Who of these two will die first? And how?

Who of these two will die first? And how?

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I dunno who will doe first but they'll probably pop like a fuckin balloon lmao

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Both as the mutual gravitational pull rams the two of them together initiating nuclear fusion at which point the earth is consumed in a fireball

both of em

That's no station that's a fucking moon

Why do fat bitches even bother with grooming, makeup and dressing up? Do they think it suddenly makes them attractive? How can anyone get past their disgusting obesity?

The first of them to come up for air gets the harpoon.

There only chance is with a fat fetishister or those degenerate polyamory groups. I hate it that fat porn has become more common.

Does your girl have tits that big?

Hopefully they do porn first

I have a fetish of teasing a woman this thicc about her weight until shes had enough and just dominates the shit out of me

The fat one

Learn to physics nigger. They’d supernova and form a fatron star. If their black friend is close enough to get caught in the gravity well when the bell tolls, they’ll form a black hole instead.

Seriously tho, that one on the left needs to blow me before she dies. I’m a big fan of girls like that when they’re on their knees.

They’ll both die together after seeing a Dunkin Donuts rounding up all their leftover donuts at the end of the day.
They’ll both waddle at top speed towards the door and get stuck in the doorframe together, crushing their internal organs, before the entryway collapses and they die in the rubble.

sick fucks

No, because I don't have a nursing fetish.

Left from being more of a fattie than the right. Stroke I think

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They would both probably be fit as fuck if they weren't fat as fuck.


god I love roxxie and boberry

I’ll dominate you


dibs on the corpse for my next fuckdoll