The fuck was his problem?

The fuck was his problem?

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>muh mitosis

Golgi is too big.

>literally fucks up everything

this is not a living thing according to liberals

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

What do all those things even do?

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

>animal cell with chloroplasts

Do they keep you in a little box?

mitochondria are evil


nice fucking try

>muh enclosed nucleus
Why are eukaryotes such bourgeois cunts?

>a level kino
>going through the workbook, chemistry reactions question
>no answer supplied, meant to be "very hard", teacher had tried for a few hours apparently
>look at it for 20 seconds, do instantly in head
>argue with teacher for about 20 minutes cause he just wouldn't get it, eventually agrees

Any other big brains here? And yes, I got 12 9s in my GCSEs without even trying and yes I turned 18 a few months ago.

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not enough midi-chlorians

>Shit that never happened

What would a hamburder sized animal cell taste like?


Trying to think of a joke involving substituting "golgi" for "goyim", someone help me out

enjoying your job at greggs?

>getting cucked by this

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you have to be 18 to post here

Spot on

for me, it's a care home

reminder that mitochondria have their own DNA and are likely just bacteria that climbed into cells billions of years ago and never left

They're also the powerhouse of the cell.


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Fucking love this movie

yeah i aced all the exams in school and got a stem phd
guess how much that helped in job interviews

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It’s a eukaryotic cell; some are capable of having both mitochondria and chloroplasts simultaneously.

name 100 examples

this show got intense sometimes

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Why did jews made this up?

>t. golgilet

is it possible they were put there by ancient visitors from another world?

Same with chloroplasts.

is it possible they're actually god?

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You also only inherit Mitotchondrial DNA from your mother.

Don't talk about my mother's mitochondrial DNA like that.

Those give you force powers right?

There are people out there with three biological parents (one father, two mothers) because of this

Golgi is over 300 feet tall.

Looks like a hotpot.

how do you get a different woman's mitochondrial dna?

You momma's mitochondrial DNA is so phat...well it means you'll get very old anyways...


if mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
what is the powerhouse of mitochondria?
do they pull energy from different dimension?


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that's the idea

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>lucas granted it

a crew of little men pilot it like a submarine

Evil scientists

Naa oxygen my dude, Krebs cycle.


lesbian sex

big if true

true if big

>be me
>3rd grade
>teacher asks us to mark eachothers test cause theyre lazy
>i mark girls test
>she wrote “endoplame particular” instead of endoplasmic reticulum
>give her a half mark anyway cause shes kinda cute

trig if bue

Is this how to lose my virginity?

>3rd grade
>liking girls
Gross dude, you probably have cooties

Organelles are scary, especialy the ocelloid. Fuck cells with eyes...

Attached: Bmc_evol_bio_hoppenrath_proterythropsis_ocelloid_fig1a.png (265x314, 124K)

old news

>has chloroplasts
>no vacuoles
what did he mean by this?

Are naegleria fowleri racist?

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It's a plant cell tho

Of course it goes to shit as soon as it gets moved to Sup Forums
