back from the UK last week, and there were a whole lot of roundabouts with very few markings and I just looked over at the guy driving and said "What the fuck just happened there?!"

>Basic infrastructure

>doesn't read thread before replying
lurk moar faggot

>already did
>u just jelly i got 007
>i was laughing at the fact that amerifats can't neither desing rondabouts very well nor understanding how to drive through
go cope somewhere else, amerifaggot

not it doesn't. these are all over new england and we drive through them everyday. it confuses the retards

Are all eurofags this stupid?

No jt doesnt sugars


Peak of British engineering, fuck the Magic Roundabout

Attached: n3vJOhiMogvQjpegMk-ZXPg_FC4ELjnYmONMaZhcZVM.jpg (2000x1120, 691K)

Solid argument. Stay mad eurocunt.

you having a stroke user?

Attached: 1522185100807.jpg (250x238, 16K)

only children and whores get excited about oversized stuff. this is a giant waste of space, user, just like you

Roundabouts are a nice idea if all the traffic is equal...
If not then they are a fucking nightmare. Once you have a steady stream of traffic going across and you don't have right of way you're boned.

My morning commute of 1.9 miles used to take me upwards of 30 cunting minutes thanks to a single roundabout that would always have a constant stream of traffic that had right of way.

How the fuck did you manage to put deja vu.mp3 into a gif??

The street I grew up on had a roundabout. The street wasnt that busy and it was stupid. I never understood why turning 4 lanes into 1 was a good idea

they’re called rotaries you fags

they're called roundylooprotations you uncultured swine

And surprisingly easy to navigate. I used it every day for years.

Got that file here in 2013 and my Kaspersy says it's fine. Must be you.

Roundibois, you retard

Dumb Nigger

Attached: 1560871781297.gif (200x235, 1.29M)

>deja vu.mp3
I guess I never tried playing it with an inferior video player like WMP. I use ACDSee 2.44 for gifs.

They're super-common in New England and we even have a regional name for them.

I feel like people just enjoy basing their opinions of America on Chevy Chase movies or whatever.

It doesn't. We have several of those in my city.

>Russian malware says it's fine
Clearly nothing to worry about then.

Attached: B821895955Z.1_20150316174620_000_GGN1EMFH4.2_Gallery.jpg (426x360, 28K)

What? A birly-circle? You can't be serious.