Hey Sup Forums, I hooked up with this nasty looking girl from Tinder on Sunday...

Hey Sup Forums, I hooked up with this nasty looking girl from Tinder on Sunday. She said she was clean but I used a condom anyways. Didn’t go down on her and we made out a little. After sex, I started developing a bit of a runny rose and had some mouth dryness- symptoms of a typical cold. Fast forward to now, there was still some throat soreness on my upper palate but it never progressed to phlegm or coughing and disappeared.

Now this shit appears right after I ate lunch. Sorry the pic sucks but it’s a clear looking bubble/bump with some redness around the vicinity. Any ideas? Did I catch some STD?

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congratulations, you got the hurpdurp.

Doesn't sound like an STD but it does sound like you caught something. Prolly just a weird cold

Aaand it just popped. Rinsed my mouth with mouthwash but the area is still red

Go to the doctor you fucking retarded piece of shit

make sure its not syphillis, but i doubbt this anyway.
what popped is called aphte, nothing bad.

It didn’t hurt and didn’t seem to release much fluid. I took my temperature earlier, a whopping 97.7 so strangely not the flu. Odds that it’s oral HPV?

Here’s what it looks like right now: red splotches on the inner right side of my lip

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There is no STD that would show symptoms in 3 days

you bit your lip eating lunch

That’s true. This isn’t the first time that I had sex recently...I haven’t gone down on a girl since August.
That...could be a possibility. I did bite rather hard since I wanted to get over eating my bland chicken breast. Can those clear bumps really form over biting your own lip? What about my not-so sore throat and runny nose for the past two days?

I bite my lip a lot, in same spot, looks identical type cut. You can also see your tooth that would line up with that scape... the tooth sticks forward on the top. If it’s bothering you or you get one that’s bleeding, try a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Slush sips around in your mouth and spit it out. They usual heal up pretty quick if it’s not deep

Here’s a list of relevant sex history in the past year or so

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Clearly ligma.

the autism is real

Definitely autism presenting as ligma.

Congratulations you got super AIDS

I hope that’s the case. Sorry for freaking out bros. I have a tendency to explode when it comes to potentially catching weird shit. Doesn’t help that I’m going around trying to find girls to bang every weekend despite this fear.
I won’t deny it. I have a weird thing about keeping track of who and when I bang.

Thats the least of your worries faggot
Fix those fucking teeth

Sorry bro, I have notoriously disgusting teeth yet they’re the best in my family. Says a lot, doesn’t it? Fell on a raised sidewalk (think the gap between sidewalk panels) as a kid and I’ve had rabbit incisors ever since that bend inwards.

This could turn epic. What other things do you keep records on?


I don't have the proper reaction gif for this on my new phone yet. Good lord man.

holy fuck. go on.

You and me both brother, jesus.

it's 2020 my nigger

For some reason, all of the girls I’ve ever hooked up/had sex with are okay with me taking videos/pics. I keep a list of their names, social media, and other stuff like numbers and Snapchats- not that I’m going to blackmail any of them, but just for record. I also record how I came but haven’t went into detail even though I remember every instance. Been meaning to write down more thorough records, but haven’t found the motivation to

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You absolute wolly!

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You realize of course that this thread could become immortal should you start to post this material, even if you blurred out the identifying info.


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That is true, but I’m not dumb enough to go around posting stuff with too much evidence. Guess I should stop while I’m at it to be safe, yeah?

A work in progress, but like I said these girls aren’t models or anything

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Do it, faggot!

Here’s what I meant by Sunday’s hookup

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this is relevant to my interests

I keep a list too, not quite as detailed though. I don’t know if I have enough autism to track all the details. This is just the most recent 30.

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post some nudes homie
but yea id get tested if i were you

Damn, post webms in /gif/.

Do you happen to be like a white Greek god chad? I’m Asian AND a manlet so I only get girls that are into Kpop and anime, most of which are gross or just graduated high school and looking to fuck

how do you use craigslist for hooking up nowadays?

What do POF and CL mean?

This is karen. One of the ones I wish I could have back. She loved to fuck and the sex was amazing.

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plenty of fish and craigslist i would assume

You can’t. I dated karen and the list came to a halt for a long time, during that time was when craigslist removed personals, I never cheated on her so I didn’t add to the list for a while. Try using doublelist, it’s not as active as craigslist was but there are women looking to fuck.

Plan on taking this girl’s first time or so she says. Just hoping I don’t catch weird shit before I do because she seems worth it to hang on for a while

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No not a chad. I’m stocky, 5’10”, a little pudgy but not fat, I’m just social and make women laugh. If I were to rate myself I’d guess a 7. Some of these girls were hot, some not so much. It’s a mix. I don’t fuck fatties or black girls though.

It's "came", you dolt - the past participle of cum is "came". Now write it out 100 times and see me after class.


nigga why are you asking Sup Forums? go to some walk-in clinic or your primary care doctor. trust me they've seen worse than an std or a cold retard

I’m not anywhere close to 5’10” lol. I used to be really social but shit happened in my friend circle and now I’m jaded and cynical after seeing people I thought were my friends gang up against me. I hold that standard as well but my hormones tend to get the better of me at times. If it has fat tits, I’m a goner.

dude dont pop her cherry like that. You dont pop a cherry during a one night stand ? she's a whore or something ?

The incubation period for any std is 2 weeks minimum so you're basically retarded if you think you have an STD show in 2 days

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Lol oh wow. I thought you were autistic but not that autistic.

Guaranteed she’s not a virgin. She just gets off playing like one. I’ve been fucking internet sluts for close to 20 years, any girl that is looking for sex online has already been fucking around for a while. Just use them to cum, they’ll never be virgin trad Wifu’s

Fucking autism alert
Who the fuck keeps a list?
You are acting like girls jeeesh

I’m depraved but I understand what you’re saying. Met her off Tinder and we’ve been talking for a month over Snapchat. She says she’s a virgin but I doubt it. She went back on, swiped, and started talking with another guy until recently so you never know what to believe. Either way, she looks fine so as long as she’s clean I’ll hit it, virgin or not. She seems like a smart, self-respecting girl but I’m still skeptical.
The sad part is I’m a med student but I have zero confidence in my own abilities. Don’t trust myself to identify illnesses so I’d rather go to strangers on Sup Forums

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Doesn’t matter. Just be social, wear nice clothes and nice shoes (women love clothes and shoes, and they will love that you can dress well), flirt a lot and have patience. Many sluts won’t fuck on the first meet up, it usually takes 2 or 3 meetups before you’re going to pound town.

Yeah this is seriously retarded in this thread. I've fucked three girls unprotek and I wonder if I have AIDs or some other STDs that don't show obvious symptoms. Who knows though, I bet the chances are low

Wow that’s s lot of action

She got conversation ?

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Fuck I miss CL personals

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what is autism

lost my virginity to a guy i met on craigslist.

gay as fuck

I was thinking this as well. She definitely knows what she’s doing, being into kinks and all. Sent the same pics she sent to me to another guy. Either way, I’m in it to fuck and she looks pretty nice. Hopefully won’t catch anything from her. Pic related is her. Not sure when she took it, but does it look used up?
She’s a normie as they come but is pretty studious. Good work ethic, works on weekends at a local restaurant apparently to help pay bills. Seems like an all around nice girl, but you never know. Besides, all the nice quiet ones are always secretly freaks. It’s practically guaranteed 100%
I need to work on my wardrobe. Not sure what looks good on my small frame. So I’m not the only one? I thought sluts would fuck chads like you in an instant on the first night minutes after matching

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how bout you just don't use tinder, or at least refuse to fuck if she looks weird you man whore!

You're a natural or you learn how to score girls easily online and IRL ?

>pretty studious. Good work ethic
She is in College ?

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put me in the screencap

My sides.....
Who does this

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According to science upwards of 80% of people have some form of herpes and it only became shameful when society deemed it so.

This is actually a good idea.

Biomed major here, go see a doctor. Sounds to me like a case of boafa.

Pretty sure that "girl" was a faggot op. The myth of straight, normal, heterosexual girls having stds is a jew myth. Only fags and men who get duped by fags have stds. I should know, I got duped once.

Pray to heterobrine and he shall cure you of your accidental faggotry.

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>I got duped once.
you pitch or you catch, faggot ?

Had this happen to me, said she went to her gyno and got the clap. Got tested and ended up safe, she was pretty hot not gunna lie. But be safe and go get tested. CVS does testing in their minute clinic for basic STDs and results take 3 days.

catch, but my first and only mistake.
Won't fool me twice

I don't understand the point of listing protected vaginal sex right next to a part where you state you had unprotected vaginal sex.

STDs don't care how long you were in it bare. Classify it as unprotected, because as far as you're concerned it was.

>STDs don't care how long you were in it bare
well that's not exactly true, the longer the unprotected act is the easier it is to contract an std, now it is true that you can technically get an std with almost any length of time but it's still useful to distinguish between risky sex and very risky sex

what did you catch ? he was cute or masculine?
tell us more and pic if you got

*what did you catch, the std of course
why you took it up the ass ? to experiment ?


But seriously you’ll only know if do one of those panel std tests in a month and see if she gave you anything.

Damn, you guys are having sex?

might be herpes but i dont think stds show symptoms this fast

i had unprotected sex with this milf one year ago and she had candida,she gave me candida and eventually turned into balanitis,still havent been cured.

That's just an ulcer, maybe from food or something you drank. Or stress. Avoid chocolate and nuts, take lysine supplements. I have heard aloe also helps.
Herpes shows up around the lips, outside of your mouth. Next time put some effort into getting to know a nice girl


seriously ? i though an ointment and maybe antibiotic were enough

yes i tried alot of creams,antifungals still nothing i am uncircumcised so that makes it harder

Have you tried Clotrimazole? You need to keep using it for a week or two

That's too short of an Incubation period. You probably got the AIDS when you let a pack of bull queers run a Train on your anus over Christmas break.

yes man,i tried almost anything for so long even months :/ its stigma who kills me

How old are you?

Technically you could've catched herpes. But assuming that she didn't have it visible on her the chances are incredibly small. You probably have a cold

Might just be a kanker sore

Pls I wanna be in the screen cap, lord my sides

This is true lvl Sup Forums here.

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Hey little man that’s not herpes. Move on and next time let bitches suck your dick

just man the fuck up you little bitch

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