It's January and whole Australia is burning. Imagine how hot it will be in the Summer

It's January and whole Australia is burning. Imagine how hot it will be in the Summer.

Attached: australia.jpg (640x640, 28K)

Please tell me you are kidding?


Are you a fucking retard

Hotter than the devils taint?

I bet you're an American. You'd have to be to be this retarded.

thanks for being autistic OP made my day

It ... is ... summer ... there ... retard

Only the right side is burning a bit, not the whole continent. And the fires were started by eco-fascist terrorists.Yes, anywhere dry in the summer can turn into a blaze when humans start fires there intentionally.

Attached: hAfrTAEOspc.jpg (812x807, 182K)

Attached: hahayes.jpg (186x271, 10K)


It's January retard and the Australians use the US calendar as well, so it's January there too.

Is this a bait?

>the fires were started by eco-fascist terrorists

Attached: 6e9a6a673710b0d8411db4c81937e2a3.jpg (600x686, 106K)

hes obviously trolling. making fun of the situation

wtf is an australia

Yes I know its january there as well. Australia is in the southern hemisphere which means summer and winter are swithec around there. They are in the middle of the summer right now. Reaching temperatures of up to 45C. Don't call someone retard if you don't know what you are writting.

>all these willing bait takers

How do we sleep?

45 degrees in January???. Fuck, it's gonna be really hot in August then. No wonder the Abo's are burning the whites out.

Wow 45 degrees in the middle of winter, and there's people saying that the climate change doesn't exist.

Earth is flat.

isnt it summer in australlia though?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the season cycle two seasons ahead in the southern hemisphere? That our cold months are their hot months, and vise versa, because of the earth's axial tilt?

No dude, it's January

Thats correct

Yeah nah cunt.


Yay! Thank you! Has a bun!

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